Approved Literature
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lists the genre fiction which is popular on /tg/, along with a brief description and the notable area's of merit. While paragons of Fantasy and Science Fiction...
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- John Norman - Gor: A cheap knockoff of Barsoom and Conan made notable for having a lot of half baked philosophizing, skeevy BSDM stuff and a ton of fucked up ideas about gender, slavery and sex. In brief a bunch of bug aliens make a zoo full of humans to live "as nature intended" and make sure of it by incinerating anyone who attempts to develop technology or societies they don't approve of with laser beams. Which they sometimes do to whole cities just for the lulz. Also for spawning one of the original obnoxious apologist Internet subcultures, the Goreans.
- Stephanie
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aren't sexually-frustrated housewives and hormonally-addled teenage girls.
- Christopher Paolini - The Inheritance Series: A Mary Sue main character and a derivative plot. It was written when Paolini was a teenager and it shows. Every single book could stand to lose at least a third of its wordcount and there are lot of times when the plot grinds to a halt for entire chapters just for the characters to think and ramble about the most inane of topics. Less offensive than other stuff on this list since it lacks traits such as bootlick fans and an asshole author. The author also put a decent amount of effort into his worldbuilding which is more than can be said for Badkind and Smeyer. If you must, start in book two and read his cousin's story, he is a farm boy who was getting his dick wet until his betrothed is whisked away by humanoid bugs, he then murders 200 people with a hammer and deals with PTSD.
Other Recommendations
Fatguys briefly exit their basement comfort zone to recommend /tg/ romance novels.