Blue Goblin
Blues are a playable sub-race of furry, blue, psionic goblinoids from the Psionics Handbook and Expanded Psionics Handbook. They're basically Beast from X-Men, if he was the size of a gnome. Of the four non-monstrous races whose favored class is the Psion, blues are notable for being the only ones who aren't just modified humans.
Their stats from the EPH are as follows:
- -2 str, +2 int, -2 cha
- Small size
- Base land speed 30 feet
- Darkvision out to 60 feet
- Naturally psionic: 1 bonus power point at first level
- +4 to Move Silently and Ride checks
- Automatic languages: Common, Goblin
- Bonus languages: Draconic, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Orc
- Favored Class: Psion
- Level Adjustment: +1