Capellan Confederation
The Capellan Confederation is one of the five successor states of the Inner Sphere and it's designated Punching Bag which is under the defacto leadership of House Liao. It is mostly modeled after China (a mash up of Imperial and Communist) with some Russian Influence.
House Liao
The Confederation has historically been run by House Liao, and while many of the other houses have had their bad seeds before eventually getting their shit together, House Liao has stood out for starting crazy, and stayed crazy. Elias Liao had his third eye opened in Tibet, and that particular trait has followed it's way down the line, with nutcases, despots, and full-on basket cases that it's actually easier to list the not-crazy ones.
On paper the Capellan Confederation is Egalitarian and Socialist. In practice it falls short of those goals. There is a hereditary nobility which holds the political power within the centralized apparatus of the Capellan State as well as various corporations. Beyond that, the Citizens of the Capellan Confederation do benefit from a fairly comprehensive welfare state and enjoy peaceful and comfortable lives with a comparatively high standard of living and social mobility. The issue is that Citizenship in the Capellan Confederation is not something your born into and if you don't earn it (either by not doing well in school, criminality or being newly conquered), you're a Servitor. No, not that sort of Servitor (thank god) but part of an oppressed underclass who does the crap work for bare basic wages as the serfs of the nobility. The only consolation is that it is possible (if difficult) for servitors to earn citizenship and their kids have the same opportunities to earn citizenship as everyone else in the confederation.