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This is a /v/ related article, which we tolerate because it's relevant and/or popular on /tg/... or we just can't be bothered to delete it.

"Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!"
—Richter Belmont

Castlevania is a classic series platform games, where the player controls a vampire/monster hunter that fights vampires, other undead, and most everything else you can think of. Early games were infamous for the difficulty, but when the series took a turn to what people call "metroidvania" the difficulty dropped in favor of exploration, cool level design, and, somewhat rarely, Awesome story ideas. The newer games are a bit too /v/ for most of /tg/'s liking, but have a major bit of curiousity in that the fluff of the new Lords of Shadow Canon almost-ominously resembles that of a certain vampire faction from a certain tabletop wargame that /tg/ absolutely adores, so there's props to them for doing something right.

Since the series is popular, some people decided to come up with a Dungeons and Dragons style datasheets for stuff from the series.

The usual resulted.


The following are statblocks for Castlevania monsters.


Small Undead
Hit Dice: 2d12(13hp)
Speed: 20ft, Climb 20ft
AC: 17(+4 Dex, +2 Natural, +1 Size), Flatfooted 13, Touch 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +1 / -2
Attack: Slam +5 Melee (1d4+1)
Full Attack: Slam +5 Melee (1d4+1)
Face/Reach: 5ft / 5ft
Special Attacks: Venomous Spittle
Special Qualities: DR 5/Bludgeoning, Undead Traits, Spider Climb
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +0
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 19, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills: -
Feats: -
Environment: Any underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: -
[[Alignment]]: Always Neutral
Advancement: 3-6HD(small)

"A skittering sound above you makes you look up. You see a bundle of bones clinging to the wall, almost like a spider. Drops of green ichor trail down from it."

Spittlebone are the reanimated remnants of the bones of those who died by poisoning. They have a single skull and spine surrounded by a network of ribs from several bodies. They have four short limbs, apparently all hands, who end in bony fingers that let them grip wall and ceilings with ease. Their skulls constantly exude a thin, dripping ooze which is highly toxic to those who come in contact with it.


Most spittlebones prefer to lie in wait and ambush prey, dripping venom down on them from above. they are not above attacking foes directly in combat however, though their slam is relatively weak.

Venomous Spittle(Ex): Spittlebone skulls constantly produce a thin liquid poison that drips from the eye and nose sockets of the creature. This is a contact poison (DC 10) with initial and secondary 1d4 points of strength damage. They can deliver this poison in one of two ways. In melee they spin their head around, splashing the poison on all adjacent targets. Alternately they cling to a high ceiling or wall and wait for a foe to come underneath them, then they tip over and dribble poison down over their foe. Both of these are ranged touch attacks. When dripping the poison downward the range increment is 20ft. The save DC for this poison is constitution based.

Spider Climb(Sp): A Spittlebone can traverse any surface, even vertical ones, with perfect ease as though permanently affected by a Spider Climb spell. If this effect is dispelled for any reason the Spittlebone may resume it as a free action on its turn.

Venus Weed

Large Fey
Hit Dice: 18d6+90(153)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 0ft (Immobile)
AC: 21(-1 Size, +2 Dex, +10 Natural), Flatfooted 19, Touch 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +9 / +24
Attack: Briar Whip +15 melee (1d8+7 Bludgeoning and Piercing plus Blood Drain)
Full Attack: 4 Briar Whip +15 melee (1d8+7 Bludgeoning and Piercing plus Blood Drain)
Face/Reach: 5ft x 10ft / 30ft*
Special Attacks: Alluring Scent, Spell-like Abilities, Chaparral Lash, Blood Drain
Special Qualities: Passive Form, Damage Reduction 10/Cold Iron, Low Light Vision, Regeneration 5, Tremor-sense 120ft, Cold Iron Shear
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +12
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 22
Skills: Bluff +27, Concentration +26, Diplomacy +28, Sense Motive +24, Listen +22, Spot +22
Feats: Alertness, Awesome Blow, Negotiator, Improved Bullrush, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-like Ability x2(Spike Growth, Entangle)
Environment: Any Forrest
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 18
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil
Advancement: -

What appears at first glance to be simple white rose in the midst of a patch of briars sways briefly as you come closer. The rose suddenly begins to grow in size, exploding in girth as the figure of a beautiful woman with blue-white hair rises from the center of the now enormous rose. She casts a sly wink in your direction as as a flurry of thorny briars lash out at your party.

Venus Weeds are dangerous and devious fae creatures that enjoy luring humanoids to be their doom. They appear to be human or elven females rising from the center of an enormous rose, surrounded on all sides by thorny briar. Despite their appearance as plants, these creatures are Fey, and quite intelligent, and can lay surprisingly devious traps via their unique abilities.

Venus Weeds feed only on blood, and will attack just about anything that gets near them if they are hungry. If not hungry they can be quite charming and personable, but make no mistake, they have no sense of friendship or camaraderie with other creatures and will just as easily consume someone who's done them favors in the past of other food is scarce.

Occasionally, however, they will lure in a suitable subject for a dalliance to satisfy their need to reproduce. Such subjects generally do not survive the process, but certain softer-hearted Venus Weeds may keep them around as pets if they prove competent and complacent enough. Such unions cause the venus weed to expand in much the same way as human would in pregnancy, however they do not deliver a single child, but rather expel a cloud of diaphanous seeds, each of which with a the tiny figure of a female held aloft by a small, feathery seed stem. These seed children scatter to the winds, and few ever take to germination. Those who do will spend a good 5 years underground developing a network of roots(using a natural Diminish Plants effect to kill off existing vegetation) before rising up from the earth and taking their first look around. Such young Venus Weeds are often the target of those who would attempt to harvest them for guardians. (See below). They typically reach full maturity in about 15 more years, and can live for up to 200 years, though their age never shows on their beautiful, timeless faces.

Venus Weeds speak Sylvan and usually common.


Because of their vine's unique animated properties they can effectively fight at quite a range from their actual bodies, and they make use of this ability to thwart foes, Using Bull Rushes and Awesome Blows to knock adventurers back while grappling with spellcasters and ranged attackers, all the while protecting themselves with Spike Growth and Wall of Thorns.

Alluring Scent(Su): The Venus Weed's signature weapon is their beautiful and deadly fragrance. This scent can travel for a half mile or more, depending on wind conditions, and permeating a large selection of its hunting grounds. All vermin and animals with an intelligence score of 2 or less that are exposed to this scent are inexorably lured toward the source of the scent with no saving throw. All other creatures that smell it must make a Willpower save (DC 25) or become complacent and calm, suffering a -2 to all skill checks, attack and damage rolls, and to initiative rolls for 1d4 hours. Any male Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid that comes within 60ft of a Venus Weed must make an additional save, at the same DC, or become Charmed, as the spell, for one day. A creature that succeeds their save against this effect is immune to that particular Venus Weed's Alluring Scent for 24 hours. This is a Mind Affecting Effect. Creatures who do not breath are immune to this effect. The save DC is Constitution Based.

Spell-like Abilities: At will: Entangle, Detect Animals and Plants, Snare; 5/Day: Diminish Plants, Plant Growth, Spike Growth; 1/Day: Greater Magic Fang, Speak with Plants, Wall of Thorns. Caster level 20th, Save DC 16 plus Spell Level.

Chaparral Lash(Ex): A Venus Weed grows at the center of a wide network of thorny vines, woody roots, and lashing tendrils. These are a mix of the Venus Weed's body and natural plants that they have co-opted into a symbiotic relationship. In either cast, they are able to fight effectively against any creature within 30ft. They may take all normal combat options(including special attacks such as Trip, Disarm, Grapple, or Bull Rush) as if they were anywhere within 30ft of their central stalk. Attacking the Vines and plants does little as their regeneration, coupled with their Plant Growth ability can reinvigorate their surroundings, however making an attack on the vines performing a special action(like those Grappling an ally) that deals at least 10 points of damage will disrupt the attack. That damage, however, is not transferred to the Venus Weed. Only attacking the main stalk can damage a Venus Weed.

Blood Drain(Ex): The briar thorns on a Venus Weed's tendrils are hollow and drain blood from their foes. A Venus Weed deals 1 point of constitution damage from blood loss with each successful melee hit as well as each successful grapple check. On a critical hit this increases to 2 points of constitution damage.

Passive Form(Ex): A Venus Weed can assume the form of a small, simple rose to conceal themselves. They cannot see, but can still hear and use their tremorsense ability. Changing form one form to another is a move action.

Regeneration(Ex): Only fire and cold iron weapons with at least a +1 enhancement bonus deal normal damage to a Venus Weed.

Tremorsense(Ex): A Venus Weed can detect the location of any creature that is in contact with the ground within 120ft of it.

Cold Iron Shear: Young Venus Weeds, those who have established themselves and have just sprouted above ground but have not yet reached maturity, can be controlled by careful pruning like a plant, however the tools used must be made of Cold Iron. These Dwarfed Venus Weeds(see below) are generally easier to control than Wild Venus weeds, or even domesticated Venus Weeds left unchecked.

Venus Weeds have a +4 racial Bonus on Grapple Checks. This bonus in included in the stat block above.

Capturing a Venus Weed

Gathering an Adult Venus Weed from the Wild is very, very problematic. Between their offensive capabilities, not to mention their ability to charm, simply approaching them is difficult. Even then, harvesting them is amazingly difficult as their roots can extend for 50ft or more outward from their central body, and up to three times as far downward. It's generally much easier to harvest them while young.

Harvested when they have just sprouted, an Immature Venus Weed is much more tractable. (Diminutive Fey, 1d6+1 HP, Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12; AC 15 (+2 Size, +2 Dex, +1 natural) Spot +4, Listen +4, Alertness. No attacks, DR 1/Cold Iron, Spell-like Abilities: 5/Day: Entangle, Diminish Plants). In this smaller form, they usually rely on their fragrance to draw forth insects and small rodents which they feed on while establishing their Chaparral network of roots and vines. When harvested in this stage, they can be pruned back(see Cold Iron Shear) into a Dwarfed Venus Weed.

Dwarfed Venus Weed
Medium Fey
Hit points: 18d6+54 (117 hp)
AC: 21 (+3 Dex, +8 Natural)
Attack/Grapple: +9 / +18
Attack: Briar Whip +14 Melee, 1d8+5 range 10ft
Stats: Str 21, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 19
Replace Improved Bullrush and Awesome Blow with Sidestep Charge(Psionics Handbook) and Combat Reflexes

Abilities: Dwarfed Venus Weeds no longer have the Chaparral Lash Ability. Their Tremorsense is limited to 60ft. The Saves for their Alluring Scent ability is reduced to 23. Their Spell Like Abilities are caster level 15th, and the Save is 14 plus spell level.

Other than these changes, they are identical to their Wild Cousins. Dwarfed Venus Weeds, however, are generally instructed to slay anyone they cannot charm, and send their charmed charges to their doom in other traps, or to incapacitate intruders for their masters to deal with. If they have been roughly or improperly treated, however, they may be willing to aid a party in order to get revenge on their former masters... this is rare, however, as Dwarfed Venus Weeds are just as immobile as their wild counterparts and not likely risk being discovered as traitors if they cannot escape. Dwarfed Venus Weeds speak Sylvan, Common, and whatever language or dialect their masters generally speak, as well as possibly other common local languages.

The Dwarfing process, sadly, renders these Venus Weeds sterile and unable to reproduce.

Axe Armor

Large Construct
Hit Dice: 3d10+30 (45 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20ft
AC: 21 (-1 size, +0 Dex, +2 natural, +8 adamantine full plate, +2 heavy steel shield) Touch 9, FF 21
BaB/Grapple: +2/+6
Attack: +1 Large Throwing Axe +3 (ranged) or +1 Large Throwing Axe +7 (melee) or Slam +6
Damage: +1 Large Throwing Axe 1d8+6 or Slam 1d8+5
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: --
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 5/adamantine, Construct Traits
Saves: Fort +1 , Ref +1 , Will +1
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 11, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats: --
CR: 3
Alignment: Neutral

Flea Men

Small monstrous humanoid
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp)
Initiative: +11
Speed: 20ft
AC: 20 (+1 size, +7 Dex, +2 natural) Touch 19, FF 13
BaB/Grapple: +1/-3
Attack: Medium Dagger +9 (ranged) or medium dagger +9 (melee)
Damage: Dagger 1d6+1
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Sneak Attack +1d6
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Amazing Leaper, Uncanny Dodge
Saves: Fort +1 , Ref +9 , Will +2
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 25, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 8
Feats: Improved Initiative, Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Finesse, Leap Attack
Skills: Climb +5, Jump +30, Spot +2
Equipment: Medium Dagger
CR: 2
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Amazing Leader (Ex): A Flea Man has a +30 racial bonus to jump checks, and can take 10 on such checks even when distracted.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): As per the Rogue class feature.

Weapons and Items

Holy Rod

This blessed and anointed rod functions as a +1 Alchemical Silver Holy Light mace when used in combat. Additionally, it allows its wielder to Smite Evil (as a 5th level Paladin) once per day. If the wielder is a Paladin, or otherwise has a Smite Evil ability, they gain the ability to use this power one additional time per day as a 5th level Paladin or their character level, whichever is more beneficial.

Moon Rod

This weapon appears at first glance to be a heavy silver and iron rod with a moon and stars motif. It grants the wielder low light vision(or Doubles the range of their existing Low Light Vision) when held. While out of direct sunlight(at night, underground, inside large buildings, etc) the wielder of this staff can touch a series of runes(as a move action) and transform it into a +2 Heavy mace, each of its bladed fins appearing to be a crescent moon. Twice per day, while the rod is in weapon mode, the wielder of this staff can command the blades on the staff to fly out, dealing 3d8 points of slashing damage to everything in a line 30ft long and 10ft wide (reflex save DC 14 for half) before returning to the Moon Rod's Head.

Shield Rod

This simple looking iron rod functions as a +2 Defending Light Mace and grants its wielder several advantages when using a shield. While a character wields a Shield Rod, the shield bonus to armor gained from wielding a Shield(and only that from a shield, not the bonus gained from the Two Weapon Defense feat tree or other source) is increased by +1. A character wielding a Shield Rod can invoke the Shield spell with a command word twice per day. Additionally, up to three times per day as a full round action, a character can use the power of the Shield Rod to draw out the magic of any spell 4th level or lower that was used to enchant their shield, casting it as a Spell-like Ability at a caster level equal to their character level or the shield rod's caster level, whichever is higher. (For example, a 10th level Cleric with the Shield Rod and a +1 Blinding Heavy Shield of Bashing could use the shield rod to cast either the Searing Light spell(from the blinding enchantment) or the Bull's Strength spell(from the Bashing enchantment). This ability can be used on specific shield enchantments (like Bashing) as well as armor enchantments that can have been applied their shields (Such as Energy resistance).

Fist of the Tulkus

These heavy blue leather and silver gauntlets give their wielder the ability to Produce Flame, as the spell, at will as a swift action at first caster level. In the hands of non-monk, they gain the unarmed damage and flurry of blows ability of a 5th level monk. A Monk who dons these gauntlets improves his or her unarmed damage and flurry of blows ability as though they were five levels higher.

Holbein Dagger

This +2 Keen Dagger slices the air so cleanly that it leaves a crescent shaped "blade" of vacuum behind it. Attacks with the Holbein dagger can re-roll any miss chance due to concealment on, as the dagger's crescent lash may strike where the blade would not.


This +3 Alchemical Silver Bane Shapechanger Rapier is considered Keen when wielded against a Lycanthrope. Additionally, the weapon grants its wielder the following special ability: As a standard action with the Werebane you may lash out in a flurry of thrusts. As a standard action, you may make two attacks against a single opponent with the Werebane. Both attacks use the same attack roll (with a -4 penalty) to determine success and deal damage normally, however you may apply precision damage only once. If the attack roll was a critical hit, only the first attack was a critical hit, all the rest deal normal damage.

For every five points of base attack bonus you have above +6, you may add one additional thrust to this attack, to a maximum of four attacks at a base attack bonus of +16. However, each attack after the second adds a cumulative -2 penalty on the attack roll (for a total penalty of -6 for three attacks and -8 for four).

Damage reduction and other resistances apply separately against each attack.


This blade appears to be a scimitar at first glance, though its curve is much deeper and the weapon is edged along the concave of the blade. Said to be weapons of the wild Wind Dervish of the East, this weapon is more dangerous when thrown. The Shotel functions as a +1 Thrown, Returning Scimitar. When used as a thrown weapon, however, the weapon's Enhancement bonus increases to +3 and it gains the Keen special quality.

Jewel Sword

This +1 Platinum Sabre (Platinum follows the same rules as gold for Heavy Weapons, Magic of Faerun 179. It deals 1d8 points of damage and has a critical threat range of 18-20. Any character without Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Heavy Weapons) takes a -4 penalty on attacks with the Jewel Sword. They may wield the Jewel Sword in two hands to avoid this penalty.) has a heavily jewel encrusted pommel and crossguard, and a line of priceless jewels long the spine of the blade. The weapon glows with a silvery light whenever it's within 30ft of unclaimed gold, silver, or jewels(this includes hidden, buried, unattended or forgotten money, but not coinage or jewelry currently held or carried by a person). Additionally, if the Jewel sword delivers the final blow on an enemy, there's a chance it will conjure a small gemstone. There's a 20% chance that any time the Jewel Sword slays a foe that a random jewel(or jewels) will be formed from the wound. The jewels would be worth 1d4-1(chance of 0) + the creature's HD total times 10 in gold. (i.e, if it slew an ogre, a 4 HD creature, then you would roll 1d4-1(chance of -0) and add the ogre's HD total(4,) multiplying the final total by 10 to determine the price. If the roll's total was 3, then (3 + 4) x 10 = 70gp; one or more small gems whose total is 70gp will be found in the wound.) This ability can only affect creatures with 4 or more HD. Class levels do not count toward a creature's HD total for the purposes of this effect.

Stone Sword

This exceptionally heavy +3 Longsword is actually made of a polished and alchemically treated stone. It has hardness 15 (8 for Stone, +1 for Alchemical treatments, and +6 for the enhancement bonus) and 35 HP (2 HP base plus 3HP for alchemical treatments plus 30hp for Enhancement bonus). When the Stone Sword scores a critical hit, the victim must succeed a fortitude save (DC 22) or be petrified by the curse of the blade as a Flesh to Stone spell.


This powerful blade of flame was said to have been crafted by demons long ago. It functions as a +4 Inferno* Bastard Sword. Twice per day, with a command word, the wielder of Marsil can call down a Flamestrike spell, caster level 10th, centered on himself. This spell will not damage the wielder of Marsil.


Price: +3 bonus
Property: Weapon
Caster Level: 15th
Aura: Strong; (DC 22) Evocation
Activation: Standard(Command) and -
Synergy Prerequisite: Flaming Burst

This weapon's hilt is decorated with extensive flame and fire motifs in gold and brass and always feels warm to the touch

An inferno weapon functions in almost all cases as a flaming burst weapon. However, when the command word to activate the flaming effect is uttered the weapon's primary striking portion(the blade, axe head, tip, etc) transforms into a flickering sheet of white hot flame. This does not change the weapon's hardness, hit points, or weight, nor does it prevent the weapon from being sundered or disarmed. In addition to its flaming burst properties, all weapon damage dealt by an inferno weapon(the base weapon damage and its enhancement bonus, positive strength bonus, precision damage, and similar damages) is considered to be fire damage. Speaking the command word to turn off the flaming property reverts the weapon to its normal form.

An inferno weapon cannot also be enhanced with glacial or tempest.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Wall of Fire

Cost to Create: Varies


Known as "Gurthang the Bloody", this vicious weapon hungers for the life of its foes. It functions as a +2 Vampiric, Wounding Longsword. Additionally, for up to 10 rounds per day, it can allow its wielder to restore lost life as though they had Fast Healing 3, so long as they make at least one successful attack and deal damage to a living creature with a normal circulatory system(humanoid, monstrous humanoid, animal, giant, magical beast) each round with Gurthang.


Mablung, the Sword of Defense, was created by the same ancient master who devised the Shield Rods. Mablung is a +4 Defending Longsword, but otherwise has all of the same functions as a shield rod.


Mormegil the Dark is an unholy blade forged with evil intent. It is a +2 Unholy Bastard Sword in most people's hands. In the hands of an Undead, however, the blade becomes a +4 Unholy Surge Bastard Sword. All intelligent undead who hold Mormegil are considered fully proficient with it and can use it one or two handed.


This rune etched +2 Cold Iron Bastard sword howls when wielded, and can draw energy from the spirit and magical essences that animate give life to all beings. Every time this weapon strikes a foe, its wielder heals one hit point worth of damage as though with the Fast Healing ability.

Obsidian Sword

This deadly blade is carved from a massive spike of pure obsidian and imbued with dark magics. This +4 Unholy, Keen, Mighty Cleaving Greatsword is preternaturally sharp. The Obsidian Sword gains a +4 circumstance bonus to cleave attacks, and a +4 circumstance bonus the roll to confirm a critical hit. These bonuses stack.

Terminus Est

An ancient executioner's weapon, this +3 Brutal Longsword is permanently covered in a deadly poison. Every time the weapon strikes a foe, that creature must make a fortitude saving throw(DC 14) against initial and secondary 1d4 points of Constitution damage. If used in a Coup de Grace attack, the base fortitude save DC versus death is 15+damage dealt. Terminus Est can be used, when held in two hands, to perform Executions and grants a +10 competence bonus on Profession(Executioner) Checks (See Book of Vile Darkness for Execution rules).


Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Weapon
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 18) necromancy
Activation: -

This weapon is set with bronzed spines and embossed runes of battle. It feels very heavy for its size.

A Brutal weapon deals particular ferocious telling blows in combat. A brutal weapon automatically deals maximum weapon damage when a critical hit occurs. For example a Battle axe (normally a x3 critical weapon) would deal 3d8 damage on a successful critical hit. A +1 Brutal Battle axe would deal 27 damage on a successful critical hit just as though you had rolled the maximum value on each of the dice(3d8+3 maximized for 27). This enhancement cannot be added to any weapon that already has a critical enhancing effect (such as keen, impact, cruel, or savage.)

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Slay Living or Circle of Death

Cost to Create: Varies

Heaven Sword

These +4 Thrown, Returning Longswords of Distance are always crafted in pairs, though not always found together. Anyone who acquires a matched pair of Heaven Swords may utilize their special ability. As a standard action at will they can hurl both blades at once while speaking a command word, duplicating the effects of a Twinned Whirling Blade spell. The Heaven Swords will return to their wielder after this attack as if they had been thrown normally.

Red Rust

This dull and rusted falchion's blade is bright red with vivid rust, though it never seems to degrade further or fall apart. While it seems to function for tests as a Masterwork Falchion, when wielded in combat it becomes a -1 Cursespewing Falchion. While some will be tempted to continue using it for its unique abilities, beware, for its curse is not restricted to those whom it strikes. There is 10% chance that a player will lose their action when wielding Red Rust as though they were affected by Bestow Curse. Also, on a roll of a natural 1, a character wielding Red Rust automatically strikes himself.

Claimh Solais

A weapon crafted for the explicit purpose of destroying evil and impurity, this +4 Large Alchemical Silver, Axiomatic, Holy Greatsword is considered medium size for the effects of wielding it. Its unique cross-shaped blade also allows it to function as a Holy Symbol.


Masterwork Bastard Sword Masamune lowers your AC by ten. Every time you slay an enemy while wielding Masamune, roll 1d10. On a 10, Masamune gains an additional +1 enhancement bonus.

In addition, you gain the Flurry of Blows class feature of a 14th level Monk, but this Flurry can only be used while wielding Masamune two-handed.


Price: +3 Bonus
Property: Weapon
Caster Level: 15th
Aura: Strong; (DC 22) Evocation
Activation: Standard(Command) and -
Synergy Prerequisite: Icy Burst

This weapon's hilt is enameled in white and blue with many crystals on dangling silvery-white chains and feels icy cold to the touch

A glacial weapon functions in almost all cases as an icy burst weapon. However, when the command word to activate the frost effect is uttered the weapon's primary striking portion(the blade, axe head, tip, etc) transforms into a flickering sheet of crystalline cold. This does not change the weapon's hardness, hit points, or weight, nor does it prevent the weapon from being sundered or disarmed. In addition to its Icy Burst properties, all weapon damage dealt by a glacial weapon(the base weapon damage and its enhancement bonus, positive strength bonus, precision damage, and similar damages) is considered to be cold damage. Speaking the command word to turn off the frost property reverts the weapon to its normal form.

A glacial weapon cannot also be enhanced with inferno or tempest

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Wall of Ice

Cost to Create: Varies


Price: +3 Bonus
Property: Weapon
Caster Level: 15th
Aura: Strong; (DC 22) Evocation
Activation: Standard(Command) and -
Synergy Prerequisite: Shocking Burst

This weapon has lightning jags in gold and copper across its form and hums with power when picked up.

A tempest weapon functions in almost all cases as an shocking burst weapon. However, when the command word to activate the shock effect is uttered the weapon's primary striking portion(the blade, axe head, tip, etc) transforms into a flickering sheet of arcing lightning. This does not change the weapon's hardness, hit points, or weight, nor does it prevent the weapon from being sundered or disarmed. In addition to its shocking burst properties, all weapon damage dealt by a tempest weapon(the base weapon damage and its enhancement bonus, positive strength bonus, precision damage, and similar damages) is considered to be Electricity damage. Speaking the command word to turn off the shock property reverts the weapon to its normal form.

A tempest weapon cannot also be enhanced with inferno or glacial.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Lightning Bolt

Cost to Create:Varies


Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Weapon
Caster Level: 12th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 21)Necromancy
Activation: -

This weapon is enameled in brilliant red that makes it look as though it is covered in fresh blood. A trio of large spikes jut from its pommel.

A Cruel weapon deals telling blows in combat with grim efficiency. All critical threats are considered automatic successes(meaning that every threat is an automatic critical hit). This enhancement cannot be added to any weapon that already has a critical enhancing effect(such as keen, impact, Savage, or brutal) and does not stack with feats or class abilities that improve critical hits such as Improved Critical, though a character can use the more advantageous ability on a given attack roll.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Slay Living or Circle of Death

Cost to Create: Varies


Price: +1
Property: Weapon
Caster Level: 12th
Aura: Strong, (DC 21)necromancy
Activation: -

This black, rune-glyphed weapon is covered with jagged edges and sharp spikes. It seems eager for battle.

A Savage weapon deals a much more dangerous strike when a telling blow occurs. The critical multiplier for weapons with a x2 multiplier increase to x3, the multiplier for a x3 weapon increases to x5, and the critical multiplier for a x4 or higher weapon increases to x7. This enhancement cannot be added to any weapon that already has a critical enhancing effect(such as keen, impact, Savage, or brutal) and does not stack with feats or class abilities that improve critical hits such as Improved Critical, though a character can use the more advantageous ability on a given attack roll.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Slay Living or Circle of Death

Cost to Create: Varies

Soul Blades

Soul Blades are a name for spirit with a dual nature, very like ghosts, who dwell on the ethereal plane, but manifest on the material plane in the guise of an animated physical weapon. Soul blades are related to poltergeist phenomena in that they are not a single spirit. Rather they occur whenever a a large number of creatures of the same race, or with the same purpose, have died in a certain area. The trailing wisps of spiritual energy that once bound their soul join together to form a Veilegeist, a Spirit made of many undead spirits. While the Template specifies using a single creature as the "base" creature, understand that Soul Blades are composed of the undead energy of thousands of creatures, the "base creature" was simply the most dominant bit of soul present.

Creating a Soul Blade

Soul Blade is an inherited template which can can that can be added to any fae, giant, humanoid, or monstrous humanoid. A Soul Blade uses the base creatures statistics except as noted here.

Size and Type

The creature's type changes to Undead. Do not recalculate Hit Dice, base attack bonus, or saves. Size is unchanged.


Soul Blades are ethereal creature, even when they incarnate. They have a fly speed of 30ft with perfect maneuverability.

Armor Class

Soul Blades are Ethereal Creatures. On the Ethereal plane they have a Deflection Bonus to Armor Class equal to their Charisma Bonus(minimum of +1). See their Incarnate ability below for more information about Soul Blades on the Material Plane.


As Base Creature

Special Attacks

As base Creature.

Special Qualities

A Soul Blade retains the Special Abilities of the base class and gains the following Abilities.

Incarnate(Su): Soul Blades normally exist on the Ethereal Plane, much like ghosts. As a Standard Action they can Incarnate, taking a semi-physical form of a ghostly, immaterial humanoid figure wielding a large, physical weapon. Their body is immaterial to anything which does not affect ethereal creatures and weapons and spells both pass through it without harm. Their weapon, while physical, is actually an extension of their body. Attacking the weapon is like attacking the creature itself, and the weapon has an Armor Class equal to the Base Creature(with a size modifier as if two sizes smaller than the base creature). Damaging the weapon is like dealing damage to any other creature, not an object. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity for attacking the weapon as you would with a sunder attempt. A Soul Blade in Incarnated form cannot be disarmed, and cannot be tripped or grappled by creatures not on the ethereal plane.

The weapon that forms when a Soul Blade incarnates is empowered by their spiritual essence. It assumes the form of a single magical weapon of the type and abilities of the Soul Blade's choice, though it always forms with the same powers. Once a power has been applied to the Blade, it cannot be changed. The weapon's total market price bonus cannot exceed one half the Soul Blades hit dice total(rounding down), and its Enhancement bonus to attack and damage cannot exceed their Hit Dice total divided by four, rounding down(minimum of +1).

When Incarnated a Soul Blade attacks with its weapon as though it were wielded by a creature of the Base Creature's size and abilities, including strength. The attack is physical, but can strike incorporeal creatures as though always enhanced with the Ghost Touch special quality, regardless of enhancement bonus.

Rejuvenation(Su): A Soul Blade cannot be disposed of merely by destroying its physical, or even ethereal, form. A Soul Blade that is destroyed will reform in 2d4 days, returning automatically to the location it was created at. The only way to permanently set a Soul Blade to rest is to fully placate the Veilegeist, the multitude of pained spirits that give it power.

Veilegeist: Soul Blades are made up of the combined spiritual energy and the emotional suffering and pain of hundreds, or even thousands, of dead beings. This emotional energy is powerful, but unstable. Creatures may attempt to bargain or reason with, or placate the Veilegeist with a diplomacy check. The Soul Blade's initial reaction is Hostile to most creatures, depending on the nature of the Veilegeist.

During each round of combat there is a 5% chance that some aspect of their opponents will remind some component of the spirits that make up the Soul Blade of their past life. In such a situation the Soul Blade will take no offensive action, as though dazed, though it will still defend itself. If a Diplomacy check is made to influence the Soul Blade during such a round it gains a +4 bonus.

Setting a Soul Blade to rest requires discovering what is still driving the spirits to prowl the mortal realm. Some Veilegeist are made up of the victims of wars, soldiers and innocents alike slain by greed and a lust for power. Such spirits may seek vengeance on the powers that killed them, or on those who emulate them, or they may seek to protect others from suffering a similar fate. Still other Soul Blade are the result of the deaths of guardians of some great purpose. More than one city or castle has a ghostly, patrolling Soul Blade which still stands guard over its masters demesne, even if its master has long since passed away.

Hardness(Ex): The weapon that a Soul Blade Incarnates as has a hardness score of 10 plus 2 points per +1 enhancement bonus.

Spell Resistance(Su): Soul Blades have a spell resistance equal to 15 plus Hit Dice.


Str +4 , Dex +4, Con -, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +2


As a creature with the Augmented Subtype, it retains the features(and thus skill points per HD) of the base creature. Do not include Hit Dice from class levels in this calculation. Treat skills from the base creature痴 list as class skills, and other skills as cross-class.

Challenge Rating

As Base Creature +2

Level Adjustment

- (as in, Not a chance)

Sample: Hunting Girl

Soul Blade Elven Ranger 4
Medium Undead(Augmented Elf)
Hit Dice: 4d8 (18hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30ft (Fly 30ft, Perfect)
AC: 22 (+2 Size*, +5 Dex, +1 Deflection), Flatfooted 13, Touch 22
Base Attack/Grapple: +4 / +8
Attack: +11 Rapier (1d8+5 plus Bane Humanoid[Shapechanger])
Full Attack: +11 Rapier (1d8+5 plus Bane Humanoid[Shapechanger])
Face/Reach: 5ft / 5ft
Special Attacks: Favored Enemy(Shapechanger), Spells
Special Qualities: Combat Style, Elven Traits, Hardness 12, Incarnate, Rejuvenation, SR 19, Undead Traits, Veilegeist, Wild Empathy
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +2
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 20, Con -, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12
Skills: Handle Animal +8, Hide +12, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge(Nature) +8, Listen +8, Search +8, Spot +8
Feats: Endurance (B), Improved Initiative, Track(B), Weapon Finesse.
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: None
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Advancement: By Character Class

You see an ornate silver rapier hovering in the air in front of you, surrounded by the wispy outline of a nude female. As you approach, the blade springs to attention, wielded by the steady hand of the ghostly figure in front of you.

The Hunting Girl, as such spirits are called, are the spiritual essence of the tortured innocents slain by evil were creatures, often mixed with the emotional energy of those who hunt such evil beasts and failed. While they do not always appear as women, the spirit which commands this Soul Blade is female. The Hunting Girl seeks to slay were-beasts of all ilk, and her unique Soul Blade manifests as a form of spiritual silver, rather than steel, to combat their damage reduction. The Hunting Girl, if startled or confronted by any living creature will seek to defend itself, especially against unnatural creatures such as undead and those with the tint of evil. The Hunting Girl can, however, be reasoned with if treated with dignity and respect.

The Hunting Girl speaks Elven, Common, and Sylvan.


The Hunting Girl, if confronted by by were creatures of any ilk, will almost move to attack, and will strike with great hatred. Otherwise the Hunting Girl singles out the most likely looking target and flies down to strike. The Hunting girls spellcasting is weak, but it usually uses Summon Nature's Ally I to call forth enormous blue ravens (treat as a Hawk).

Favored Enemy Humanoid(Shapechanger)(Ex): The Hunting Girl gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against humanoids with the Shapechanger subtype. Likewise, it gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.

Spells: The Hunting girl casts spells as a fourth level ranger. It knows one first level spell per day, and usually prepares Summon Nature's Ally I.

Combat Style(Ex): The Hunting girl has chosen the Two-weapon Fighting Style, but does not use a second weapon.

Incarnate(Su): The Hunting Girl is an ethereal creature, but it incarnates on the Material Plane as a +1 Alchemical Silver Bane(Humanoid[Shapechanger]) Rapier.

Rejuvenation(Su): If slain or destroyed, either on the Material or Ethereal plane, The Hunting Girl reforms in 2d4 days. Attempts to put the spirit to rest have all failed, and it's likely that The Hunting Girl will only ever reach true peace if all Were-creatures are destroyed.

Veilegeist: The Hunting Girls Ideologist shows a strong empathy for elven characters, and any elven character who attempts a diplomacy check against it gains a +4 bonus. Comparatively, it seems to fear and distrust undead creature, and such beings suffer a -8 penalty to diplomacy checks to influence the Veilegeist. Even though the Hunting Girl is hostile to most creatures, it will not usually attack unless provoked.

Armor Lord

Large Undead
Hit Dice: 20d12 (130hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20ft
AC: 33(-1 size, +20 Natural, +4 Shield*), Flatfooted 33, Touch 9
Base Attack/Grapple: +10 / +24
Attack: +20 Mwk Bastard Sword (2d6+10)
Full Attack: +20/+15 Mwk Bastard Sword (2d6+10)
Face/Reach: 10ft / 10ft
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Blindsight 60ft, DR 15/Bludgeoning and Adamantine, Low Light Vision, Force Shield, Turn Immunity, Undead Traits
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +12
Abilities: Str 30, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: -
Feats: Power Attack(B)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: Gear(Large masterwork Bastard Sword)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Advancement: -

"You see what appears to be a large suit of armor, holding a massive blade, blocking your path. Runes of binding are etched into the blue-enameled steel and flare to life as the armor begins a menacing advance on your position."

Armor Lords undead crafted from the spectral remains of knights who died in service to their master. Their souls are collected and bound to an immense suit of armor, animating it as a defender. These soulbound suits of armor are the perfect guards for sensitive areas. They cannot be reasoned with, placated, deceived, or easily destroyed. They have no intelligence to speak of, and can follow only simple orders.


If threatened, most Armor Lords will use their Force Shield ability first to gauge the power of their attackers before moving to strike the most dangerous down first. They are methodical, and once they have chosen a target only that target's destruction will stay their hand as long as they can reach it.

Blindsight(Ex): An Armor Lord's preternatural sense allows it to maneuver and fight without benefit of its visual senses. Invisibility and darkness don't affect their attack rolls, and they don't need to make spot or listen checks to notice any corporeal creature within the range of their blindsight.

Force Shield(Su): At will as a swift action an Armor Lord can manifest a 10ft diameter translucent Wall of Force attached to their left arm. They may use this as a Tower Shield for all purposes, including using it for cover, but it has no maximum dexterity bonus, no armor check penalty, and no arcane spell failure chance. This shield is immune to all forms of attack except for the following: Disintegrate or Mordenkainen's Disjunction will both destroy the shield. It can, however, be restored as a swift action on the Armor Lords next turn.

Turn Immunity(Su): An Armor Lord's binding magic is extremely powerful. It cannot be turned by a cleric with fewer levels than it has HD.

Creating an Armor Lord

Armor Lords are created by binding the spirits of the dead to a suit of armor. In order to create an armor lord you need a large suit of masterwork platemail (1,150gp), a Large Masterwork Bastard Sword (370gp), and the bodies of at least 10 humanoids whose souls will be co-mingled into the Armor Lord, and a number of Onyx gemstones worth 1,000gp

Creating an Armor Lord requires a 20th level spellcaster with the spells Create Greater Undead, Wish/Miracle, Wall of Force and costs 7,000xp.

Guardian Lord

Rumors of a more powerful Armor Lord, known as an Armor Guardian or Guardian Lord, circulate among the whispered rumors of necromantic circles. Guardian Lords are said to be twice as powerful as Armor Lords (40 HD, BAB +20, 60 Str, 260hp) with enchanted blades (large +5 Vorpal Bastard Sword: +49 melee; 2d6+30 19-20, x2 and vorpal) great defense (Immune to Fire, Cold, and Lighting, DR 20/Adamantine and Bludgeoning and Magic, SR 55) and the ability to create towering infernos at will (Spell-like Ability: At will: Wall of Fire [Caster level 40th])