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There are several types of changelings
Types of changelings
Folklore Changelings
Being folklore there are many variations, but they all boil down to the same thing. A fairie kidnaps a child and replaces it with something known as a changeling. What the changeling is, how it behaves, how long your stuck with it, and how you get rid of it sooner than that, depends on the version. In some versions its the fairie's offspring, in others its a piece of wood with glamor on it. Sometimes to get rid of it you throw it in the oven, other times you be abusive to it and the faerie switches the children again because you arn't taking good care of it's child. In Ireland it was common to dress up boys as girls up to the age of 12 or 13 because their fairies had a preference of kidnapping boys, things like iron scissors would often be left where the child sleeps to ward off the fairy.
Dungeons & Dragons Changelings
Changelings are a race introduced in the Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 campaign setting, Eberron as humanoids with a hint of doppleganger in their ancestry which gives them limited shapeshifting abilities. In their debuting edition this takes the form of their supernatural signature racial feature is A Thousand Faces Minor Change Shape, which is based of disguise self, but is not an illusion.
My Little Pony Changelings
Shapeshifters that feed on love. In their natural forms changelings have gaunt bodies covered in holes and are equipped with insect like wings and a horn. After their debut, the fans decided that when ever a pony was animated wrong (and it happens quite alot [1]), or was acting in a manor that goes against the fanon, it is actually a changeling.