Action Dramatic
Action Dramatic is a homebrew system which hopes to emulate the cinematic style of action movies from swords-and-sorcery (Conan) to kung-fu flicks (Kill Bill, House of Flying Daggers) to spy films (007), to the future (Blade Runner, Equilibrium, Matrix). Action Dramatic, or AD, is based off the following principles:
One Dice Roll
Wherever possible, simplify actions down to a statistical similar roll. By reducing the number of die rolls, the action speeds up and a battle which took 12 seconds in-game doesn't take 2 hours to play in real life. Speeding up gameplay is almost always a good thing: it gets the players more involved in the game, it keeps the right tone (battle for life and limb not a plodding and extremely complicated war game), and it allows more to get done in the game in the same amount of real life time.
Define the properties of in-game objects and how they interact. "Hardcoding" leads to more "hardcoding" which leads to a game which is both more complicated and slower. As an example, all action films have both mooks (those nameless thugs that get beaten up by the dozens or hundreds) and villians (named characters who are usually as good, if not better, then the protagonist). We could either define two classes of enemies, the mook and the villian, giving those classes different rules, or we could just define a person class which can vary between being very strong (villian) and very weak (mook). Doing the first choice is probably easier than the second, but what happens when we want to add lieutenants (henchmen of the villian who are stronger then normal mooks)? We would have to add in a henchmen class with the first choice but with the second we already have the lieutenant possibility so there's no need for creating new rules and content.
The purpose of Action Dramatic is to create a story and have fun doing it. Together, the GM and players create a story in the style of a movie action flick. This isn't a tactical combat simulator, a turn-based strategy game, or a realistic war game. We don't care about balance except where it impacts the story and how much fun the players are having. We care about realism as far as the players willing suspension of disbelief can be stretched. If anything interferes with making a fun story, than it should be edited if it can be saved or cut if it can't be.
Rules (as much as they are)
Right now, the way to resolve actions is by using 1d6-1d6 i.e. roll 2d6 with one being a positive die and one being a negative die and representing each with different colored die. Now, one way of doing this is to simply add the negative and positive dice like so this:
Jack Burton needs to make a strength check. He rolls a 4 on the blue (positive) die and a 5 on the red (negative) die. 4 + -5 = -1. So his result is his base strength - 1 (plus other mods)
However, this requires two arithmetic operations and thus slows down the game needlessly. A statistically similar system is to roll 2d6s (one positive and one negative) and add the lower roll, with ties being 0. Using the previous example:
Jack Burton now needs to make a constitution check. He rolls a 3 on the blue (positive) die and a 6 on the red (negative) die. 3 < 6, so his result is his base constitution + 3
Now, there are a number of advantages of using this system over others. First, is that the results are non-linear e.g. +/- 6 is a lot rarer than 0. In other words, results both tend towards average results and have smaller standard deviation. Very good results and very bad results are both rare (and should be treasured or cursed, respectively). Second, everything is zero-centered. D&D, for example, is 10-centered. The advantage of having everything zero-centered is that there is no modifications to an opposed roll. For example, in D&D an attack bonus of +5 is equivalent to an AC of 15 while in this system an attack bonus of +5 is equivalent to a defense bonus of +5. Which leads to the next advantage: eventually, this system should accommodate different degrees of variance. For example, Poker is a game with much more variance than Chess, but most games which simulate a Poker game and a Chess game in a fundamentally similar way, changing only which skill and/or stat applied. In this system, Chess could use a 2d4, 2d3, or even just a 2d2 while Poker could use a 2d6 or 2d8. Finally, the only thing that needs to be done with a roll is a simple comparison and arithmetic using relatively small numbers. This means that the time between rolling and finding out what the results are is reduced in comparison to, say, d20 or a d6 dice pool.
Action Resolution
At it's most basic, to resolve an action, you roll the die, and add the result to the skill or stat. If the result is high enough, you succeed. If not, you fail.
Of course, there's more to it than that. First, the degree of success could be important (as it is when damaging an opponent in combat). In this case, then the difference between the check number and your result becomes the degree of success. [Bit duh. Flesh out further. Might want to make it not go on a one-to-one basis and certain skills might have a higher amount to increase threshold of result]
[For now, the attributes are Body (BOD), Mind (MND), and Willpower (POW). Body is used for most physical actions, Mind for mental actions, and Willpower is used to resist control, taunting, and doing heroic stuff like ignoring wounds that would normally kill a man]
[There might also be secondary attributes that describe the character but are non-random, something like size or base run speed. Of course, these could also be just derived stats.]
Attributes increase during gameplay. Each attributes has a track which is filled up by the increase in skills. When this track is filled up, then the attribute in question is increased by 1 and the track resets to zero.
Attributes are added to skills to determine the base rating. For example to run faster than normal, you would use BOD/Athletics.
Skills have 5 ranks: Amateur Novice Trained Professional Legendary
and a special rank of Untrained for a skill which the player character has no experience in.
Each rank (beyond Untrained) adds +1 per rank to the skill check in question. For example, someone who is Trained(+3) in Kung Fu with a BOD of 6 would have a BOD/Kung Fu of 9.
In addition, all tasks have a rank associated with them and if the character's rank exceeds the task's rank by 2, then the PC automatically succeeds with no need for a roll. In any case where the degree of success is important, the character still rolls but any result which indicates a failure instead indicates the smallest degree of success.