Codex - Harlequins: /tg/'s 8th Edition
This Codex was made to spice up the Harlequins by adding some units only seen in the lore. All the rules in this page are meant to be used alongside the normal Harlequins Codex. If a rule isn't explained, look it up on the Codex.
Here you can find extra rules for additional powerful Masques, alongside sceneries for campaigns and special missions. WIP
Army Rules
Detachment Rules
Defenders of the Black Library: Though they fight with incredible fluidity and rarely seek territorial gain, the Harlequins guard well that which is sacred to them.
- If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops units in HARLEQUINS Detachments gain this ability. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) controls that objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of it. If an enemy unit has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range as normal.
Masque Forms: Each masque has its own esoteric specialisms, its own method of performance that renders its saedath unique.
- If your army is Battle-forged, all units in a HARLEQUINS Detachment gain a Masque Form, so long as every unit in that Detachment is from the same masque. The Masque Form gained depends upon the masque they are drawn from, as shown in the table on the right. For example, all units in a MIDNIGHT SORROW Detachment gain the Art of Death form.
Masque Forms
- Dreaming Shadow- Sombre Sentinels: The Harlequins of the Dreaming Shadow are steeped in the grotesque and the ghastly; their only fear is that their eternal watch might falter or fail.
- When a unit with this form fails a Morale test, only one model from this unit must flee. In addition, each time a model with this form is slain or flees, roll a D6 before removing that model: on a 4+, that model can either shoot with one of its ranged weapons as if it were the Shooting phase, or make a single attack as if it were the Fight phase.
- Frozen Stars- Hysterical Fury: The Masque of Frozen Stars fight with frenetic glee, slaying in a mirthful frenzy that is terrifying to behold.
- If a unit with this form charges in the Charge phase, add 1 to their Attacks characteristic until the end of the ensuing Fight phase.
- Midnight Sorrow- The Art of Death: The warrior acrobats of the Midnight Sorrow move with exceptional purpose and singular dedication upon the field of battle.
- Units with this form can move an additional D6" when they Fall Back. In addition, units with this form can consolidate up to 6".
- Silent Shroud- Dance of Nightmares Made Flesh: To fight the Silent Shroud is to do battle with your own worst fears, magnified into a silent storm that smothers sanity and suffocates rational thought until all that remains is animalistic terror.
- Subtract 1 from the Leadership characteristic of enemy units while they are within 6" of any units from your army with this form. In addition, whenever your opponent takes a Morale test for a unit that is within 6" of any units from your army with this form, they must roll two dice and discard the lowest result.
- Soaring Spite- Serpent’s Brood: The Masque of the Soaring Spite wage war in an almost exclusively airborne fashion, striking from the skies without warning.
- Models with this form that can FLY, or that are embarked upon a TRANSPORT that can FLY, treat all Pistol weapons they are equipped with as Assault 1 weapons during a turn in which they (or the transport they are embarked upon) Advanced. In addition, these models do not suffer the penalty to their hit rolls for shooting Assault weapons during a turn in which they Advanced.
- Veiled Path- Riddle-smiths: Harlequins of the Masque of the Veiled Path are tricksters without peer, and to meet them in battle is to encounter hallucination and misdirection from every quarter.
- At the start of each Fight phase roll two dice and discard the highest result. Until the end of the phase, each time your opponent targets a unit with this form and makes a hit roll that, before modifiers, exactly matches your dice result, that hit roll fails.
Custom Masque Forms
If your chosen Masque does not have an associated Masque Form in Codex - Harlequins: /tg/'s 8th Edition, you can create its Masque Form by selecting two different rules from the following list: