19 Astartes Organs
The organs
Secondary Heart: A backup if the first is damaged. Increases blood and oxygen flow.
Ossmodula: Dishes out hormones to make bones bigger and more solid. Helps fuse the marine's rib cage together. Kind of like vitamin D with your calcium.
Biscopea: Makes muscles and improves bodies acceptance to future implants.
Haemastamen: Increases hemoglobin in the circulatory system. More oxygen.
Larraman's Organ: Creates Larraman's cells, which are released when the marine starts to bleed. These cells flow to an open wound and create a clot almost immediately.
Catalepsean Node (One of my favorites): Allows a marine to go for days even weeks without sleep. The node shuts down parts of the brain for a period of time and then wakes those parts up. Then the node shuts down a different part of the brain. etc. etc. Allowing the marine to be half awake at all times.
Preomnor: A stomach before the stomach. This organ can detect and neutralize poisons by isolating itself from the rest of the digestive tract.
Omophagea: Allows a marine to learn from what he eats. Reads consumed genetic material in the form of memories.
Multi-lung: Used in low oxygen environments (vacuum of space or underwater) allowing a marine to hold his breath for a long time. Or in a toxic environment, dispersing the poisons.