Combat Patrol Boxes
Combat Patrol Boxes are GW's replacement for the Start Collecting! boxes for 40K. They are more expensive but contain more units, and at least in theory contain everything you need for a 500pt army.
The boxes themselves
Name | Contents | Savings (compared to the kits sold separately) | Deal? | Notes | Image |
Adepta Sororitas | 1 Canoness, 1 Rhino, 1 Repentia Superior, 1 Penitent Engine, 3 Arco-flagellants, 4 Sisters Repentia, 5 Seraphim, 10 Battle Sisters | $$$ | ??? | All models except for the Rhino are monopose. Sisters players, please share your opinions here. | [Image goes here] |
Adeptus Mechanicus | 1 Tech-Priest Enginseer, 10 Skitarii Rangers/Vanguard, 3 Kataphron Breachers/Destroyers, 1 Onager Dunecrawler | $$$ | ??? | AdMech players, please share your opinions here. | [Image goes here] |
Blood Angels | 1 Primaris Librarian, 1 Impulsor, 5 Intercessors, 5 Incursors, 3 Aggressors, 2 Blood Angels upgrade sprues | $$$ | Good | The Blood Angels' take on the Combat Patrol is actually a decent showing! While the Impulsor and Aggressors have been nerfed, they're still solid units. While the split between Incursors and Intercessors is odd, they're both solid units. the Intercessors are better shooters while the Incursors (who can also be built as the supportive Infiltrators) are better jacks of all trades units that deny cover and can decently get to objectives, while not entirely sucking in melee. | [Image goes here] |
Dark Angels | 1 Primaris Chaplain, 3 Inceptors, 1 Redemptor Dreadnought, 5 Intercessors, 2 Dark Angels upgrade sprues | $$$ | ??? | Dark Angels players, please share your opinions here. | [Image goes here] |
Death Guard | 1 Typhus, 1 Biologus Putrifier, 7 Plague Marines, 30 Poxwalkers | $$$ | Good | Okay, WOW. The Death Guard Combat Patrol goes HARD on Poxwalkers, when they probably could have used a bit less of those. Plague Marines are still a core to a Death Guard army, Typhus got BUFFED, and the Biologis Putrifier is still a potent grenadier. They could have cooled it on the Poxwalkers, though. | [Image goes here] |
Deathwatch | 1 Primaris Lieutenant, 1 Primaris Apothecary, 10 Intercessors, 3 Aggressors, 2 Deathwatch upgrade sprues | $$$ | Good | While Aggressors are nowhere near as good as they once were, they're still sturdy enough option for a person's first Deathwatch Army. Intercessors remain an ever great option for the Deathwatch, Apothecaries only got better and the Lieutenant isn't the worst but doesn't synergize with the rest of the ranged forces. | [Image goes here] |
Drukhari | 1 Archon, 10 Kabalite Warriors, 5 Incubi, 1 Ravager, 1 Raider | $$$ | ??? | Dark Eldar players, please share your opinions here. | [Image goes here] |
Grey Knights | 1 Terminator Librarian, 5-men Strike/Interceptor/Purifier/Purgation Squad, 5 Terminators/Paladins, 1 Nemesis Dreadknight | ??? | ??? | Grey Knights players, please share your opinions here. | [Image goes here] |
Orks | 1 Warboss in Mega Armour, 20 Boyz, 3 Deffkoptas, 1 Deff Dread | ??? | ??? | Prayz Mork da deffkoptas not pewtah. (They're new plastic molds, don't worry) | [Image goes here] |
Necrons | 1 Necron Overlord, 10 Necron Deathmarks/Immortals, 3 Tomb Blades, 1 Doom Scythe/Night Scythe | $$$ | ??? | Necron players, please share your opinions here. | [Image goes here] |
Space Marines | 1 Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos Armour, 10 Infiltrators, 3 Suppressors, 3 Eliminators, 1 Impulsor | $$$ | ??? | Primaris marines are the default now, it seems. Marine players, please share your opinions here. | [Image goes here] |
Space Wolves | 1 Primaris Wolf Guard Battle Leader (axe and carbine), 5 Reivers/Hounds of Morkai, 10 Intercessors, 1 Invictor Warsuit, 2 Space Wolves upgrade sprues | $$$ | Goood | Intercessors and Invictors are good workhorses for any Marine army, much less one as versatile as the Space Wolves, the Hounds of Morkai aren't that good (and neither are their base unit) but they could be worse. A Primaris Lieutenant with a power weapon and bolter is rare, so this can be nifty. | [Image goes here] |
Thousand Sons | 1 Infernal Master, 5 Scarab Occult Terminators, 20 Tzaangors | $$ | Bad | Perhaps the first notably bad deal, this box is almost the same thing you get from Hexfire except with extra Tzaangors and notably no Rubric Marines. Since Tzaangors are not <Core> and are limited by the amount of rubric units you field, it seems almost baffling to include this many in an army dedicated to sorcery or dust-filled automatons. If you are already dedicated to the Thousand Sons, have purchased the Start Collecting box years ago, or already pre-ordered Hexfire, then this box will just be redundant. | [Image goes here] |