Combat Patrol Boxes

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Combat Patrol Boxes are GW's replacement for the Start Collecting! boxes for 40K. They are more expensive but contain more units, and at least in theory contain everything you need for a 500pt army.

For the Age of Sigmar equivalent, see Vanguard Boxes.

The Boxes Themselves

Name Contents Savings (compared to the kits sold separately) Deal? Notes Image
Adepta Sororitas 1 Canoness, 1 Rhino, 1 Repentia Superior, 1 Penitent Engine, 3 Arco-flagellants, 4 Sisters Repentia, 5 Seraphim, 10 Battle Sisters $$$ ??? All models except for the Rhino are monopose. This is in many ways a remake of the 2019 Sisters of Battle Army Set, there first set and first models in plastic in years, which may go to explain why they are monopose. Sisters players, please share your opinions here.
Adeptus Custodes 5 Custodian Guards, 10 Sisters of Silence, 3 Vertus Praetors $$$ ??? Custodes players, please share your opinions here.
Adeptus Mechanicus 1 Tech-Priest Enginseer, 10 Skitarii Rangers/Vanguard, 3 Kataphron Breachers/Destroyers, 1 Onager Dunecrawler Kit: 85/140/170 (GBP/USD/CAD) vs. 107/177/215 (GBP/USD/CAD, not including the Enginseer!) ??? It's a big reshuffle of AdMech units that's honestly all over the place, since a lot of these units have differing synergies; if you want to "Start Collecting," it's not a terrible choice, but if you're using this as the starting-point for an army, you're going to want to have a plan ahead for how you'll use the models, especially since the Armies of Renown that buffs the Kataphrons or Skitarii block each other out.
  • Kataphrons have that sweet toughness 5, and carry a lot of firepower for troops, but lack support since they're SERVITORS and do not have the CORE keyword; they're also a fire magnet, so for larger games, you will need to buy more Kataphrons, as otherwise, those 3 Kataphrons are going to be dead turn 1.
  • The Skitarii and the Onager are 2/3 of the original Start Collecting Kit, which was really good value for its price in the pre-price-hikes, but its value was being able to buy 2, or even 3, of those boxes and having a very potent 8E anvil. Nowadays in 9E, the Onager isn't your only option for heavy weapons anymore. If these guys are all you want, buy them individually.
  • The enginseer seems to be thrown in as an after-thought to make the box seem better by giving you an overinflated HQ option that would have otherwise costed you 20/30/33 in pounds/dollars, but is pretty much outclassed by any other HQ option you could take; in fact, taking a Dominus or Manipulus lets you take the Enginseer without needing to spend another HQ slot. You could try converting the Enginseer into a Skitarii Marshall with the extra Skitarii bits, though.
Aeldari 1 Farseer, 10 Defender/Storm Guardians, 6 Windriders, 1 Wraithguard ??? ??? Eldar players, please share your opinions here. Not yet
Black Templars 1 Black Templars Marshal, 5 Intercessors, 10-men Primaris Crusader Squad (4 Neophytes, 5 Initiates and a Sword Brother), 1 Impulsor, 1 Black Templars upgrades set $$$ Good Very similar to the Army Set, ditching the Dreadnought and the Emperor's Champion for some Intercessors, a transport for them and an upgrade sprue.
Blood Angels 1 Primaris Librarian, 1 Impulsor, 5 Intercessors, 5 Incursors, 3 Aggressors, 2 Blood Angels upgrade sprues $$$ Good The Blood Angels' take on the Combat Patrol is actually a decent showing! While the Impulsor and Aggressors have been nerfed, they're still solid units. While the split between Incursors and Intercessors is odd, they're both solid units. the Intercessors are better shooters while the Incursors (who can also be built as the supportive Infiltrators) are better jacks of all trades units that deny cover and can decently get to objectives, while not entirely sucking in melee.
Dark Angels 1 Primaris Chaplain, 3 Inceptors, 1 Redemptor Dreadnought, 5 Intercessors, 2 Dark Angels upgrade sprues $$$ ??? Dark Angels players, please share your opinions here.
Death Guard 1 Typhus, 1 Biologus Putrifier, 7 Plague Marines, 30 Poxwalkers $$$ Good Okay, WOW. The Death Guard Combat Patrol goes HARD on Poxwalkers, when they probably could have used a bit less of those. Plague Marines are still a core to a Death Guard army, Typhus got BUFFED, and the Biologis Putrifier is still a potent grenadier. They could have cooled it on the Poxwalkers, though.
Deathwatch 1 Primaris Lieutenant, 1 Primaris Apothecary, 10 Intercessors, 3 Aggressors, 2 Deathwatch upgrade sprues $$$ Good While Aggressors are nowhere near as good as they once were, they're still sturdy enough option for a person's first Deathwatch Army. Intercessors remain an ever great option for the Deathwatch, Apothecaries only got better and the Lieutenant isn't the worst but doesn't synergize with the rest of the ranged forces.

At the very least it includes two DW sprue upgrades, which is good, considering how expensive can fitting every mini with DW pauldrons be. Two sprues will include twenty regular shoulderpads and just four terminator sized pauldrons. That means that you will have left eight regular pauldrons and one terminator sized one, which will mean you'll still need to buy another sprue if you buy any other box outside a 5-mini one with regular marines.

Drukhari 1 Archon, 10 Kabalite Warriors, 5 Incubi, 1 Ravager, 1 Raider $$$ ??? Dark Eldar players, please share your opinions here.
Genestealer Cults 1 Magus, 20 Neophyte Hybrids, 5 Acolyte Hybrids/Hybrid Metamorphs, 5 Aberrants, 1 Goliath Truck/Rockgrinder $$$ Great Genestealer players, please share your opinions here.
Grey Knights 1 Terminator Librarian, 5-men Strike/Interceptor/Purifier/Purgation Squad, 5 Terminators/Paladins, 1 Nemesis Dreadknight ??? Good, as a starting point, or if you need all of the models. Otherwise, just buy the individual boxes. Do you like conversions? If so, this might be the box for you, since everything in this box can be converted to whatever you need.
  • For example, those Terminators come with everything you need to convert them to HQs or Paladins, because your mileage may vary playing them as Grey Knight Terminators. Terminators are notably expensive, points-wise, with one squad being worth nearly twice more than Strike Squads, for only 1.5x more wounds and the same offensive stats. They're the "filler" of this box.
  • The Dreadknight is a fugly model, but is the closest the GK have to an autotake, as it can fit in any GK list as a Grandmaster, or as Heavy Support.
  • The Strike Squad is also one of the most flexible kits in 40k, giving you options to kit them out for any role. Is this box worth it if you already have GK models? Not really, you're better off buying the models you need separately, but it's definitely worth it if you're planning on start a GK army.
Orks 1 Warboss in Mega Armour, 20 Boyz, 3 Deffkoptas, 1 Deff Dread ??? ??? Prayz Mork da deffkoptas not pewtah. (They're new plastic molds, don't worry) All models except for the Deff Dread are monopose.
Necrons 1 Necron Overlord, 10 Necron Deathmarks/Immortals, 3 Tomb Blades, 1 Doom Scythe/Night Scythe $$$ ??? These are strong units with several configuration options, but they don't synergize very well by themselves and the Night Scythe has no business being in a small game. Best approached as the core of a larger army, or swap the flyer for some tough infantry like warriors or lychguard.
Space Marines 1 Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos Armour, 10 Infiltrators, 3 Suppressors, 3 Eliminators, 1 Impulsor $$$ ??? Primaris marines are the default now, it seems. All models except for the Impulsor are monopose. Currently the only way to get Suppressors new. Marine players, please share your opinions here.
Space Wolves 1 Primaris Wolf Guard Battle Leader (axe and carbine), 5 Reivers/Hounds of Morkai, 10 Intercessors, 1 Invictor Warsuit, 2 Space Wolves upgrade sprues $$$ Goood Intercessors and Invictors are good workhorses for any Marine army, much less one as versatile as the Space Wolves, the Hounds of Morkai aren't that good (and neither are their base unit) but they could be worse. A Primaris Lieutenant with a power weapon and bolter is rare, so this can be nifty.
T'au Empire 1 Ethereal, 1 Cadre Fireblade, 10 Fire Warriors, 3 XV25 Stealth Battlesuits, 1 XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit ??? ??? Tau players, please share your opinions here.
Thousand Sons 1 Infernal Master, 5 Scarab Occult Terminators, 20 Tzaangors ??? Not Available Very Bad Perhaps the first notably bad deal, this box is almost the same thing you get from Hexfire except with extra Tzaangors and notably no Rubric Marines. Since Tzaangors are not <Core> and are limited by the amount of rubric units you field, it seems almost baffling to include this many in an army dedicated to sorcery, and carried by dust-filled automatons that will never flee, unlike the 20-strong Tzaangor squad that will rout if your opponent looks at them funny. If you are already dedicated to the Thousand Sons, have purchased the Start Collecting box years ago, or already pre-ordered Hexfire, then this box will just be redundant.
Tyranids 1 Hive Tyrant/Swarmlord, 36 Termagants, 3 Ripper Swarms, 3 Warriors ??? ??? GEE THAT'S A LOT OF TERMAGANTS. Tyranid players, please share your opinions here.