Cyberpunk RED

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Cyberpunk RED
RPG published by
R. Talsorian
Rule System Interlock
Authors Mike Pondsmith
James Hutt
Cody Pondsmith
Jay Parker
J Gray
David Ackerman
Jaye Kovach
First Publication 2020 (digital)
2021 (physical
Essential Books Cyberpunk RED

Cyberpunk RED or CP RED is a role-playing game published by R. Talsorian Games in November 2020.

August 2019 saw the debut of a new edition of the RPG at GenCon meant to bridge the gap between 2020 and 2077 (so can be used for campaigns set anywhere in between). Later in November 2020, the full corebook was released. With its existence, and per the creator's confirmation, it has supplanted V3 as Cyberpunk's successor, and it basically ignore that game's timeline. In this version of the game's continuity, the Fourth Corporate War took place, but did not go nuclear, leaving the world battered but intact. The side benefit is that it explains why things have changed and how between CP2020 and CP2077 (for example; the Voodoo Boys went from an all-white gang of voodoo posers in 2020 to a predominantly-Haitian gang of actual Vodun practitioners (only in outward appearance, their leader Maman Brigitte says they "left their gods in Haiti" when no divine intervention saved the flooding island nation) in 2077 and CPRED explains how that happened).

The timeline is advanced from 2020 to 2045 and sees a lot of the old setting changed in order to provide a fresh ground for veterans of the earlier editions as well as new players. The old net is gone, in favour of multiple local data nets (requiring the netrunner of the group to actually travel with the rest of the crew to complete jobs) The fourth corporate war has been and gone and seen some corporations fall, some rise and the power dynamics shifted. The local geography of Night city had changed somewhat with the detonation of a small nuclear bomb in the centre. certain characters whose names are synonymous with the setting are either dead or missing.

All in all its not as dramatic a change as V3 which is probably a good thing.

So What Happened after 2020?

2021 sees the start of the 4th Corporate war between two aquacorps fighting over a third. THe two companies in Question, CINO and OTEC call in the big guns of Arasaka Security and Militech respectively to fight on their behalf. It isnt long before Militech and Arasaka are taking great chunks out of each other and the rest of the world gets its teeth kicked just because the two giants don't want either side to get an advantage. Suborbital habitats go "Fuck this noise" and drop rocks on key positions round the world and declare independence, becoming sovereign nations unto themselves. The war continues. By 2023 the breakdown of international trade and travel sees megacorps collapse and it isnt until a certain Rockerboy and a legendary Solo team up to deliver a Nuke directly to the Arasaka head office in Night city, destroying it and much of downtown in the process. The resulting fallout from the Nuke, plus the orbital rock strikes from earlier, leave so much crap in the atmosphere that the skies are coloured a deep red for the next two years and a less brilliant crimson for the next decade, hence the name of the book. With the nuke going off the Japanese and NUSA governments finally get off their asses and force an end to the war. And all that just takes us to 2025.

The next 20 years are the reconstruction years as the radioactive debris is removed and the rebuilding begins. Much of the old worlds infrastructure and net architecture is so ruined as to be unrecoverable forcing many Megacorporations out of business. In the years that follow the new normal is established with local city nets as opposed to one internet and recovery of Night City.
