Dawn of War III

"In darkness, I shall be light
In times of doubt, I shall keep faith
In thoroughs of rage, I shall hone my craft
In vengeance, I shall have no mercy
In the midst of battle, I shall have no fear
In the face of death, I shall have no remorse"
Announced on 3rd of May 2016, Relic Entertainment (under Sega's wing) finally showed that they were actually doing it. Dawn of War III is the third entry in the popular Dawn of War series.
Coming back with a new look and much closer to the first game while having elements from the second, the third installment will see the return of some of the more popular characters. Among them Gabriel Angelos, Farseer Macha and Warboss Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unter will battle for the planet of Acheron for a mysterious super weapon.
Differences and New Things
The game is seen to be closer to the first one while retaining certain elements from the second, but also adding new game mechanisms. Relic's aim was to make their latest game the most accessible (nobody knows how accessible it will be, but hoping it won't turn out the same way as a certain game that is slowly dying, yet it is said that battles will simply be easier to read via having the attacks clear enough to see where they are hitting).
Base building and large scale battles make a return and there will only be Space Marines, Eldar and Orks available at start. Armies are now divided into line troops and elites. The first will be trying to fight and survive, while the latter are more powerful units that you can level up to become even more powerful. In both campaign and multiplayer, players will collect said elites and level them up to become even more efficient. Among them there will even be really powerful units that are showing up for the first time in the series (such as Imperial Knights, Wraithknights, and Gorkanauts). Some of these things may be controversial since Relic took some elements from ASSFAGGOT games (meaning that before you deploy in multi, you choose your commander and elites as counters and what will be great at breaking counters), yet so far Relic did not fail for now, thus it's way too early to judge.