Death Korps of Krieg

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The Death Korps of Krieg is an Imperial Guard unit which hails from the planet of Krieg. They like entrenchments and gasmasks and are know for their iron discipline and suicidal tolerance for casualties. In fact they will take any objective/vanquish any enemy as long they have enough men to throw in the meatgrinder. What's the difference between other Guard units you ask? Those motherfuckers don't even give a shit. They're some sort of badass humanoid lemmings.


The Civil War

Some time ago Krieg was a pretty sweet planet to live on, until the heretical dickwad of a Planetary Governor decided to unattach from the Imperium. Needless to say the loyal citizens would'nt let the rebel scum get away with that and a bloody civil war broke out. The loyalists were severly outnumbered though and only managed to seize control of a single hive called Ferrograd, due to the fact that a loyal Krieg Imperial Guard regiment under the command of a Colonel Jurgen was there, waiting to depart. While getting some turnips out of the basement Jurgen tripped over some nukes and decided to even the odds by blowing the world back to the stone age. Afterwards, after just 500 years of continual terrible war, the loyalists managed to lay Krieg back into the paralyzed lap of the Emperor. Today the citizens of Krieg celebrate the day their hero Colonel Jurgen destroyed their planet's ecosystem on "Jurgen Day", when everybody digs out entrenchments and practices NBC weapons drills.

The Korps

The inhabitants of Krieg are mad sorry for their disgraceful past and try to make up for it by being the baddest motherfuckers since the Empra himself. In fact they've been so successfull in producing hardass guardsmen that the Adeptus Mechanicus Biologis gave them some pills that make their women hornier and more fertile, so that they can produce even more top notch cannon fodder.