Drunken Bear Fighter

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Drunken Bear Fighter is a one-page role playing game. Don't think too hard about it.


In this RPG you will play Russian agents who combat the drunken bear menace present in the modern day Moscow underground.


You have four stats. Rank these from 4 (high) to 1 (low): Power - Speed - Charm - DBK

Power is used when combating drunken bears or their minions up close, or in feats of physical activity.
Speed is used to avoid the attacks of the bears or feats of dexterity and agility.
Charm is used when interacting with other people.
Drunken Bear Knowledge (or DBK) is a special stat; if a character spends a turn using it to watch a bear, and they succeed in their roll, they may add the number rolled on the dice to their next roll. You may also use it to discover about Drunken Bears in general.

Skills are freeform; choose whatever you want. You may have one relevant skill per stat. I.E.: You might choose "Punching Drunken Bears In The Face (Power)," "Acrobatics (Speed)", "Lying (Charm)" and "Drunken Bear Hideouts (DBK)" as your skills list.


Agents are given a pistol when they are inducted into the R,D,B,F,O, (Russian Drunken Bear Fighting Organisation). They may choose 2 other pieces of equipment which they have brought from home, or requested. Examples include: a sabre, a car, cool shades, a computer. More equipment can be picked up during the mission.

Standard equipment adds +1 to the target number of a dice roll. Fancy equipment (assault shotgun, a car not made in Russia, custom-tailored suit, bear-scanner) add +2 to the roll, but cost two regular items, and are harder to find. Some equipment may be necessary to perform certain actions - vou can't have a car-chase without a car, for example.


To succeed in a task, roll a d6 under the relevant stat. If you have a relevant skill or suitable equipment, add +1 to the stat for this test (or +2 if you are using fancy equipment).

Combat and Injury

All combat proceeds as follows. The attacker rolls a test to hit the target. If the attacker succeeds, the target can make a Speed test to get out of the way in time. If the target succeeds, they take no damage. If the target fails,, they subtract the number rolled on the attack die from any of their stats. The target may spread this around between stats (i.e.: a '4' damage may subtract 1 from all stats, or 2 from DBK and 2 from Charm, or...)

A character may heal themself or one other with an apporpriate test once and once only after each encounter. If the test succeeds, they may restore as many stat points as the number rolled.

The Enemy
  • The basic Drunken Bear has Power 5 and Speed 3 and no relevant skills. If vou need a bear to achieve something not covered, improvise a result.
  • Advanced Drunken Bears have Power 5 and Speed 4, and have opposable thumbs permitting them to use weapons and equipment.
  • Ninja Bears are the silent assassins of the bear community and usuallv operate bv themselves. They have Power 3 and Speed 5, and often use throwing stars and stealth to eliminate their opponents.
  • Bear Kingpins are the overlords of the bear population. They have Power 4, Speed 4, Charm 4 and DBK 4. They will often be surrounded by a few minor bears that do their bidding. They use their DBK to improve their lackey's rolls.
Adventure Ideas
  • Drunken Bears are causing trouble in a local bar! Two regular bears and an advanced bear are drinking too much vodka and causing trouble.
  • A powerful Kingpin is moving in his armoured van from one city to another. You must strike when he is weakened, and wipe him out.
  • Drunken Bears are swarming out of the sewers! Why on earth is that! Find out.
  • Interrupt a deal between the Bears and the Russian Mafia.
  • Raid a DB stronghold filled with Ninja bears.