"Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason."
- – Abraham Joshua Heschel
Drycha, the Briarmaven of Woe, is an ancient and powerful nature and probably the most racist individual in Warhammer fantasy or Age of Sigmar.
Warhammer Fantasy
Long ago, Drycha held court amongst the roots of Addaivoch, the once-glorious creature known in later times as the Tree of Woe. While some believe that Drycha lost her mind when Morghur’s death tainted the ground of her glade, she was insular, capricious and malevolent for many long years before that.
In the early years of the alliance between the Elves and forest, Drycha was ever in evidence about the glades and groves, watching the Elves and examining their every action for any sign of betrayal. She rarely conversed with others, even the Dryads who served her as handmaidens, but instead chanted a mantra of the names of all those fellow spirits whom she believes have been failed by the Elves. It's unlikely her list would ever end because, despite her age, Drycha's memory was crystal-clear and new names were added with every battle between Athel Loren and the outside world.