Duke Sliscus

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Yeah, he's kinda weird like that

Duke Traevelliath Sliscus (Better known as just "The Duke" or "Sliscus the Serpent") is the Dark Eldar's answer to Prince Yriel as top space pirates, acting as the posterboy for exiled Dark Eldar who want to do what they want 'cuz a pirate is free.

See, Sliscus was originally just some pencil-pushing something-or-other within that city Commorragh. However, he decided that boring shit sucked and then stole three ships to begin his personal warband of corsairs, the Sky Serpents. And so he's stuck on for a few thousand years, which must be a testament to his skill as a commander of a legion of backstabbing bastards in his megalomaniacal vision to take over the galaxy behind a certain armless failure, a rotting psychic vegetable, and the Tomb Kings IN SPACE.

Not like that didn't affect his sanity, though. The guy's got serious moodswings which manage to have some hilarious effects that he might have learned from the legendary Assholetep. For example, he decided to parlay with some planetary government, and then decided to butcher all of the Hive Nobility because their envoy mispronounced his name. Like an asshole. He also has a thing for wearing different clothes every single day to the point that he'd never wear the same set twice, and makes clothes that have parts of the last person he killed in them. Apparently his banner is also made from the flayed skin of the Lord Admiral of Segmentum Tempestus' Segmentum Fortress. He's also the only one to successfully countertroll Lukas the Trickster, and even ripped out one of his hearts, either for kicks or because he hated those fucking yiffs.

Dark Eldar Lords and Ladies
Asdrubael Vect - Archon Tahril - Baron Sathonyx
Drazhar - Duke Sliscus - Kheradruakh
Lady Malys - Lelith Hesperax - Urien Rakarth