
Dune is a desert planet, inhabited by desert ninjas, psychic nuns and giant tank-eating worms. To sum up the first of the books: it's much like Lawrence of Arabia IN SPAAAACE, people don't trust machines so they learn kung-fu of the future, and instead of computers there are dudes that are Rain Man on steroids. The plot revolves around a monopoly on a spice called 'melange' that extends life, heightens peoples' mental abilities to the point where they can foresee the future (required for faster-than-light travel), and it's as addictive as cocaine, heroin and World of Warcraft rolled into one. Naturally, people take this stuff seriously.
Dune is probably one of the most in-depth science fiction books ever written, considering the utter detail that goes into sociological, ecological, political theory, economic elements that are added so neatly. It's like a textbook, only far cooler. The books that come after the first decrease in quality, but it starts at such a high mark, you may not notice the increase in crap until you're four books in. The crap levels are disgustingly obvious when you get into the 'prequel' novels published after Frank Herbert's death, but for fuck's sakes, READ the first book.
The Movie
The David Lynch movie absolutely sucked (saying this out loud is a good way to troll hipsters). If you want a good laugh I'd suggest you watch it -- it's not often that you'll see a fetal manatee shit lasers. It's a classic case of Hollywood taking an amazing work of art and deciding "the audience" won't like it, so they get rid of the parts they don't understand. If you've read the book, the butchery is even more hilarious cringe-worthy full of lulz, though I suggest you don't watch the movie first. Who, after all, would want to read the Odyssey after seeing the movie? (I'd suggest you see the movie as well, as it is also that bad. )
There's the mini-series made by the Sci-Fi Channel. Three 2-hour parts, but they do manage to touch on each of the important plot points from the book, and there's no skimping on the action to make "weirding modules" toys to be sold as merchandise.
As an RPG Setting
Frank Herbert went into SO MUCH DETAIL in his novels, you've got plenty of material to use as a campaign setting. You've got politics, fightan, enough politics to give Machiavelli a headache, and room for quasi-magic shit. Go nuts.
There was an official Dune RPG, "Chronicles of the Imperium," but it got mired in legal bullshit, and then Wizards bought it out, did a 'Limited Edition' run of 3000 books and then the high masters at Hasbro said "no more licensed property" and eighty-sixed the game so nobody would see it ever again. Assholes.
- The only adventure module, unpublished even for an unpublished game.
Someone made a homebrew GURPS Dune splatbook. I had it around here somewheres.
The Games
There's three boardgames worth mentioning that were based on Dune. First, there's the board game based on the David Lynch movie, which has that high level of quality you'd expect from Hollywood trying to imitate the money-making of Star Wars. Christ, enough about that.
The vidyagaem Dune 2 is hailed as the first RTS game that got it right, and paved the way for all the others.
Board Game
Made by the same guys that made Cosmic Encounter, it's one of the crown jewels of the Avalon Hill body of work.
- need more talk about the fuckawesome 1979 game
Dune Express
Free print-and-play game. Actually decent beer-and-preztels game without being hurr durr dumb.