Exalted | ||
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RPG published by White Wolf |
Rule System | Modified Storyteller System | |
Authors | Geoffrey C. Grabowski | |
First Publication | 2001 (1st edition) 2006 (2nd edition) |
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Exalted is a role-playing game by White Wolf, Inc. and currently in its second edition with several published supplements. It is well known for its epic scale, both mechanically and story-wise, and allowing the players to participate (and cause) such events rather than simply being bystanders.
Here's a history of the setting of Exalted, which may answer a bunch of questions and put things into perspective all at once.
Once upon a time, in the formless twisting chaos of the Wyld, there appeared the Primordials. The Primordials are impossibly vast alien beings with multiple souls. Imagine if Cthulhu was the size of Asia and you could meet and hold conversations with his kidneys, which had separate identities, and you kinda get the idea.
“The formless chaos that spawned us sucks,” said the Primordials. “Let's build someplace cool to live, rather than hang out here!”
And so they did. They made Creation, and nailed it down the Elemental Poles of Earth, Air, Wood, Fire and Water.
“This place isn't going to maintain itself,” said the Primordials. “Let's make a bunch of servants to run the place for us! We'll give them intelligence, free will, and hopes and dreams, and then keep them as slaves for eternity! It'll be great!” And so they made the gods. Some gods, such as the Unconquered Sun, Luna, and the Maidens, were build to be exceedingly cool and do lots; others were built to do stuff like make sure individual shrubs grew properly.
“Huzzah!” said the Primordials. “We have people to do the dirty work of running the place for us! Let's spend half our time playing the impossibly awesome Games of Divinity, and the other half running amok!” And so they did.
“This sucks,” said the gods, after moving the Elemental Pole of Fire back into place for 700th time after one of the Primordials went on a drinking binge and knocked it loose, causing untold thousands of deaths and nearly causing Creation to fall back into the Wyld. “We should kill those assholes and take their stuff.”
“Ha ha!” said the Primordials. “You can't kill us! When we built you, we programmed you so you could never attack us! Suck it, bitches!”
Making of the Exalted
So the Unconquered Sun, who is the God of Awesome, came up with a plan. “Let's take those little mortals humans down there and give them incredible power. Then we can have them kill the Primordials, and then we can get at their Games of Divinity and play them ourselves!” So they developed Essence Shards, which are sort of like an additional component to the human soul that lets you do magic and super kung fu. Then they picked out the coolest people in Creation and instilled these Essence Chards in them.
“Are you planning on using those Exalted mortals to kill my asshole brothers and sister and take their stuff?” asked Autochthon, who was just about the only Primordial on the side of the gods, because most of the time it was his stuff that the other Primordials were breaking when they ran amok. Plus they made fun of him all the time.
“Um... no,” said the gods.
“Gee, that's too bad. I was gonna hook them up with ultimate weapons of Primordial-slaying destruction, but since you're not rebelling and all...”
“Oh, in that case, yes. Yes, we are.”
Meanwhile, Luna, goddess of the moon, managed to sweet-talk her Primordial hippy sugar mama Gaia into not fighting during the rebellion. “I'll do that thing with my tongue,” Luna promised.
“We have granted you the power to be totally awesome!” said the gods to their Exalted. “Now, go kill those Primordial assholes!”
“Aww, isn't that cute,” said the Primordials. “Those little humans think they can OH SHIT THEY'RE STABBING ME OW OW OW!” Half of them died.
“Don't kill us!” said the other half.
“Now you have to be our slaves for forever, ha ha ha!” said the gods, and then sewed them all up inside the stomach of the head Primordial, Malfeas. (Malfeas got turned inside-out and sewn into his own stomach, too.)
“You guys suck,” said the Primordials to the Exalted. “We hereby curse you so that you'll all turn into assholes someday!”
“Whatever,” said the Exalted.
“Well, now that that's over,” said the Unconquered Sun, who had since declared himself King of All Cosmos, “Let's go play the Games of Divinity all day! You folks we Exalted, you guys can run the world. Make sure none of our lamer siblings start acting stupid. Make sure I get plenty of prayers coming my way. Other than that, have fun!”
“Hey, I feel kinda guilty for helping kill my brothers and sisters and enslaving the rest,” said Autochthon. “I'm going to leave Creation to go brood for a few thousand years.”
“Have fun!” said the gods.
So the Exalted – particularly the Solars – ran the world. Having been cool to begin with and then granted badassitude by the God of Awesome, they proceeded to do all sorts of cool stuff, like build magical cities out of glass, make mountains float, and breed dinosaurs who pissed heroin. YES, SERIOUSLY. THIS IS SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS IN EXALTED.
The Usurpation
Eventually, though, the Solars got bored and jaded and full of themselves. “We killed the Primordials and made all this cool stuff. Everything we do must therefore be right. Let's run amok!” And so they did.
“This sucks,” said the Sidereals, whose job it is to make sure that the Loom of Fate, which is sort of the engine that runs Creation, doesn't crash. “At the rate they're going, they're gonna wreck Creation. Let's kill them and take their stuff!”
“Hey, we need your help,” the Sidereals said to the Dragon-Blooded, who were the least powerful but most numerous of the Exalted, who acted as lieutenants and aides and local governors and such. “Your asshole Solar bosses are gonna wreck the world. Can you help us kill them?”
“Figures they'd end up doing something like that. Sure, we'll help,” said the Dragon-Blooded.
“Come to our big dinner banquet!” said the Sidereals to the Solars. Then, when the Solars arrived, the Sidreals blew the place up, and trapped the Solar's Essence Shards in a magic cage so that no more Solars could be created.
“Yay, it worked!” said the Sidereals. “We'll erase all evidence of our existence and run the world from behind the scenes, while the Dragon-Blooded can do the dirty work!”
Meanwhile, the ghosts of the dead Primordials caught 13 of the dead Solar's ghosts on the way down into the Underworld. “Work for us,” they said, “and we'll give you incredible power, like what you had when you were alive!”
“What's the catch?” asked the ex-Solar ghosts.
“Well, you have to be our slaves and try to make everything, everywhere, die forever.”
“Deal! Let's get cracking!” And so were the Deathlords were created, super-powerful ghosts who want the world to die.
The Great Contagion and the Balorian Crusade
So while the Dragon-Blooded were doing a fairly good (although not nearly as impressive as the Solars) job of running Creation, the Deathlords were building a doomsday plague.
“Taste the bitter poison mixed from the ashes of our hopes and the tears of betrayal in the dark pit of our tortured souls!” said the Deathlords, presumably while wearing too much eyeliner, and unleashed their doomsday plague into Creation.
“This sucks,” said 90% of the people in the world, and died.
“Hey,” said the Deathlords to the Fair Folk, who lived in the Wyld outside of Creation and didn't like the idea of a place that didn't just change according to their thoughts. “Just about everyone in there's dead now. If you went in, ate the souls of the survivors, and tore the place down, no one could stop you!”
“Thanks for the heads up!” said the Fair Folk, and promptly invaded in force.
“This is bad,” said one of the surviving Dragon-Blooded to her friends. “Fortunately, I just remembered that there's a sealed-off control center for an ultimate magical doomsday weapon that the Solars made for defending Creation against exactly this sort of thing. Let's go on an epic world-saving quest to get in there!”
“OK!” they agreed.
And so they went. Most died trying to get past the defences, but eventually, two of them finally made it to the control panel.
“Please insert soul to activate this device,” said the control panel.
“What does that mean?” asked one, and then the other shoved her into the soul-extraction device.
And so this unnamed Dragon-Blooded gained access to Creation's greatest magical weapons systems and used them to blow up the Fair Folk.
“I hereby declare myself the Scarlet Empress and ruler of the world,” she said.
“Nuh uh!” said some, until she blew them up. This brought lots more people over to her side, and thus was born the Realm, which is the major power in the world today.
Still, some said, “You were just a lieutenant who got lucky and stumbled across some doomsday weapons. We still have some doomsday weapons of our own, and we'll fight back!” The Scarlet Empress wanted to blow them up too, but a lot of her weapons didn't reach and she was kind of afraid of a Mutually Assured Destruction scenario, so, despite the occasional invasion attempt, they remained independant.
And so things went for over 750 years, until fairly recently, when the Scarlet Empress just up and disappeared. Having named no successor, the entire Realm is now leaderless and gearing up for civil war to see who's gonna be the next one of the Scarlet Throne.
Meanwhile, the Deathlords discovered where the Sidereals has stashed their cage full of Solar shards. “Hey, we can warp those and use them to create our own invincible deathknights!” they said. “Let's go get that cage!” Unfortunately for them (and fortunately for everyone else), half the Essence Shards got loose. Now, once again, there are Solar Exalted.
And that's where the game begins.
Important Elements
Solar Exalted

The Solar's main themes are 'excellence' and 'rulership'. Solar Exalted were created by the Unconquered Sun, King of the Gods, to lead the other Exalted, and to rule the world. Most of their low-level powers are normal human abilities turned up to 11, like simply being impossibly good at sneaking, or fighting, or persuasion. Their high-power abilities are normal human abilities turned up to OVER NINE THOUSAAAAND!!! A mortal blacksmith can make a sword using iron and a hammer and forge--a Solar craftsman can take a heap of raw iron ore, and wring a sword out of it with their bare hands, and it'll be a masterfully made one, too. A mortal can survive, at least for a little while, in a hostile environment, like a raging snowstorm. A Solar with the right Charms can survive being at the bottom of the ocean, or inside an erupting volcano. A mortal can use a sword to parry a sword-strike. A Solar can parry an angry Primordial hitting them with a mountain range. And so on. Solars also excel at inspiring and persuading others. Or, to be less polite, only the Fair Folk come anywhere close to their skill at jerking people around.
Lunar Exalted
Lunar Exalts are the chosen of Luna. After the Terrestrials murdered all the Solars, they then moved onto their second in command Lunar servants. Fortunately for the children of the moon, they had always been good with stealth and survival in the wilderness, unfortunately for them the Dragon Bloods were a very organized and driven genocidal force. The Lunars had no choice but to move into the borderlands between the Wyld and Creation and try to plan their resistance in secret. However the Wyld is not a nice place and even the borderlands can mutate even Exalted with its touch. Thus three things have happened: The Lunars have taken to ritually tattooing themselves with moonsilver, the normal 5 caste system has been simplified into the Full Moon, No Moon, and Changing Moon castes, and almost all of them have acquired bestial traits either through their devotion to Luna or the Wyld mutations. Ergo Lunar Exalts are a race of furry demigods. But one should always remember what power the Exalted wield, telling a lion-man of the Full Moon to "Yiff in hell" is almost always a horrible idea as he can rip you and thousands like you to pieces without even trying.
Sidereal Exalted
The Sidereals are the Chosen of the Maidens. To cover up their role in the Usurpation they broke the universe a little, and now everyone keeps forgetting that they exist. If they want to be remembered, they can use Resplendent Destinies, but then people remember the Destiny and not the person. If a certain Destiny is inconvenient or widely hated, the Sidereal can drop it and use another. In other words, Sidereals are anonymous 4chan users, and Resplendent Destinies are tripcodes.
They are also more crazy, but less powerful, when fighting than the Solar exalted. A battle with a Sidereal can result in you turning into a mountain, your opponent turning into a river, and then the two of you doing battle with the concept of love as a weapon. Sidereal Martial Arts are the pinnacle of kung-fu, and instead of emulating facets of Creation, they make Creation a facet of the Martial Art. This lets them punch people so hard they turn into ducks. Sidereals are also the only Exalts capable of manipulating the Loom of Fate directly, and are tasked with making sure it doesn't break down.
Abyssal Exalted
By twisting the Solar Exalted Essences in a Monstrance of Celestial Portion, the Neverborn managed to create the Abyssal Exalted. Abyssal Exalted don't suffer from the Great Curse, but instead suffer if they act too nice to people. They are also kept on a short leash, since the dead Primordials aren't exactly pleased with the Exalted. Generally an Abyssal has two choices in life, be the grand villain or attempt to redeem themselves. Both suck for obvious reasons.
Abyssal Exalted charms are largely mirrors of Solar Charms with a darker aspect. As a general thing, where the Solar Exalted gain bonuses, the Abyssal Exalted force penalties on their foes. Their magical material is Soulsteel, the forged souls of ghosts who live in constant pain (and moan and stuff too). Yeah, they're dicks.
Terrestrial Exalted
Let me tell you what it means to be Dragon-Blooded. To be Dragon-Blooded is to have a responsibility. To be Dragon-Blooded is to take up the sword to defend Creation. Every Dynast can ride, and shoot, and fight both bare handed and with a weapon, and lead troops into battle. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. The most fat, jaded, lazy bureaucracy of the Thousand Scales can take up a sword and fight a strong man to a standstill without use of single Charm, and lead troops into battle with competence. The requirement for Lookshy Dragon-Blooded are even more strict. If you cannot learn to fight for Creation, Dragon-Blooded soceity has no use for you. They believe themselves to be the only force standing between Creation and that which would destroy it, an they act accordingly. That does not include just personal competence. To be Dragon-Blooded is not a title, or an adornment, but membership in a single nation. Only Dragon-Blooded, of all the Exalted, have a Charm that allows them to take their most hated Dragon-Blooded foe and instantly trust and love them like a brother to join together to fight a greater threat. That is their duty, that is their call.
You say they have failed Creation in their stewardship, but they have saved it. Saved it once, and twice, and many times over. When they overthrew the Solars, they were dying in scores, in droves, in their hundreds and thousands, but they would not surrender. They would not break. They fought until every last one was gone, because the brotherhood does not retreat. When the Great Contagion broke the armies of the Shogunate and the survivors faced oncoming endless hordes of horrors from beyond reality, they did not lay down an die, or flee screaming and broken. Oh, a few may have, but the records are clear on the whole: they fought. They fought to the end, they forced the Fair Folk to scrath and claw and die for everything they wanted to grasp, and in some places they even won, the broken remnants of reality against an impossibly larger foe!
And ever since, whenever anything has threatened Creation, any horror has run loose upon it, the Dragon-Blooded have marched. They have fought the Fair Folk. They have fought rogue gods. They have fought the armies of the dead. Some have failed, some have died, a few have even turned traitor, but the brotherhood of the Dragons still stands in the defence of Creation. Even now, at the beginning of the setting, the Dragon-Blooded are the two mightiest forces in Creation. They have a religion that venerates them, yes, but also one that orders them to treat mortals well, which is more than one can say for any other known religion in Creation. And they police themselves. Sometimes it is effective and sometimes not, but even now the realms of the Dragon-Blooded are the safest and most stable in Creation. Even now, in both the Realm and Lookshy, you can find mortals in positions of power. Even now the peasants eat, the spirits are kept doing their proper jobs, and the foes of Creation dare not yet enter, because that is the peace that the Dragon-Blooded fought and bled and died for.
Everything in Creation, everything that lives, owes its life to the Dragon-Blooded, because it they who have been the army that defended Creation since the Solars were overthrown and the Lunars left. Every Solar owes his life to the Dragon-Blooded, even if he owes his death to them as well. Creation might need a more powerful protector, but it could never ask for a more loyal or dedicated one. The Dragon-Blooded are heroes.
They are also dicks.
Alchemical Exalted
Clockwork Dicks.
Infernal Exalted
Creations of the Primordials. The Gods were meant to maintain Creation while their masters played the Games of Divinity.
Celestial Incarnae
These are the strongest deities in the setting by dint of their celestial nature, and led the other Gods into rebellion against the Primordials. They don't do much now except rubber stamp paperwork, being utterly addicted to the Games of Divinity.
The Unconquered Sun
The Unconquered Sun, Sol Invictus, is the greatest of the gods in Exalted, he is the God of Perfection. He is usually depicted as a shining four-armed warrior bearing in each hand a symbol of the virtues he exalts: a shield for compassion, a spear for valor, a branch for temperance, and a horn for conviction. The Solar Exalted are his Chosen, and he is the chief deity of the Dragon Kings
Luna is either intensely cunning or utterly mad, or perhaps both. Some say she is a Fair Folk noble. Like the Wyld, she is malleable able to take whatever form pleases her. The Lunar Exalted are her Chosen, and she is Gaia's lover.
The Five Maidens
Originally created to service the Loom of Fate, these Five Maidens are likely most enigmatic of the Incarnae. The Five Maidens are second in power only to the Unconquered Sun, though Luna is rightly considered an equal. Their Chosen are the Sidereal Exalted, champions and guardians of fate.
The Five Maidens are:
- Mercury, the Maiden of Journeys
- Venus, the Maiden of Serenity
- Mars, the Maiden of Battles
- Jupiter, the Maiden of Secrets
- Saturn, the Maiden of Endings
Subservient Dicks
Little Gods
Dicks inside my Dicks
Slain during the Primordial war, they fell through the fabric of Creation and left Shadowlands in their wake. As they conceived of a state of 'not being', Oblivion was born. Similarly, their unconscious thoughts created the Underworld, now more conservative and unchanging to fit their ideals. Like all ghosts, the Neverborn have fetters to Creation and were unable to truly fall into Oblivion. In fact, as they created the world, they have the strongest fetters of all undead. They realized that the only way to achieve their goal of true death was to destroy their fetters, all of Creation. At first, they were more fearful of the Exalted than anything and half-asleep besides the fact. When the Black Nadir Concordat intruded into their tomb-cities and stole the secrets of Necromancy, they were roused to wakefulness and incredibly angry. Though dead, the Neverborn are still incredibly powerful and command hosts of Abyssal Exalts, Deathlords, Hekatonkhires, and Spectres.
Those Primordials who survived the Primordial War were trapped inside their General, Malfeas (who was turned inside out and trapped within himself as well!). They then swore many oaths, some known only to the Unconquered Sun, for they are engraved into the haft of the Orichalcum spear he wields. The Yozis feel nothing but anger for their betrayal and diminishment at the hands of the Exalted and the Gods, and plot to return the favour. The Yozi known as the Ebon Dragon has been tasked by his peers to find a way to escape from their prison. An unknown number of Yozi Cults also flourish in Creation, aiming to learn demonic practices and perhaps ultimately bring the true masters of Creation back to their world.
An Akuma is a mortal or Exalt who has been granted a measure of power by an Yozi, but essentially becomes a puppet of that Primordial. While this sounds like a horrible trade, the Yozi are very convincing and some people are incredibly power-hungry. Akuma are not Infernal Exalted, and it is still unknown what happened to the 50 captured Solar Exaltations the Neverborn gave to the Yozis as part of their deal.
Sick Dick
Luna's dickwarmer.
Dragon Kings
Lizard Dicks
Fair Folk
Dream Dicks
Hidden Dicks
More undead Dicks

Weak little Dicks
The basic mechanic is a modified Storyteller System. Pools of d10s are rolled; 7,8,9 are one success, 10 is two, and if no successes are rolled and at least one die comes up with a 1, then it's a botch. There are a few exceptions to this, however.
Useful Links
- Official Exalted wiki
- Unofficial Exalted wiki, mostly 1e stuff