Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Chaos/Skaven

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Yes yes, Skaven battletome is coming. Soon. Soon....

Why Play Skaven


  • Hordes of vicious chaos ratmen.
  • Hordes of vicious rats and rat monsters too.
  • All the Skaven clans reunited under one faction.
  • Warpstone, yes-yes!


  • Strong as wet paper infantry units.
  • Unlike other factions, conditional battleline isn't "by general", it's "everyone is same clan, though general can be Masterclan." So unless you really like Verminus' battleline, don't expect to run a mixed clan list with your battleline of choice.
  • Clan Pestilens harms anything that gets to close, including your non-disease rats.
  • Spell lores are exclusive to Grey Seers or Clan Skryre; other mages limited to general and personal spells.


The Skaven Battletome has all the Warscrolls, Battations, Allegiance Abilities and Matched Play points.

  • This should be supplemented with the Skaven Errata and Designers' Commentary from the FAQs.
  • Alternatively, warscolls can be found in the WH AoS app.

As with all factions you'll want:

  • The core rules are either downloadable or in the Core Book.
  • Games taking place in a Realm need the Realm of Battle rules from the Core Book.
  • In you want to take advantage of realm specific artefacts you'll need the Artefacts Of The Realms section from the Malign Sorcery book.
  • Matched play battleplans are split across the Core Book and General's handbook 2018.
  • All books should be supplemented with any updates from the FAQs.

Allegiance Abilities

Allegiance Traits

  • Overwhelming Mass: +1 hit rolls for units of at least 20 models, and an extra +1 to wound rolls for units of at least 30.
  • Strength in Numbers: for every 10 models of Skaventide unit, add 2 to Bravery instead of 1 during Battleshock tests.
  • Lead From The Back: Look Out Sir! applies to melee attacks and missile weapons if the target is a non-monster hero.
  • Scurry Away: During combat phase, a hero, instead of piling in, retreats using a normal move.
  • Clan Eshin - Masters of Murder: for each Eshin hero, you can pick an enemy hero, and all Echin units can re-roll wound rolls against them
  • Clan Moulder - Prized Creations: Each Master Moulder can Pick a FIghiting Beast unit. Each module in the unit gains d3 wounds(roll sepeartly for each model) and they re-roll 1s to hit for weapon attacks.
  • Clans Skyre - Warpstone Sparks: At the start of battle but before set up, you gain 3+d3 Warpstone Sparks. A Spark can be spent once per phase on your Skryre units to re-roll: a wizards' Casting and Unbinding Rolls, a Hero's failed to Hit or Wound Roll. Alternatively, it can add +1 to the Damage characteristic of any Skryre modules successful attack. This decision to re-roll must be made immediately after rolling. And to stick to the theme of instability, after the spell or attack resolves, roll a die, and on a 1 the unit suffers D3 Mortal Wounds. Magical Uranium, everyone!
  • Clan Pestilens - Echoes of the Great Plagues: Once per turn, when a Pestilens Prest makes a successful prayer roll of a natural 6, you can manifest one of six Great plagues, but if you do, you can't manifest it again for the rest of the battle. 4/6 of the plague's effects the nearest eligible unit so have placement in mind and bring a lot of Priests to more reliably get a six once per turn.
  1. Redmal Plague: The nearest enemy Hero within 13" becomes infected. If within 3" of friends but no enemies at the start of the combat phase, gain ownership of that hero for the rest of the phase.
  2. The Neverplague: Pestilens Priests add 1 to prayer roll for the rest of battle.
  3. Bubonic Blightplague: the nearest enemy unit within 13" suffers d6 mortal wounds. If the unit is then destroyed, pick another enemy unit 6" of the last model removed and inflicted D3 mortal wounds. Repeat this prosses until no unit gets wiped or their or no other units in range.
  4. Undulant Scourge: the nearest enemy model within 13", its unit takes a mortal wound plus 1 more for each other model in the unit that's 3" of the infected model.
  5. Crimsonueal curse: the nearest enemy unit within 13" suffers 1 mortal wound, and it and other enemy units within 1" of that infected unit suffer a 1 mortal wound during your future hero phases
  • Clan Verminus - Mighty Warlords: each non-general Clawlord may take a Command Trait, and no Clawlord can can take the same trait.
  • Clan Masterclan - Skilled Manipulators: Every time a Masterclan mobel use command points, refund on a 5+

Command Traits

Your General, depending on its type, gets to choose one trait from the appropriate list.

Artefacts Of Power

One Hero (plus an additional hero for each battalion), gets to choose an artefact from the appropriate list.

Spell Lore

Any Wizard Hero, depending on it's type, gets to choose one spell from the appropriate list.

Lore of Ruin

Grey Seers Only

  1. Scorch:
  2. Splinter:
  3. Skitterleap:
  4. Plague:
  5. Death Frenzy:
  6. Warpglade:

Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism

Clan Skryre Only

  1. More-more Warp Power!:
  2. Chain Warp Lightning:
  3. Warp Lightning Shield:

Endless Spells


Named Leaders

  • Thanquol on Boneripper:


  • Verminlord Corruptor: a Daemon of Clan Pestilence. With his insane 10 attacks on his melee weapon, he can equip the Sword of Judgement from the shadow realm artifact list and have 10 chances to absolutely murder heroes and monsters. Cast two spells and abilities to deal mortal wounds. His COMMAND ABILITY give Pestalence wholly within 13" re-roll to hit.
  • Clawlord: Your standard hero with 5 wounds, a 4+ save. he has 3 3+/3+/-1/d3 attacks and gains +1 attack for each missing wound he has. Not that you actually want this guy in close combat as his true worth is his command ability which lets you pick a VERMINUS unit wholly within 13" and give it an extra attack with each of its melee weapons. This is an amazing command ability for your rat horde as it gives your clanrats 100% increased damage output and your stormvermin 50% increased damage output.
  • Clawlord on Brood Horror (Forgeworld): A clawlord riding a giant rat and getting +3", +3 wounds, and d3 wound regen. Loses access to the halbert & blades as well as the shield for improved armor save. Also loses Strike and Scurry Away (which is reasonable given the giant rat). The rat itself is no slouch with two weapons putting out a total of 9 well hitting and wounding attacks. At a steep price and low(ish) wound count for a 200+ model, you will have to use him strategically.
  • Plague Priest: Your standard Pestilens hero. Gets an extra attack on the charge because of PESTILENS. he now only has two damage Prayers and deals more mortal wounds after combat to all not of Pestilence.
  • Plague Priest on Plague Furnace: It's 3 Plague Monks with a Plague Priest on a huge censer-thing. It can't move its 6" unless within 6" of 10 or more friendly Skaventide models and it makes 2D6 attacks with Rusty Wheels and Spikes instead of D6 when it charges. It stops battleshock for Skaventide and it damages all the non-Clans Pestilens units that approach it. The Plague Priest on it gets different prayers, boosting Pestilens units either by giving them +1 weapon attacks or by allowing them to reroll wounds. It's clearly a centerpiece. It will pack a punch thanks to the Censer, but it needs Plague Monks to push it around and pushing stuff around and not charging is something Plague Monks with their awful survivability really don't like to do. On the other hand, the Monks do very much like those tasty tasty buffs.


Eshin Battleline

  • Gutter Runners: Elite version of Night Runners, having fewer attacks for some quality. Instead of vangaurding, they come onto any board edge on the first turn. Could make for good backfield distraction.
  • Night Runners: the mass vanguard slingers of skaven. They can move 2d6” after setup and run and shoot. They have better aim than Grot Shootas and generate another hit on a natural 6. Useful as Early game objective grabbers.

Moulder Battleline

  • Giant Rats: If skaven are disposable swarms, these are even more disposable swarms. They have now saved and the reach of their attacks increase the more models they have. Command points are likely required to keep them in line.

Pestilens Battleline

  • Plague Monks: Your basic Pestilens troop, having less armor but make up in damage potencal. can take one of two Standards and Instruments for every 20 models. their leader damages a unit each hero phase. The Standards can either inflict mortal wounds when they die or increase damage by 1. The musicians can either give you a chance for better Rend or improve your movement. Let's analyze the two weapons options:
    • Plague Monks with two foetid blades an average of 0,75 damages per model or 1,12 when they charge
    • Plague Monks with a foetid blade and a woe-stave an average of 0,66 damages per model or 0,91 when they charge with one of the weapon hitting from 2" instead of 1", so is basically the same when **you have a big unit to cover for the second rank attacks. Another bonus of the Woe Stave is that it counts as a separate melee weapon, so buffs that add 1 attack to every weapon are doubly effective on units with Stave (a unit of 20 with blade/stave in two ranks makes, unsupported, 50 attacks on the charge, and 80 with the one-more-attack-for-each-weapon buff, think about that).
  • Plague Censer Bearers: Get an extra attack when charging, deal a mortal wound to every non-Clan Pestilence unit within 3" on a 4+ during your hero phase, and can reroll hits and Battleshocks if they're within 13" from a Plague Monk unit. Basically, Censer Bearers on their own are nigh useless, but with proper support, they are even deadlier wound-per-wound than Plague Monks. The best use for these is swinging over the top of a line of Plague Monks. Yes, you won't be getting that charge bonus but these are two expensive points for point to be throwing away like, well, Plague Monks.

Skryre Battleline

  • Skryre Acolytes: Mass bomb throwers, able to run and throw their globes with -2 rend and d3 damage.

Other Units

  • Warpfire Thrower: Clan Skryre weapons team. Close range anti-blobs that rolls for each model and deals mortal wounds on a 4+. When you overcharge, you roll 2 dice for each model but the Thrower dies on a roll of 1 or 2 made after dealing damage.



  • Warp Lightning Cannon: Clan Skryre. Can deal up to 6 mortal wounds when shooting. You actually have to roll a dice in order to calculate the minimum roll you need for the wounds to score. Also gets +1 save against missile weapons. Decent, but too random and low Range; other armies get much better artillery.
  • Plagueclaw: Clan Pestilens. It's an indirect firing war machine. You know those. They have a nice range and can stand waaay back. Just don't shoot it at other Nurgle units and they do just fine. This limitation was dropped. Brutal against big hordes, lame against Monster/Heroes, and subtracts 1 from the target bravery. An average war machine when used to it's fullest potential, and a terrible one when not.



Allied Armies

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