Genghis motherfucking Khan
Despite being very similar, he is not the same person as Jaghatai Khan.
Chinggis Haan (more commonly known in the English-speaking world as Genghis Khan) was a 12th century Mongolian warlord and Khagan (Emperor) who in 1206 CE succeeded in uniting the Mongol tribes of Northeastern Asia into what would become known as the Mongol Empire. Contrary to popular belief, he was not the first individual chieftain to attempt in creating a unified Mongol confederation; the first having been his great-great grandfather Habul Haan who established the Khamaag Mongol confederation. Chinggis was infinitely more successful though, and managed to unite nearly all the disparate Mongol factions into his empire; which is why he is considered by modern day Mongolians as the founding father of the Mongol state.
Born Temujiin, meaning 'man of iron' and thought to be derived from a Northeastern Turkic word, he was the son of Yesukhei (later to be known as Yesukhei Bahadur or 'Yesukhei the Warrior' after being dubbed posthumously so by Chinggis), who was chieftain of the Borjigid tribe (Grey-Blue wolf tribe) and descended from the legendary warrior-king Bodonchar Munkhaag (lit. Bodonchar the Bastard, dubbed so for his illegitimate birth). In turn, Temujiin was also descended from Borte Chino, the great wolf and mythical forebear of the Borjigid tribe.
Chinggis is notable primarily for being a warlord and having waged the Mongol Invasions of Asia and Europe, which collectively resulted in the massacre of 40 million people; which amounts to 10% of the world's population at that time. He's also notable for having 0.4% percent of the world's population springing forth from his mighty loins, which makes him akin to a real world equivalent to Walder Frey from A Song of Ice and Fire. Or at least he would if Frey was an apocalyptic level badass and not an underachieving old lecherous fuckwit. For obvious reasons, most of these people tend to be from Central Asia (Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, East Turkestan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan), some parts of South Asia (primarily northern India and Pakistan) and Siberia and Turkic Russia (Republic of Tatarstan, Republic of Baskhortostan) and most of them are Muslim. Descent from Chinggis Haan is so wide-spread that it even has a name; Altan Urag, which translates roughly to 'Golden Lineage' and is also the name of that Mongolian folk-rock band. In Kazakh, this is called 'Töre'. Historically, a person descended from Chinggis Haan would be called 'Chinggisid', in the tradition of Central Asian tribes deriving their names from their founders and adding '-id'; meaning 'descended from', compare with the Scandinavian '-linga' suffix.