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Germany is the major European power (and has English and German as official languages). I could allow Japan, America, the UK or EU, or anywhere people want to play. Jordan is now part of Israel, and Iran and Iraq are one... America has split in two areas, the "South Republic" and the "Northern Democracy" (to be renamed)... A number of south-american nations are much more powerful, and Ethiopia is a solar-power producing

America... South, New Confederate States of America? � California is a warzone; the further east, the more the border is accepted. East coast often has trade. West cost? Conflict. Canada (Including Alaska) is a global superpower.

The UNR (Union of Northeastern Republics) formed from New England, New York, the northern Mid-Atlantic States (Pennsylvania, Delaware, possibly Maryland) and the Rust Belt

Australia is Australia, and pretty happy about it, thanks... France has ceded a small region to form a seperate Islamic state that lives in relative peace... The former USSR has split entirely into three areas, two at war; one is an Empire and controls other areas of Europe, the other two are a socialist nation and a capitalist nation (you know Russia <3)

China's split into lots of states and countries, some controlled by other asian nations. Japan has some of them, and controls almost all of the contested islands

Oh, and there's a few offworld colonies, some on the moon, and Earth recently terraformed their first planet.

They didn't terraform mars yet, but there's colonies.

The terraforming needed a planet the right distance from the sun, and took massive expenditure. It's co-owned by Canada, Germany, and Japan.

We have dyson technology (Earth has a dyson ring), but still have starvation. �01[02:39] <~sofacoin> You can see a line across the sun from some locations. Thinner than hair, but faintly there. � I think... 2222 is a good year, because-- why not? Every year, something happens.

The ¥€$- Yes- is the global currency. �Most countries refer to them still as "dollars", "euros", or "yen". �So, major currencies are the Swiss New Franc, the Euro-American ¥€$, the HK-AU Dollar, the South Chinese Wulong, the Israeli Shekel, and the Canadian Dollar. The Pound is used in the UK and India, and the HK-AU Dollar Hong Kong and Australia, and all three currencies- Dollars and pounds- are interchangable in these nations; the Hong Kong nominally rejoining the UK, India unofficially, and the UK and Australia in part coppoerating for financial benefit. Smartlinks are only available through cybereyes or a cyberbrain; you can get glasses, but they cause a number of penalties due to the screen. Smartlinks don't work with contact lenses. That never made any damn sense. Yeah, Deva, Romania works nicely. Now that the Romanian Republic States controls much more of Ukraine and Moldova is a vassal state, the country is a lot richer than i has been in the past; Deva has a lot of the feel of Hong Kong, Las Vegas, or Birmingham, with shining lights and skyscrapers. It was also contender for capital of the Romanian Republic States after the bombing of Bucharest. Romania has so far resisted Imperial Sovereign Kazakh takeover, in part due to an alliance with West Russian troops (who maintain a solid presence in the Bashkir region). The Kahnty-Mansiyskiy East Socialist States have a trade relation with them, but West Russia and Kazakh ISS both maintain strong blockades- the former ecnomically, the latter militarily.. It's pretty much everywhere east of the Khanti-Mansiyskiy region. In the last 200 years, it's been a massive site of immigration out of the simple presence of so much space to actually live; there's a lot more urbanisation throughout the entire KMESS. The TriRussian Split is a pretty massively significant in-game event that caused a snowballing of East European states into war and takeover, reaching into the rest of the world. The Khanti-Mansiyskie states does cover all of Siberia and most of the Far Eastern federal district, aswell as most of the Ural federal District (Again, that which is north and east of Khanti-Mansi Autonomous Okrug The Russian split is pretty damn significant. It's actually afected the world more than the American and Chinese splits, or the forming of the newer states and empires.

The world is a very different place in 2222. For one thing, there's some nine billion people on Earth, meaning that there's a lot of high-density population. The Dyson Ring does allow the world to support this many, though, through use of intensive greenhouses and the terraforming of the earth itself-- nutrient infusion and such. Due to the influx of colonial monies and nutrification of soil, Earth at the moment can pretty much handle the ten billion citizens, mostly human. Galactically, there's about fourteen billion humans and around nine billion non-human sentients. There's four billion humans off world. � Considering we went from 5 to 6 billion in 12 years, having a fuckton of people living on a few other worlds is good. There's not much interstellar transport. We're at the gate where games go from cyberpunk to sci-fi: slow developments in interstellar transport, as while we have the 'tech, it's all just so impractically vast. �Earth is a Type 1 civilisation, and it fucking needs it. We use so much energy it's ridiculous; excess power recycling accounts for a hell of alot of the energy, which is handy. Westernized animals are pretty okay, and conservation keeps others in check. Oil is rare and expensive, as is natural coal, though we find that easier to synthesize. Natural gas is pretty rare. Global warming hasn't killed us all only on account of clever application of technology; climates are about the same as they are now, for most places. We tend to use small-scale fusion power, surprisingly. It's proven easier to use smaller reactors than larger ones, so small fusion reactors tend to power groups of houses, large vehicles, or such.

So, what do drones and cars and the like run on? Pietzoceramic batteries. �Highly pressurised layers of ceramic and lithium containing more charge than seems right. Do NOT break the small mirror! There is the equivalent of a laser in there!

The idea of a SKREEE alien is pretty popular. A native animal on the planet Discovery (humans are such fags for names like that) are often portrayed as them in fiction, though they're only as scary as an earth Tiger.

There's what some call the Sky Manta, which fed on the native tribes of Newfoundworld. That's pretty close to a Cliff Racer, but it's pretty easily beaten with advanced technology such as "a roof". � Earth has found nine planets that naturally sustain life, and, obviously, exploits the shit out of them. Two of them have sentient life, one has sapient life somewhere around the level of a human child, and the rest have varying levels of indigenous life. Discovery Natives tend to be the most common aliens other than humans, and there's not that many of them; you may have met one or two.

AIs exist. A few orangutans and dolphins now have evolved enlarged language centres, partially due to South American experiments.. �In 2183, an Orangutan known as "Genio" was unveiled in Nicuragua; he was fully able to use sign language, understood fluent Spanish, and read voraciously. He was nonetheless the only real success from the experiments. �Some genetic experiments have lead to extremely smart dogs, but nothing up to the level of the aformentioned examples. Sentience and sapience take a while to evolve, and human dickery doesn't work too well in hastening it. � Deva, Romanian Republic States. High-tech town, high populace.

�English, Russian, German, Hebrew and Romanian are all languages you might encounter. Romania's allies are mostly EU, Russian, and some Chinese states. 01[21:16] <~corporalcoin> HCS are also called "Afacere ploioasa". A-fa-chair plo-io-sa. �01[21:17] <~corporalcoin> This literally translates in English as a "wet job". 01[21:20] <~corporalcoin> The locals will moslty speak Romanian, most ousiders will seak the others. �01[21:20] <~corporalcoin> *speak �01[21:20] <~corporalcoin> English is spoken fluently by at least 6 billion people and is the Lingua Franca. �01[21:23] <~corporalcoin> Roughly 45% of Romanians speak standard English fluently, with a further 5% knowing solely how to read and type it. Dialectile English is common at another 15%, with a particular focus on internet English, AKA Grigg's English. �01[21:24] <~corporalcoin> 98% of Romanians speak Romanian. 01[21:27] <~corporalcoin> (Also: "Probabil Lupta Situatzie" is Romanian for High Combat Situation.)