Haegr the Mountain

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I should go get that back haegr after launching his hammer over 50 feet to prove a point

origin and aspects

Not much is known about this monster of a Space Wolf, what we do know is that he went through the gates of Morkai as all other space wolves have before, and drank from the cup of Wolfen as is the rite of passage, it was later along in his mutation period that the Techpriest of the fang discovered some kind of fault or error in his system. while unlike those of genetic impurity, the fang skiped the paper work and let him stay as his mutation wasnt as corrupted as you'd think with the wolves history of genetic mutation. Haegr is a big motherfucker, the tallest space wolf riveling russ himself, also is his stomach, you ever see those kerby gif where he eats your mothers weight in food in a gulp? haegr would eat about as much as that if he tried. His apetite is astronomical, once putting the fang almost into a food shortage. Due to this vast appetite or another defect of this guy is that he is fat as fuck, as in so fat that the tech preists had to custom build his armour to acompany his sheer mass of gut, this should be impossible esspecially for a space wolf due to their hightened motabolism allowing to digest foods but not for this greedy bastard.

For what ever unknown reason Haegr was sent as an emessery of the space wolves to Terra as the wolfblade, a unit of space wolves sent to guard and aid house belisarius, a navigator house that are allied with the space wolves. It was here haegr has spent possibly centuries of his life, missing and reminising his possible life of battle as he chows down on his 12th sheep sized meat pile.

how shit went sideways and how unlucky he is

Haegr later became close friends with another wolfblade named Torin where they lived happily ever after....yeah shit blew up very quickly when some prick named Ragnar Blackmane cocked up and lost the spear of their primarch Leman Russ to the warp and being sent as a wolfblade for few centuries, the kid was new to the whole terren life and very nieve to the actuality of Imperium politics, ever since this guy arrived did things go tits up, firstly another fucking house invaded, if you dont know the severeity of this then allow me to explain. this is the equivelent of the navy attacking the navy of another country, imagine the implications, without navigators or the astronomicon then the whole imperium would be fucked as they cant enter the warp and if they try then daemons of rape and paper cuts would swarm and devour the entire crew, so here we find that one house is slaughting the other, mere months after this Ragnar fucker arrived. during the fighting haegr is poisend by an imperial assassing but luckily survives and Ragnar going wearwolf on the assassin before it could reach the head of the house and saving said house, however the secret vaults were broken into and the anceint traverlers inside slaughtered resulting in a huge power vacume within the house. luckey the house recovers and in the upcoming months of haegrs life he forms some kind of bond between ragnar and himself (no idea how, ragnar is the source of nearly all his problems). Later in his career haegr is sent on a team of his friend torin, ragnar and about half a dozen other wolfblades with his respective house to the planet haydes, on haydes forest like environment do things go truly from 0 to everythings on fire just as fast as youd expect fire to spred on a densely woodland planet, all in all chaos invades, literly sets the fucking world on fire, and all of this is because some chaos cunt had a grudge against ragnar for foiling his plans time and time again, thats right, an entire fucking planet was set ablaze, thousands of both dark angels and space wolves were slaughtered along with the population of haydes were murdered because of ragnar, and he's meant to be the bloody hero! but thats not all the shit that has happened to poor haegr. once he and the wolfblades were sent under terra in the catacombes to suss out heretics and shit, on said mission they stumble apon a qsycher and his group of merry men who proceed to be slaughtered by haegr and ragnar while torin kinda pissed off, in the battle haegr is fucked to shit by the qsycher and had to have to escape, swim, and find aid to get sorta fixed while his entire left side had fused and burned into his armour exposing bone. all while having only ragnar as company, so all in all haegr has had some really bad luck that day (mainly in general ever sicne ragnar arrived).

feats and personality

Haegr is known for many things, for instance his sheer strength and size earning him the nickname the mountain, also is his apetite, capable of eating a tremendous amount of food or what ever is closest, he weilds a mighty power hammer of which he uses to deadly effect with blinding speed which contrasts with his bulking frame, for range he use duel bolters for mediocre effect and only uses when range is absolutly necessery and much prefers to cut the distant and get into the nitty gritty. of which rather suits his personality, hes very boisturous and self representative, often refering to himself in third person and always talks far greater of himself and bulks up his image in events than he actually was, often challenging others to combat and trying to instigate a "beating" of which he often challenges his old friend torin usually stating he would no doubt best him in combat.

Although his self image almost as big as his gut seems to take over his whole personality, he has been shown to care deeply about those who he calls friend and allies, at the death of one of the wolfblade to a traitor and who breathed his last words in front of him, haegr in boiling rage nearly murdered a squad of dark angles of whom were working in a temperoary truce with the wolves, luckely ragnar defused the scene before the truce was shattered and would have lead to many more deaths, (so the big guys got a heart after all).

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