Hearts of Iron

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The grandest of Grand Vidya Gaem of Grand Strategy in Grand World War 2, made by the equally grand Paradox Interactive. Its contribution to /tg/ can be counted as: Expanding the Nazi Equipment page, inspiring Games Workshop and every little Tabletop gaming company about Dieselpunk, Mecha and Cold War ideas, and especially long nights of greasy, soda-drenched Axis and Allies sessions.

(To be filled in)

Notable Mods

At least it is not a Habsburg Family Tree

As with any other Paradox game, modding is a big part of it, to the point that some say that people don't buy HoI4 to play HoI4, they buy HoI4 to play Kaiserreich.

  • Darkest Hour - A mod for HoI2 that greatly expands on every mechanic in the game. Paradox will later publish it as a standalone expansion.
  • Kaiserriech - When people think about Hearts of Iron mods, it is most likely that they think about Kaiserreich. Initially starting out as All The Russias, a mod about the Russian Civil War with dozen of sides, it soon evolved into a "What if Germany won WW1?" scenario where USA did not join the Great War, which along with other reasons will lead to the 2nd American Civil War, and where the Bolshevik revolution failed in Russia, but an ideologically similar but different Syndicalist revolutions succeeded in France and Great Britain, with the defeated governments fleeing to North Africa and Canada respectively.
  • Millennium Dawn - A mod set in modern day with 2000 and 2016 start dates. The best thing ever for some, while for others it is an example of the folly of trying to fit Modern Day setup into an engine designed for WW2. Merged with another modern day mod called Modern Day 4 in summer 2019, which received harsh criticism, and several "Classic" mods by different people were created to fill the void.
  • Old World Blues - A total overhaul mod set in the Fallout universe relatively shortly before the events of New Vegas.
  • Equestria at War - An oddball of the bunch, a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HoI4 mod about the post-Season 7, pre-Season 9 Ponies about to experience the horrors of industrialized warfare fighting against the Changeling blitzkrieg on one side of the ocean, while the mass of Gryphon Empire remnant states are trying to restore it in their image on the other side. On one hand: It is actually one of the better mods for HoI4, with the amount of well-designed content off the charts. On the other: Ponies.