The Hutaakans are a race of humanoid jackals (or, originally, humans with the heads of jackals) from the Dungeons & Dragons setting of Mystara. They speak in fluting, mellifluous tones using a complex language possessed of a haunting, musical quality... at least, that's what they tell themselves. Hutaaka as a language sounds like a lot of coughing and barking to human ears, although they arguably sound better when using more human-familiar languages.
In the ancient days of Mystara, the Hutaakans were created by the Immortal Pflarr, an arrogant, haughty and amoral deity of magical craftsmanship and research, and were close allies to the Nithian Empire. At the height of their power, the Hutakans claimed dominion over most of what is now Karameikos.
Unfortunately, thanks to Pflarr's incompetence, the Immortal Thanatos corrupted the Nithians and eventually the Immortals were forced to destroy the homeland of both allied powers to save Mystara from destruction.
The bulk of the race was either destroyed or moved to live in the Hollow World, alongside other extinct civilizations, but there are small, isolated communities of hutaakans scattered across the surface of Mystara as well, especially in the mountains to the north of Karameikos.
Traditional hutaakan culture is a strong, strict and, frankly, rather arrogant theocracy. Priests rule over the race as a whole, with a caste of fuctionaries (bureaucrats) overseeing the managerial side of things and all other hutaakans laboring to serve the will of their superiors. Taught from the cradle that they are the chosen of Pflarr, hutaakans don't mean to be jerks, but they come off as haughty and snobbish when interacting with other races, despite thinking of themselves as sensitive, civilized, and intellectual people. Isolationist, they view their culture as refined and pacifistic - all "truths" eagerly espoused by their domineering, all-controlling priest-kings.
Hutaakans have a vague and indetermined relationship to the gnoll and lupin races. Various sources have described them as either ancestors or relatives of one or both races, with perhaps the most common version of the tale claiming that lupins descended from the interbreeding of hutaakan and gnoll, possibly refined with the addition of human crossbreeds in subsequent generations. Others sources say that in some parts of the world, hutaakans have integrated with gnolls or lupins to the extent that, whilst still biologically distinct, their old culture has been lost and they consider themselves part of their new culture instead.