Imperial Navy
Imperial Navy
Foppish Dicks from the Imperium that sit in their Fuck-Huge space ships drinking tea, while the men with balls of steel get their asses killed by the thousands. Sometimes they send fighters or bombers down to help the Imperial Guard out, but most of the time they’re just used as a taxi service, like the modern day navy.
Would have exterminated all of the Emperor's Enemies through simple numbers long ago if they did not waste time and resources making their warships look like flying cathedrals.
Types of Ships
The Imperial Navy has four types of ships they hide their cowardly asses in. The basic ships are battleships, cruisers, escorts, and fighters
Battleships - Supposedly rare, but it seems every Grand Marshal and High Admiral has one to hide in.
Cruisers - Comes in three sizes and many different col...I mean classes. Officers that wish to climb the chain of command start here, probably starting with an caseload of brown-nosing
Escorts - 'nuff said
Fighters - bombs with people on em
Crews - Consists of either Bridge officers or slaves. Each ship needs hundreds if not thousands of men to man the ship. Whenever the crew count gets low, the Imperial Navy sets up fake strip clubs on a planet claiming "Free Hookers" to lure in unsuspecting men (and the occasional woman). Once a future crewman steps in, he/she's knocked out, bound, gagged, and taken to the ship, where they'll slave away the rest of their soon-to-be-short existence doing everything needed to make flying through space and fighting in the void possible.
[Reserved for Future WRITEFAGGOTRY]
An Imperial Navy fleet is most effective when Inquisitors take it over.