Imperial Ordnance

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The Griffon Heavy Mortar, here shown with added mine plough.

Aside from the well-known and beloved Basilisk, the Imperial Guard fields three other common types of field artillery. Like the Basilisk, these are mounted on a stripped Chimera chassis, to fit its massive gun. This makes the ordnance pieces rather vulnerable in direct combat, but due to their nature they should see little direct combat, as its main purpose is to moonscape enemy's position.


The lightest ordnance piece the Imperial Guard fields, the Griffon Heavy Mortar Carrier does exactly that: it carries a heavy mortar, capable of destroying entire squads of medium infantry in a single shell. Because of the modest size of the weapon it fields, the Griffon can afford an on-board targeting system, instead of relying on allied intelligence via vox channels. This, combined with the light payload the weapon fires, the Griffon's bombardments are more accurate than that of any ordnance piece the Guard can field.


The Medusa, regular pattern.

The Medusa Self-Propelled Heavy Mortar is less about lobbing large shells into the ranks of the enemy, and more about directly putting holes in enemy fortifications and tanks. The Medusa does this well: although it's not as long-ranged as other pieces of ordnance, it's large shells can turn anything from bastions to groups of enemy infantry to dust in a single shot.


The Colossus, here seen with it's loading arm.

The Colossus Bombard is the big daddy of the field artillery. Firing shells the size of a man, anything struck by its colossal Siege Mortar will turn to dust, cover or not. It is in fact so big, it requires a special loading arm attached to the chassis of the transport to even load the weapon.

The Medusa, AWESOME pattern.