Imperial Worlds

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Feudal Worlds

Feudal Worlds are planets abandoned by the greater human species during the Age of Strife and for one reason or another regressed back to 1000 A.D to 1500 A.D technologies. Because apparently the Neo-Medieval themes of 40k just weren't enough so they had to add in several actual medieval-themed worlds too. The Imperium deliberately keeps them from progressing further technologically with only a small handful of exceptions, since the Imperium already works on a form of the feudal system anyway. More importantly, it ensures that the planet's citizens know their place in Imperial society and don't get any ideas about secession into their heads.


Main article: Agri-World

Agri-Worlds are required to sustain Hive worlds and the like. Agri Worlds ususally have quite a low population and are very sparsely populated. For all respects and purposes, they're gigantic farms used to mass-produce food for the vast majority of the Imperium's worlds, which have lost the ability to produce their own food.

Forge World

Main article: Forge World

The Imperium's massive workshops. Forge Worlds are planets dedicated entirely to Industry and are mostly run by the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Pleasure World

Pleasure worlds are essentially tourist traps and vacation spots IN SPEEEHS, and are predictably restricted to the exclusive use of nobles, senior officials of the Adeptus Terra, and other big shots in the Imperium.

Cemetery World

Extremely depressing worlds that are dedicated almost entirely to being huge graveyards.

Tithe Astartes (Space Marine) Worlds

These are planets claimed by a Space Marine chapter. While typically most Chapters select Death Worlds, Feral Worlds, or Feudal Worlds as a home due to the hardiness of their residents, some of these planets are more civilized or even at a better standard of living than most of the Imperium- the Realm of Ultramar is an obvious example of the latter.

Tithe Astartes planets are notable for being one of only two planet types exempt from the Imperial Tithe, with the only other type being Aptus Non (read: planets which have been Exterminatus'd)