Imperial Worlds

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Agri-Worlds are planets in the Imperium of Man entirely dedicated to agriculture. A typical agri-world is mostly covered by millions of square kilometers of farmland managed by a few million farmers and a couple of spaceport cities/transportation hubs where stuff is loaded onto starships to be sent elsewhere to feed the Imperium's teeming masses. Said ships also drop off huge loads of shit (sometimes literally) to keep things fertile. Others are ocean worlds with huge fish farms or gas giants with habitable zones with balloon bases that collect airborne plankton that gets mashed into Soylens Viridens. Their tithes are paid in grain, space potatoes and grox, which, combined with their relatively sparse population, means that they rarely have to raise regiments for the Imperial Guard.

Cemetery World

Extremely depressing worlds that are dedicated almost entirely to being huge graveyards.

Civilized Worlds

Civilized worlds are the 'normal' inhabited planets in the Imperium. Lacking hives or forgeworld scale factories they never the less have a decent level of technology and a population in the same ballpark as modern earth.

Death Worlds

Death Worlds are worlds where everything is hostile to Human Life. And that means everything. The animals, the plants, sometimes even the very air itself is fatal for humans, while being just habitable enough to warrant colonization. Examples include Catachan and the majority of Astartes homeworlds.

Feral Worlds

Feral Worlds are places where mankind has regressed to the level of the Stone Age.

Feudal Worlds

Feudal Worlds are planets abandoned by the greater human species during the Age of Strife and for one reason or another regressed back to 1000 A.D to 1500 A.D technologies. They are also generally divided into small kingdoms which fight with each other but pay tribute to the Impierium. Because apparently the Neo-Medieval themes of 40k just weren't enough so they had to add in several actual medieval-themed worlds too. The Imperium deliberately keeps them from progressing further technologically with only a small handful of exceptions, since the Imperium already works on a form of the feudal system anyway. More importantly, it ensures that the planet's citizens know their place in Imperial society and don't get any ideas about secession into their heads. But the big reason why these planets are kept around is because they provide good light infantry for the Imperial Guard and space marines like to recruit from there.

Forge World

Main article: Forge World

The Imperium's massive workshops. Forge Worlds are planets dedicated entirely to Industry and the property of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Hive World

Main article: Hive

Pleasure World

Pleasure worlds are essentially tourist traps and vacation spots IN SPEEEHS, and are predictably restricted to the exclusive use of nobles, senior officials of the Adeptus Terra, and other big shots in the Imperium.

Tithe Astartes (Space Marine) Worlds

These are planets claimed by a Space Marine chapter. While typically most Chapters select Death Worlds, Feral Worlds, or Feudal Worlds as a home due to the hardiness of their residents, some of these planets are more civilized or even at a better standard of living than most of the Imperium- the Realm of Ultramar is an obvious example of the latter.

Tithe Astartes planets are notable for being one of only two planet types exempt from the Imperial Tithe, with the only other type being Aptus Non (read: planets which have been Exterminatus'd)

War Worlds

Planets locked in battle.