Infinity/N3 Tactics/Spiral Corps
Unit Overview and Tactics for Spiral Corps
Why play Spiral Corps?
The Tohaa are the masters of bio engineering, and now have a merc corp that gives them alternate tricks up their sleeve and human minions help. Spiral Corps represents the Triumvirate forces that are trying to manipulate the Human Sphere from behind the scenes. Violently. While twirling 90's cartoon villain mustaches.
Alternatively, Play Spiral Corps if you love fireteams. Fireteam: Triads allows the Tohaa to mix and match different troopers in a single small 3-man team, and now you can toss in more traditional fireteams as well for even more ability. Tohaa also has access to more multi-wound troopers than any other army thanks to those Symbiont Armor. The Tohaa are very mobile and they have a very wide selection of troopers and alien auxiliary to field. And now, one fireteam can have a Tri-Core, which bumps a Fireteam:Triad up to 5-man link bonuses.
Alternatively alternatively, pick it up as a sectorial to pretend you actually have a Sygmaa army until Corvus Belli gives us more CA-aligned Tohaa.
Faction Features
Special Skills
Symbiont Armor: Symbiont Armor is a living piece of armor that gives the bearer an extra profile "layer" and wound. Wounds have to go through the Symbiont Active profile before getting to the Inactive profile. This counts as having multiple wounds, therefore, Shock and Viral will not insta-kill them. In addition, Unconscious troopers possessing Symbiont Armor receive a +3 to Physique tests when testing for Regeneration, Medikit, or Automedkit checks. Symbiont Armor is highly sensitive against Fire ammunition. Failing a single ARM roll will completely kill the Active Profile. Active Profiles cannot be repaired.
- Be sure to pay attention to the differences in both Active and Inactive profiles.
Fireteam: Triad: Tohaa can form small 3-man fireteams, and there is no limit on how many Triads you can take. Additionally, Triads can consist any unit just as long as they have the Fireteam: Triads rule. This allows the Tohaa to mix units in a team.
Weapons and Equipment
Viral Ammunition: Being master bio engineers, the Tohaa have a lot of Viral weapons including Sniper Rifles, Combi Rifles, and CCWs.
Phermonic Ammunition: This ammo wounds against BTS and puts the target into the Targeted state whether or not the target passes his BTS Roll. This also counts as a successful Forward Observer attack!
Corahtar Discipline: During deployment, the user of this skill can assign Symbiomates or Symbiobombs to other troopers or themselves as long as they meet the requirements.
- Symbiomates: Up to 1 'mate can be assigned to any trooper with Symbiont Armor. The first time a trooper takes a hit, they gain Arm/BTS 9 and Total Immunity. Beware Flash Pulses that will cheaply strip your powerful ability.
- Symbiobombs: Up to 1 'bomb can be assigned to any trooper with Symbiont Armor. By spending the 'bomb, the trooper can make a Pheroware attack.
Pheroware Tactics: Pheroware is the Tohaa version of Hacking.
Nullifiers: Often overlooked. However, Nullifiers can be very handy tools. Once deployed, Troopers in ZoC of a Nullfier cannot use Hacking, Technical Weapon, Comms Attack, or even Sepsitor. However, troopers, weapons, and even equipment cannot be the target of Hacking, Technical Weapon, Comms Attack, or even Sepsitor. This even means Tohaa troopers in a Nullifier's influence, can deny enemy hacking, Forward Observe, Flash Pulse, Jammer, etc etc. This can even potentially deny your opponent some Classified Objectives which is very vital in ITS missions like Highly Classified.
Unit Overview
Light Infantry
Chaksa Axuilliars: Chaksa Auxiliars are very useful tools. The 10pt baggage Chaksa are great order filler, and even comes with Sensor and HFT. There is a Chaksa with a 360 Visor, HMG, and Neurocinetics as the Tohaa version of a TR Remote. The last option gives the Chaksa Auxiliar a Smart HRL which can also be useful especially with Symbiobugs.
Chaksa Longarms:
Chaksa Servants:
Cube Jäger:
Draal Saboteurs:
Greif Operators: Note: it's Grei f Operators, like "Griffin". Inferior infiltration has a combi-rifle and 2 breaker pistols. Drop it outside your opponent's deployment zone (in a hard-to-get-to) as a threat. Even consider using it as a turn-2 haymaker, after your opponent has moved out and started going for objectives. Remember that it can't go back into impersonation state, so revealing it is an important decision.
Hatail Aelis Keesan: Aelis Keesan is Tohaa's Dire Foe character based on the Kamael profile. She's a very pricey trooper, but she brings quite a lot to table. She has Regeneration (which gives Shock Immunity), Fireteam: Triad, and Sensor (which allows Triangulated Fire). She is a Killer Hacker making her a, ITS Specialist, and there are 2 options. Both options include D-Charges, Nanopulser, and Flash Pulse (at WIP14), but she gets to choose between either a Viral Combi Rifle or K1 Combi Rifle. Both K1 and Viral are good, but Viral tends to be scarier. Aelis is a toolbox trooper who brings a lot to her Triad.
- Triad: In a Triad Fireteam, she can fulfill multiple roles as a specialist trooper and a short ranged gunfighter. She's pricey, but brings a lot to the team, but make sure she's accompanied by tougher troopers.
Helot Militia:
Kaauri Sentinels:
Kaeltar Specialists:
Kerail Preceptors:
Kiiutan Imposters:
Kosuil Assault Pioneers:
Kriigel Agents: Gives access to white noise (mirrorball) and isolation against models with wounds, that both act like hacking attacks. Picks between LGL, smoke launcher, and a Pherobooster.
- Pherobooster: a weapon that grants the 'targeted' state if it hits. It's a relatively efficient way to distribute targeted across the opponent's team. Consider pairing it to the Chaksa Smart Heavy Rocket Launcher for the entertainment value.
Kumotail Bioengineers: Kumotail have both Doctor and Engineer skills and with D-Charges, they are excellent ITS specialists.
- Triad: In the Triad team, Kumotails need to depend on the other 2 team members to get it to the objective. Kumotails costs 22pts which is fairly expensive considering she doesn't have Symbiont Armor, and is a soft target.
- Chaksa Servants: Chaksa Servants are the G:Servants for the Kumotail. Unfortunately, the Kumotail cannot be in a Triad if she has a Servant.
Reex Escorts:
Rasail Boarding Team:
Taagma Scheemers:
Tohaa Diplomatic Delegates: The Tohaa Diplomatic Delegate is an irregular 5pt Special Operative. She's got very little in offensive power (Nanopulser, Pistol, Flash Pulse), but she's super dirt cheap and a Specialist. The Irregular doesn't necessarily hurt the order pool because of how order efficient the army can be. Not bad at all.
Wardrivers, Mercenary Hackers:
Medium Infantry
Armand Le Muet, Freelance Killer:
Heavy Infantry
Kiel-Saan Covert Assault Unit:
Neema Sataar:
Clipsos Infiltrators:
Igao Unit: