Infinity/N4 Tactics/Ikari Company

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Revision as of 12:00, 19 August 2021 by 1d4chan>Benutzernamuel (Light Infantry)
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An overview for faction units and tactics in N4. WIP


Ikari is the throat-punchiest faction, containing many irregular troops and a highly aggressive, straightforward profile.

Faction Features

  • Features 1:
  • Features 2:
  • Features 3:

Special Skills

  • Skills 1:
  • Skills 2:
  • Skills 3:

Weapons and Equipment

  • Equipment 1:
  • Equipment 2:
  • Equipment 3:

Units Overview

  • Overview 1:
  • Overview 2:
  • Overview 3:

Remember to keep Unit blurbs below short and succinct. This is 'what they do and why they're good' not 'here's how you use them'. Keep them to a paragraph.

Light Infantry

  • Keisetsu: The plain, listfilling LI. They aren't really good at anything but generating orders, but they're cheap, can form a core link and have a few specialist an SW profiles if you're in desperate need of something specific on a budget. They can bring one Tanko and one Brawler into their link, which is a cheap way to get a 5-link bonus on some big scary gun.
  • Tokusetsu Butai: These are the faction-generic doctor and engineer. One-purpose profiles, but cheap and reliable.
  • Warcors: 3pts for an irregular Flashpulse ARO. Fit him into your list whenever you got the slot and points, they're well worth it.

Medium Infantry

  • Medium Infantry 1:
  • Medium Infantry 2:

Heavy Infantry

  • Heavy Infantry 1:
  • Heavy Infantry 2:

Tactical Armor Gear

  • TAGS:


  • Dronbots: Standard issue S3 Remotes, PanOceanian ones are not special in any way.
    • Clipper: The Smart Missile Launcher Remote.
    • Fugazi: The Repeater/Flash Pulse Remote. Cheap Regular Order and a mobile Repeater. Nice filler or Flash Pulse ARO.
    • Pathfinder: The Forward Observer Remote. Mobile Repeater, armed, specialist, for 16 pts.
    • Sierra: The HMG Total Reaction Remote. Just park it where it can cause your opponent the most trouble moving around.
  • Yaopu Pangguling: The S4 baggage bots, come in the usual three varieties with EVO HD, TR bot with a combi rifle, or just a plain baggage bot.
  • Yaoxie Lu Duan: Holomask and Holoprojector make this S4 remote particularly fun in JSA since it can be disguised as a Bike! It also got minelayer with deployable repeaters, which is pretty sweet. The MK12 and heavy flamethrower (+1B) are solid weapons, and it's got MSV1 to shoot better against those pesky MIM units.
  • Yaoxie Rui Shi: Brings MSV2 and a spitfire, making it the S4 gunbot.


  • Yojimbo, Sword for Hire: He is so good. A motorcycling warband with smoke grenade launcher, and he's the cheapest source of smoke in the faction. Minelayer with CrazyKoalas makes your deployment zone a tad more safe. He's immune to Crits and has NWI, but since he's impetuous you still need to be careful. Lastly he is a very competent CC fighter.


  • Skirmishers:

Building Your Army

One to two short paragraphs on list building.


  • Shoot Enemy, Don't Die:
  • Don't Die:
  • Play the Objective: