Iron Kingdoms RPG
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The Iron Kingdoms RPG is a roleplaying game for playing in the Iron Kingdoms Universe (duh). It has seen two different edition at this point, the first being the Dungeons and Dragons mod called Iron Kingdoms, set in what was called the "Witchfire" universe, based on the books of the same name. This quickly grew to produce numerous great stuff, most notably the wargames WARMACHINE and HORDES, who both are in their third edition as of this article. As those two games got a more substantial following, the IKRPG followed suit and adopted the basics of the two wargames for its system, which created the game you're reading about now.
IKRPG is, of course, set in the Iron Kingdoms, and allows the player to take on a wide variety of different adventurers doing a wide amount of different shit in the Kingdoms; Cortex trafficking, mercenary work, elite troops, you name it. The players also sorta a create their own class on creation, due to a cool two-"Career" system where you choose what amount to two classes and then combine all their feats, skills and whatever into one. This can create all manners of cool shit, like a Trencher/Investigator, or a Stormblade/Arcanist.
IKRPG is slightly infamous for being based on a system meant for a wargames, and it shows in the system. It is a very combat-heavy system, with some light investigative and social system here and there for good measure. Battles play out almost like the way the wargames do, while most play outside combat is more up to the players and their GM to figure out.
The player characters also get fucking lethal at the drop of a hat; semi-competent Veteran level characters can readily skull-fuck characters like the Butcher without breaking a sweat. That said, it's generally easy to take damage but hard to die, so combat is hard but not overly punishing.
The IK RPG system is based around test made with 2D6 like in the wargames with small changes to the overall formula - When you test for, say, Agility, you roll a 2D6, add your Agility score to the mix and that's it. In some cases you will add more modifiers from skills, but this is what you do, both in and outside combat.
Stats are compromised of your Main stats, which are the physical (Physical, Speed, Strength), skillbased (Agility, Prowess, Poise) and mental (Intelligence, Perception, Arcane) traits of your average being, Skills, who are divided into Occupational, Military and General skills, and Abilities, which is, well, abilities of the characters.
The game tends to make it easy to become a dodge-tank if one wants to, as DEF is gained from three Stats that are readily available and nice to have (Speed, Agility and Perception), while armor-tanks are rare but powerful when they do show up. A well-geared Paladin of the Wall using Stone Stance can readily hit 24+ ARM values, which is fucking insane in this game. This author had a campaign where the GM had to break the rules of the game just to try to break the Armor of the resident Man-O-War/PotW (and also to let a player have it, since these careers are mutually exclusive). We're talking Ogruns in Ironhead Armor.
Core Careers
Unsurprisingly, the alchemist is largely a crafting career focused on doing weird shit with chemistry ("YEAH MR WHITE! YEAH SCIENCE!") and then typically throwing the results at a target.
Arcane Mechanik
Arcane Mechanics are a combination crafting career and situational combat career. They have the inscribe ability which lets them create new runeplates for mechanika, and they get the ability to command warjacks and can upkeep spells on warjacks for free. BUUUTTT... they're not the best warjack drivers, and while they have some spells, they're most effective on warjacks. In combat with stuff that bleeds, they have to fall back on mechanika gadgetry.
Put on your robe and wizard hat, it's the pure Vancian caster. Arcanists can maintain any one upkeep spell for free.
One of the main social careers, the Aristocrat has privilege. Literally and unironically. They're one of the four core careers that have the ability to learn new languages (most careers can't in this system). They also have a smattering of riding abilities, some leadership, and a broad slate of skills for social and intrigue settings. If you want a career that falls somewhere between the military officer and spy, the aristocrat is your answer.
Bounty Hunter
The bounty hunter sits somewhere between the cutthroat and the investigator, as a shady operator specializing in tracking people down and subduing them. Their main ability is combining Waylay and Take Down, making them the go-to career for capturing people ALIVE.
The rogue. Cutthroats are single target burst damage experts... as long as they hit from behind. Big on abilities, but one of the weakest careers for skills.
Cutthroats with manners. The duelist career combines parry and riposte into a character that excels in mano-a-mano combat. Also gets acrobatics for parkour gimmickry, and a sampler platter of social skills like etiquette and seduction for the swave, socialite killer.
Along with the ranger and soldier, the Explorer is essentially a survival career focused to a specific setting. Explorers are in their element hunting beasts, unravelling mysteries in ruins, and working in unfamiliar settings as they are one of the few careers with the Language ability. While they have access to a variety of weaponry skills, aside from Big Game Hunter they don't have any combat abilities.
Fell Caller
The fell caller career is restricted to trollkin. It's essentially a buffing career revolving around talking smack.
Field Mechanik
Gun Mage
Iron Fang
Mage Hunter
Man at Arms
Military Officer
Despite its name, the soldier is not by itself a strong combat career. Rather, it's a principally focused on SURVIVING in a battlefield setting, with abilities that improve their ability to avoid damage. In addition, it comes with some utility skills, like medicine and the ability to command warjacks. Pairing the soldier career with a damage focused career like rifleman or gun mage will give you the archetypal tough as nails battlefield veteran.
The game is essentially fully fleshed out by now.
- Iron Kingdoms: Unleashed: A main book like the regular IKRPG book, though focused on the HORDES part of the setting, as opposed to the WARMACHINE focus of the original game.
Fully 80% compatible with the other one, to the point where having both books just means having double the options for characters enemies maybe, but you need to pick which one your campaign heroes will belong to. If you wanna play cannibalistic pigmen, this is where you go.
- Kings, Gods and Nations: An expansion to the main game, featuring ALL of the lore, plus a little more. In addition, it's got a lot of nation-and-religion-specific new classes, items and Warjacks. It's got explosive pens. Explosive. Pens.
- Urban Adventures: An attempt at expansion, featuring race specific Careers, all of them bad, few items with extremely specific uses (more so than explosive pen above) and some lore. Only thing actually fun is five pages of undead crafting guide.
- Wild Adventures: Expansion done right, PP got their shit together. At the half price of KG&N, you get new races, new careers (one of them Siamese-twin spell-casting frogmen), career variants, and bunch of gear. But that's not all. You get the rules for crafting magical gear and ritual magic, both expanding the game considerably, since those are, you know, bread and butter of fantasy scenarios.
- Skorne Empire: Probably the last expansion for the line, this gives players of Unleashed the option to be members of Skorne's stratified society. In case being a society of sadomasochistic freaks turns you on.
- No Quarter Magazine: Almost every issue of Privateer Press' personal magazine has had a section with additional stuff for players; much of it inspired by things in the wargame.