JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Jojo's Bizarre Adventurer is an epic actionfest macho camp manga series that first got written in the 80s. It covers the multi-generational (and eventually multiversial) heroism of the Joestar family, who are constantly getting involved in all sorts of weird shit that results in epic, crazy fights and super-manly scenes. The title comes because each generation's Joestar has a name starting with "JO", resulting in the familial nickname of "JoJo". Although technically you can just pick up any saga at random, it's slightly easier to follow along if you read from the beginning. Slightly.
Best known on /tg/ for its memetastic 80s OVA, which adapted the third generation's saga.
Generation Sagas
Part 1: Phantom Blood
Here's where it all begins. A Victorian Aristocrat in the 1880s named George Joestar is the only survivor of a horrible carriage crash. Mistaking the depraved scavenger Darcy Brando as a Good Samaritan who tried to help him, he offers the Cockney lowlife a favor, to be called in whenever Darcy wishes. Eventually, Darcy dies, but sends his son - the ruthlessly ambitious, amoral and driven Dio Brando - to live at the Joestars, calling in his favor to get George to adopt the lad. This leads to much suffering for George's actual son, the goodhearted - if rather dimwitted - Jonathan Joestar, as Dio wants JoJo's place and starts to bully him horribly. Even burning his fucking dog alive just to get back at him beating him! This all comes to a boil when it turns out he's poisoning George, a confrontation that leads to him using a mysterious stone mask to become a vampire. So, with the aid of mysterious vampire-killing martial artist, Baron Zeppelli, Jonathon masters the art of Ripple/Hamon, a mystical breath-controlled martial art that wields energy anathema to vampires. Jonathon eventually decapitates Dio, and all is well, right? ...Wrong! Whilst Jonathon is on his honeymoon, Dio's head shows up with his last remaining zombie minion, leading to Jonathon dying as Dio cuts off Jonathon's head in hopes of merging with his enemy's body, before the ship they're on sinks. Luckily, Jonathon's pregnant wife escapes.
Part 2: Battle Tendency
In the late 1930s, Joseph Joestar, grandson of Jonathon Joestar, is the second Joestar to get into strife when the mysterious Pillar Men awaken. These ungodly abominations created the vampirism-creating stone masks as part of a process to find a way around their own pesky weakness to sunlight. The fact vampires taste even nicer than humans was a nifty bonus. Notable events include a hammy Nazi cyborg as one of the good guys and a final battle that starts in an erupting volcano, then ends with them riding a chunk of rock into the atmosphere after the volcano blows its top. Silliest part by far, with the Piller Men being the prominent highlight.
Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
In the 1980s, half-Japanese Jotaro Kujo takes up the role of hero when Dio Brando comes back, having assimilated Jonathan Joestar's body as his own. In doing so, he forsakes his former vampire powers and unlocks a new kind of power, strange psionic abilities called Stands. This causes a chain reaction that unlocks Stands around the world, and leads to Stands replacing Hamon as the super-power of choice in all subsequent generations. This is by far the most well known part of Jojo, with the introduction of Stands being very well received and all the crazy shenanigans that come with them.
Terms and Stuff You Need to Know
The Ripple, or "Hamon" as its sometimes called, was a power introduced in Phantom Blood and used up until early Stardust Crusaders. Created by monks in fuckknowswhere, this martial art(?) was created to specifically destroy undead zombies and vampires. The user, quite literally, harnesses the power of the sun via breathing. This can let the user empower their attacks and attain superhuman feats. And for dramatic effect the Ripple can transfer to metal and hair, making it unstable and acting like a weapon in of itself. Joseph Joestar is the last Ripple user and the ability dies out soon after Stardust Crusaders.
Stands are... weird to say the least. They are literal spiritual manifestations on a user's willpower and strength. The capabilities of Stands can vary stupidly, among the know powers are: stopping time, shooting out crystal projectiles, tossing marbles that are practically mini virus bombs, and punches so powerful they can break diamond.