Last Stand - Farseer
The Farseer is the Last Stand Hero of the Eldar.
The Eldar Farseer is simultaneously one of the strongest and weakest heroes; she has, perhaps more than any other hero, the ability to completely warp an entire battle's progression for her team's favor, and she has remarkably high survivability for a character who tends to focus on abilities like she does. Indeed, many who are more familiar with her Chaos counterpart are usually more than a bit surprised by how survivable she is in contrast to the (at first) abhorrently bad survivability of the Sorcerer.
What makes the Farseer powerful is her ability to influence the battle indirectly. Her abilities can cause more pandemonium and disruption to the enemy than is probably healthy, and enable her to seriously reduce the threat enemies pose to her teammates. She also boasts some offensive abilities, though these aren't as potent as their counterparts. In trained hands, she's absolutely terrifying, since she can easily flow between different types of support as the battle and her wargear merit.
In truth, however, the Eldar Farseer's biggest weakness is honestly damage output. She gets a number of very powerful skills in Eldritch Bolt and Eldritch Storm, and these can be (and are) remarkably powerful, but are nowhere near as good as comparable abilities used by the Chaos Sorcerer, Mekboy, or Tau Commander offensively. She actually has only modestly good mobility; indeed, hers is the dead-center middle - ahead of the Tyrant and Lord General, but behind the Sorcerer, Mekboy, Tau Commander, and Space Marine Captain.
- Farseer Armor - Default
- Armor Rating: 16
- Default Armor. It fails at everything and should never be used.
- Armor Rating: 16
- Armor of Vaul - Level 1
- Armor Rating: 184
- Trait: Fearless (Immune to Suppression)
- This initial armor boasts absolutely gigantic defense for a caster, as well as the fearless trait - an incredibly powerful combination, to say the least. Right out the gate, the Farseer boasts very high survivability specifically because of this, and this armor remains useful for quite some time due to its heavy armor and Fearless trait.
- Rune Armor - Level 6
- Armor Rating: 68
- +50 Energy
- This armor is more in-line with the Chaos Sorcerer's armors: Modest defense, but an ability specifically-designed to support a caster. In this case, one might immediately see the Rune Armor's vastly lower defense and immediately ignore it, but that does the armor a huge disservice; the Rune Armor gives a massive amount of secondary energy, and since the Farseer relies so heavily on her skills to do much of anything, this boon is absolutely gigantic and thusly not to be underestimated. It tends to lose its sparkle as the game goes on, however.
- Ghosthelm - Level 13
- Armor Rating: 44
- +1 Energy Regeneration
- Like the Rune Armor, this lower-defense armor is easy to overlook - especially with access to another suit of armor on this list. On the other hand, +1 Energy Regeneration, for a character like the Farseer, is fucking huge. It dramatically improves her peformance and ability to stay in the fight by simple virtue of letting her cast far more often, and that's a particularly handy advantage to have, especially when one considers that it can be stacked with her other abilities for a veritable font of energy regeneration that lets her throw out spells in a barrage.
- Armor of Eldanesh - Level 18
- Armor Rating: 132
- Ability: Psychic Shield (Raise a psychic shield which halves incoming damage and causes it to reduce Energy instead of Health.)
- Yet another overlooked armor, but this one has a few defenders owning to its heavy defense and access to Psychic Shield. Though often an avoided ability, the Armor of Eldanesh giving the Farseer a means to resist damage means that it makes a good survival option, especially if the Farseer gets overwhelmed. The drawback of course is that the Farseer is an immensely energy-reliant hero; burning off energy from her pool can leave you short of it in a bad situation.
- Mantle of Malan'tai - Achievement Unlock: Revive 75 Allies as the Eldar farseer
- Armor Rating: 165
- Trait: +0.5 Energy Regeneration
- This unlockable armor frequently is seen as the better version of the Ghosthelm armor, due to the fact that it has much heavier armor; On the other hand, however, the energy regen boost is only half as strong. Whilst at a glance, this means the Mantle of Malan'tai is much stronger, the energy regeneration rate boost available from the Ghosthelm is infinitely better for many builds. It is still a very effective armor, however, and one of the most commonly used.
- Armor of Idranel - DLC
- Armor Rating: 165
- +100 Health
- Trait: Unshakable
- An almost bizarrely powerful armor that is undeniably the most-commonly-used, by simple virtue of its massive health boost and strong armor rating. Just as strong as the Mantle of Malan'tai defensively, the huge health buff it gives is what pushes it over; 100 extra health plus that level of armor means an incredible level of survivability, but when it has Unshakable as well, that's just outstanding. Perhaps more than any other Farseer armor, this one is the hardest to justify not using, since its massive upsides eclipse almost anything the other armors can do, though many players eschew it in favor of the Mantle of the other armors, either for Fearless, Energy Boosting (Ghosthelm, Rune Armor, Mantle of Malan'tai) or access to Psychic Shield.
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