Last Stand - Lord General

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Perhaps the hardest-to-use Hero in the entire game, the Lord General, in proud tradition of every game Relic has ever worked on that has the Imperial Guard in it seems to be one-dimensional and inefficient - and, insofar as his being a character one can just pick up and use, this is most-assuredly true. The Lord General, at a glance, sucks. His basic traits traits are abhorrent - no mobility boosting until level 20, poor support abilities until way late-game, limited build options, mediocre damage output in general, and no way to boost his HP, making him the most fragile hero in all of Last Stand.

One has to wonder if Relic pulled out all the stops in making the Lord General suck, in fact.

Sadly for Relic, if they did intend for him to just suck utterly, they failed, because there's many ways to make him viable, and this guide will show you just how powerful he can be. Using the Lord General involves using your brain and learning to delegate battlefield control - either to your minions, or to your teammates - and adapt on the fly. You cannot deal with enemies in the conventional fashion, and you need to fight smart to get anywhere with the guy. When properly leveled, the General's builds open up much more, and he becomes incrementally more fun to play with each and every level obtained.

There's a few things that the Lord General particularly excels at. One is fighting defensively; his ability to call in backup, set up turrets, and establishing killing fields means that when your team needs to hold ground, there's nobody better. Properly backed up, the Lord General can actually become a dominating force on the battlefield. The other is killing priority targets. From the get-go, the Lord General excels at murdering high-level threats like enemy heroes, Zoanthropes, and Wraithguards.


  • Carapace Armor - Default
    • Armor Rating: 18
      • Default Armor. Sucks, yadda yadda yadda.
  • Cadia-Pattern Carapace Armor - Level 1
    • Armor Rating: 125
    • +0.2/sec Energy Regeneration
      • This initial armor is remarkably useful, though it doesn't really come into its own until later. It provides excellent protection - indeed, the best of any armor for the General besides the Black Plate - and the energy regen boost is nice, though it's generally negligable in the long run.
  • Master-Crafted Carapace Armor - Level 4
    • Armor Rating: 79
    • Trait: Fearless (Immune to Suppression)
    • Ability: Tarantula Heavy Bolter Turret (25 energy; Deploys a turret with heavy bolters that suppresses targets and does modestly good anti-infantry damage)
      • The first of the Turret Armors and arguably one of the most useful. The Heavy Bolter Turret is always helpful for suppressing enemies, this armor has decent protection, and it makes you Fearless as part of the bargain. It works well if your squad does AOE damage (Catachans, Flamer or Grenade Launcher Guardsmen).
  • Artificer Carapace Armor - Level 8
    • Armor Rating: 72
    • Trait: Unshakable (Immune to Knockdown)
  • Ability: Tarantula Missile Turret (25 energy; deploys a turret with twin-linked missile launchers that does decent anti-armor damage and has strong knockback)
      • The other of the commonly-used Turret Armors, this is a great alternative to the Heavy Bolter turret of the Master-Crafted Carapace Armor. Decent overall defense and the always-useful Unshakable trait combine with a turret that has better performance at killing vehicles and can disrupt infantry effetively. Whilst it tends to be not as useful as the Master-Crafted Armor, the added armor-punching of the Artificer can be a tremendous asset, depending on your loadout.
  • Mordian-Pattern Carapace Armor - Level 12
    • Armor Rating: 37
    • Ability: Executioner Heavy Turret (40 energy; deploys an anti-infantry heavy turret that rapidly fires plasma blasts. These blasts deal area-of-effect damage at a long range)
      • At a glance, a heavy turret with a Plasma Cannon seems like a wonderful idea. Sadly, it's nowhere near as awesome as it sounds; the turret is bugged and does barely any damage due to lacking any armor penetration, to the point where the Heavy Bolter turret out-damages it. Providing barely any protection and with a turret that costs much more than the smaller pair to further drive home the fail, the Mordian-Pattern Armor is to be avoided.
  • Armageddon-Pattern Carapace Armor - Level 16
    • Armor Rating: 30
    • Ability: Vanquisher Heavy Turret (40 energy; calls down a turret with a powerful anti-tank cannon that fires at long range and has a large area-of-effect, and penetrates armor)
      • Like the Mordian Armor, the Armageddon one focuses everything on its massive turret. Unlike the Mordian, however, the Vanquisher turret from the Armageddon-Pattern Armor is reasonably good. Though neither very accurate or powerful, the Vanquisher cannon of this turret has both area-of-effect damage and armor penetration, which places it well above the Mordian Armor. Though not as useful or cost-effective as the lighter turrets, it's quite effective if placed correctly and can be extremely handy if used right. Note, however: The Armageddon-Pattern Armor has even less damage protection, however, and no traits, which further restrain how useful it can be.
  • The Black Plate - Achievement Unlock: Clear up to Wave 10 while holding both strategic points.
    • Armor Rating: 125
    • Trait: Black Armor (50% Damage from all melee attacks).
      • Once this is obtained, it's the most protective armor in the entire game for the Lord General, though it provides none of the myriad benefits of other armors. Still, due to its raw defense, it's one of the more reliably useful ones, and gives him excellent survivability where he otherwise wouldn't have it.


  • Sniper Rifle - Default
    • Ranged Weapon
    • 8.0 DPS
      • A Default Weapon, but this one is actually fairly powerful. It still sucks compared to what's available even at the start however.
  • Deadly Sniper Rifle - Level 1
    • Ranged Weapon
    • 12.0 DPS
    • +1 Energy regen
    • Ability: High-Powered Shot (25 Energy, Shoot a long-range anti-infantry shot)
      • This weapon is terrifying both for its meaty regen rate, massive damage per shot, phenomenal range, and ability that lets it fire off a very powerful round for high damage against a single target. It's very useful early on, can be fired very effectively from inside buildings, and has great range - all factors that conspire to make it one of the best weapons the Lord General gets. Unfortunately, the Sniper Rifle has a horrid fire rate, so it leaves the Lord General incredibly vulnerable to being overrun.
  • Bolter - Level 1
    • Ranged Weapon
    • 9.0 DPS
    • Traits: Zealous (Any attacks the Lord General makes recovers health up to 25% of the damage caused), Wargear Package (Any weapon specialist retinue will equip this weapon alongside the Lord General)
      • The Bolter is a mediocre ranged weapon that can give some survivability via the weapon's Zealous trait, since each shot you land heals the Lord General slightly. It also gives Bolters to any attached Guardsman Squad, and though the actual damage this gives the squad is only a slight upgrade, it's still better than their base lasguns. Overall, a good early-game choice that tends to slide into irrelevance as better becomes available.
  • Flamer - Level 1
    • Ranged Weapon
    • 6.0 DPS
    • Traits: Ignore Cover (Attacks with flamer cannot take cover from damage), Area of Effect (Flamer attacks in large radius), Wargear Package (Any weapon specialist retinue will equip this weapon alongside the Lord General)
      • You're not taking this weapon for its use on the Lord General, though his position often means it's a fun option. The main reason you're taking this is to back it up with Guardsman squads, who will also get these weapons, and thus will allow you to triple-stack flamers in order to quickly melt through packs of oncoming mooks. Flamers are an excellent early option and one that retains its effectiveness throughout the Lord General's career, and are one of the more reliable special weapons as well, making them definitely worth using.
  • Inspiring Power Sword - Level 1
    • Melee Weapon
    • 19.0 DPS
    • Traits: Inspiring (Attacks with power sword increase damage and speed of nearby allies), Armor Piercing (Attacks with the power sword can ignore armor values up to 100), Melee Charge (Any charges towards an enemy knocks the enemy down)
      • Melee Lord General builds are rare, but this weapon and the other Power Sword exist to make good use of them. Backed with the Medallion Crimson and Duelist Honors, the Inspiring Power Sword can actually inflict an ungodly amount of damage - almost as much as a kitted-out Space Marine Captain, in fact. Pair yourself with strong melee allies that will get stuck in alongside you (such as a Hive Tyrant's minions or your own Ogryns), and this weapon will quickly show you how powerful it can be if used right.
  • Protective Power Sword - Level 6
    • Melee Weapon
    • 10.0 DPS
    • +50 Armor
    • Ability: Clear Out (25 Energy, strike ground to cause radial damage and knockdown.
    • Traits: Armor Piercing (Attacks with the power sword can ignore armor values up to 100), Melee Charge (Any charges towards an enemy knocks the enemy down)
      • Whereas the Inspiring Sword is the powerful melee weapon, the Protective is a versatile one. It's still quite strong, and has armor-piercing, but has no special attack chance. Instead, the Protective Sword can use a tiny AOE melee ability that throws enemies around, and gives a meaty defense bonus. Paired with the Black Plate, this can give the Lord General remarkable survivability against enemies that would otherwise be threatening, such as Banshees and Hormagaunts.
  • Grenade Launcher - Level 13
    • Ranged Weapon
    • 5.5 DPS
    • Ability: Blind Grenade Volley (20 Energy, fires a volley of Blind Grenades, stunning nearby enemies)
    • Traits: Knockdown (Attacks with Grenade Launcher knock down enemies), Area of Effect (Grenade Launcher attacks in large radius), Wargear Package (Any weapon specialist retinue will equip this weapon alongside the Lord General)
      • Easily the best Guardsman Wargear Package weapon, the Grenade Launcher boasts a host of useful advantages: Indirect fire, knockdown power, and blast effects just to name a few. Even better, it gives the use of a special attack in Blind Grenade Volley, which can be a godsend when it comes to helping allies in the field, and gives the General a weapon with Wargear Package that's actually worth taking on its own merits. When you need a weapon that can knock down, cause AOE damage, and fire over obstacles, you've got something of a winner, and its long range atop this is just gravy. Absolutely worth using, especially alongside the Heavy Bolter Turret Armor.
  • Plasma Gun - Level 18
    • Ranged Weapon
    • 7.3 DPS
    • Traits: Armor Piercing (Plasma Gun attacks ignore armor ratings up to 100), Wargear Package (Any weapon specialist retinue will equip this weapon alongside the Lord General)
      • At a glance, the prospect of a Plasma Gun for the General seems awesome. Unfortunately, the one for Last Stand isn't all that great. It has no special abilities attached, isn't that good a standalone weapon, and is generally an extremely poor weapon outside of its element (attacking heavy infantry and vehicles). Against almost anything else, every weapon the General has that isn't his basic Laspistol will do more damage - a fact true for the Guardsman variant as well. Whilst this weapon absolutely rocks for later waves in Bloodied Coliseum and late-game Anvil of Khorne in general, the bulk of the levels it's more of a hindrance than an advantage, though it can be extremely effective should you stack damage boosting abilities (Medallion Crimson, Take Aim!, Commissar).
  • Ornate Vostroyan Shotgun - DLC
    • Ranged Weapon
    • 10.5 DPS
    • Ability: Solid Slug (25 Energy, fires a solid slug at the target, causing big damage and knockback). Has a small area-of-effect.
    • Traits: Area of Effect (Shotgun attacks in large radius)
      • Fantastic weapon, and one of the best alternatives, at the endgame phase, to the Deadly Sniper Rifle. Though this weapon is weaker per-shot, has a much shorter range, and has a weaker special attack, it fires much faster, has AOE damage, and an ability that's basically a weaker version of High-Powered Shot. All of these conspire to make it one of the nicer weapons for use with non-guardsmen.


  • Honorifica Imperialis - Level 1
    • +25 Armor, +2 Health Regen
      • This is a very good item for solo Lord Generals, as it makes them more survivable.
  • Refractor Field - Level 2
    • Ability: Refractor Field (25 Energy, Projects a field around the Lord General, allowing nearby allies to reduce the damage they take from ranged weapons.
      • While only is this incredibly useful for allies and Minions alike, it's not offering much else as opposed to the Sorcerer's scrolls.
  • Medallion Crimson - Level 3
    • Traits: Combat Expert (Lord General gets +30% Melee and Ranged damage)
  • Repair - Level 7
    • Ability: Repair (20 Energy, repairs targeted vehicle or structure)
      • If you're taking turrets (Especially later ones like the Plasma Cannon or the Missile Tarantula), then this is a no-brainer to equip. This will absolutely make them last far longer than normally.
  • Sergeant - Level 9
    • All Minion squads get a sergeant equipped.
    • Traits: Minion Battle Hardened (Minion Squads gain +100 Health and +2 Health Regen)
      • This is a very easy way to make your Guardsmen a lot more survivable.
  • Reinforce - Level 11
    • Ability: Reinforce (10 Energy, signal Valkyrie to deploy a reinforcement to troops within the area.
      • Just as Repair makes turrets more livable, this makes any Guardsmen far more survivable and less energy taxing than just re-summoning the squad.
  • Commissar - Level 14
    • All Minion squads get a Commissar equipped.
    • Traits: Minion Combat Expert (Minions get +30% melee and ranged damage)
      • IF you're kitting your Minions to be a lot more offense-based, little can go wrong by threatening to blam a heretic.
  • Take Aim - Level 17
    • Ability: Take Aim! (20 Energy, Grant ally temporary, but significant damage boost)
  • Rocket Run - Level 19
    • Ability: Rocket Run (50 Energy, Valkyrie swoops in for rocket pod runs.)
      • Whereas the Captain gets Orbital Bombardment and the Sorcerer gets Let the Galaxy Burn, the Lord General gets the Rocket Run. The big benefit of this run isn't the damage, but the ability to change the direction of the second run.
  • Duelist Honors - Achievement Unlock: Kill 2500 enemies
    • Trait: Duelist (Increases melee damage by +40%
  • Ursidae Trophy - DLC
    • Traits: Minion Inspired Will (All Minions gain +15 health), Superior Provisions (All turrets gain +150 Health).
      • Minion-focused Lord Generals may not like the boost given when compared to the Sergeant and others, but a Turret-based build can make a bigger stock on it.

Commander Items

  • Guardsmen - Level 5
    • Ability: Deploy Guardsmen (35 Energy, Deploys a squad of Guardsmen to be Minions)
    • Traits: Minion Weapon Specialist (Can equip weapons that the Lord General has)
      • Unlike the Sorcerer or the Hive Tyrant, the Lord General summons Guardsmen via command items. The Weapon Specialist also makes them very easy to customize them to a particular role. Reinforcing these guys and adding Sergeants can help making them far more survivable than by their lonesome.
  • Catachans - Level 10
    • Ability: Deploy Catachans (35 Energy, Deploys a squad of Catachan Jungle Fighters to be Minions)
    • Traits: Minion Knockdown (Can knock enemies down), Minion Explosives Expert (Catachans occasionally throw grenades)
  • Storm Troopers - Level 20
    • Ability: Deploy Stormtroopers (35 Energy, Deploys a squad of storm troopers to be Minions), Tactical Withdrawal (6 Energy, lets the Lord General flee from the area)
    • Traits: Special Ops (-25% Energy Costs)
      • After seeing how useful the Hive Tyrant's Synapse, this ability makes using Storm Troopers a whole lot more appealing, even though they can't equip whatever weapons you take. The fleeing ability, consider akin to the Hive Tyrant's Thornback, but in only one direction.