Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Old/Destruction

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Aleguzzler Gargants

  • Aleguzzler Gargant: For 180pt. he can instant kill a model before attacking if you roll on a D6 a number that is double or more than that model's wounds. When you roll a double on a charge (or when he dies) you and your opponent throw a dice to decide the direction he will fall and every unit that would be squished by putting the model on it's side suffers D3 mortal wounds. If he is dead he just dies, if he was charging he just rises up again and doesn't charge.


  • Sons of Behemat: Found in The Realmgate Wars: Godbeasts.

5 Giants. One of the Giants must be the Gargant-King, he gains the HERO keyword. When you attack with the Gargant-King's Massive Club, you always use the maximum number of attacks possible. You can also re-roll failed hit rolls for a model from this formation who's attacking an enemy unit outside its territory.


  • Firebelly: It's this guy and nothing else. Spits fire, which means D3 mortal wounds on a 4+ roll. His spell puts him on fire, so until the next Hero phase every enemy unit will suffers D3 mortal wounds on a 4+ roll after each Combat phase. His melee attacks are good too.



  • Troll Hag (Forgeworld): Your Hero, your Wizard, your Monster and your money sink. These old flabby ladies are an incredible addition to your growing band of Trolls. They have a massive amount of Wounds, a good save and even stronger regen than your average Troggoth. While they are not so hot in melee comparatively, they barf five times the damage the normal Troggoths do and with higher range. Seeing as their barfing is a high-Rend, high-damage attack, this makes the lady absolutely terrifying, as does her spell, which is a reverse Mystic Shield that lowers enemy Saves even further and heaps on another To Hit penalty. Sure, casting value 8, but Sigmar save the poor saps you cast this on. And finally, the lady has a chance of dealing damage to you if you try to go around all the To Hit penalties and just shoot her ass with magic. A great addition to any Troggoth horde, whether you play them with other stuff or not.


All Troggoths have the same basic stats, with only slight differences between them. They all have their vomit, which is a low-ranged but devastating shooting attack with high Rend. Other than that, they're basically Ogors with Rend on their weapons but lower Bravery. Decent Move, four Wounds apiece, Regeneration and one additional ability depending on their type.

  • Fellwater Troggoths: These stink so bloody awful that enemies take a To Hit-penalty when attacking them in melee. Now this sounds good already, but is actually incredible, as it means all those abilities that activate on 6+ To Hit cannot trigger against them unless the opponent has a To Hit buff to compensate.
  • Rockgut Troggoths: The first thing you will notice about these is that their special ability sucks compared to the others. Disregard magic on 6+? Really? Not really as good as a To Hit-penalty, is it? But then you notice that they have a better Save of 4+ to make up for it. Now that's much better as it makes them pretty tough at all ranges.
  • Sourbreath Troggoths: Their special rule is both funny and useful, as they are literally too dumb to die, so they have a 4+ save-after-the-save that unfortunately only works when your Troggoth is on its last Wound. Combine with the regeneration and it gets pretty tough to get these things to stay dead.


Army Building

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