Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Old/Destruction/Bonesplitterz

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Allegiance Abilities

Battle Traits

If your army has the BONESPLITTERZ allegiance, it has the following rules:

- Save rolls automatically pass on the result of a 6 regardless of enemy Rend. In essence this means that Bonesplitterz always have a chance to save their green hides, though as usual only if they have a save to begin with. Additionally, a special save against Mortal Wounds can be made for all models with this allegiance, passing on the roll of a 6.

- If any BONESPLITTERZ unit kills a monster, they don't have to take a Battleshock test until YOUR next hero phase. Particularly handy if the enemy gets lucky with their turn priority roll. Furthermore, when a BONESPLITTERZ unit makes its close combat attacks and is within 3" of any Monster, it rolls an additional D6 before Piling In; on a 1-2 it can Pile In 6" rather than 3", on a 3-4 you can re-roll any failed wounds the unit directs at a Monster, while on a 5-6 any wound roll of a 6 or more the unit makes against a Monster causes an additional Mortal Wound!

Command Traits

A general of an army with the BONESPLITTERZ allegiance can choose one of the following Command Traits:

1. Squirmy Warpaint: The General's warpaint lets him avoid Mortal Wounds of a 4+, rather than a 6. Useful in scenarios where you're looking to keep him alive, but there are better Traits that do more to support the whole army.

2. Prophet of da Waaagh!: While the General is alive, you can re-roll the first failed Battleshock test by an BONESPLITTERZ unit each turn. Since most of da boyz have a so-so Bravery of 5-6 this can be a handy one to pick up, and will practically pay for itself against units such as Spite-Revanants.

3. Great Hunter: If your General kills a Monster in the combat phase, they can immediately Pile In and attack again. Situationally useful, but can be handy for encouraging an opponent to send his Monsters forward without support.

4. Killa Instincts: Any Wound roll of a 6 or more made by your General has its Rend value increased to -3. While this sounds great, the only Hero really built for combat (the Savage Big Boss) can already be given a weapon with -2 Rend. Worth considering against Stormcast, Slaves to Darkness and the like, but ultimately too unreliable to be a first choice.

5. Waaagh-Monger: All friendly BONESPLITTERZ units add 1 to Charge rolls when within 10" of the General. Even with 2 wounds a pop and Warpaint your orruks still want to be stuck in as quickly as possible, and so this Trait always has a useful place. Becomes particularly hilarious/terrifying when combined with the Icebone Warclan.

6. Monster Killa: Your General can choose the dice result when rolling on the Monster Hunters table. Handy against some armies such as Beastclaw and Sylvaneth, but there are better all-comers options.

Magical Artefacts

Arcane Treasures

Deepwood Spell Lore


Common keywords in these warscrolls are DESTRUCTION, ORRUK and BONESPLITTERZ.

Common rule

  • Warpaint: Every model in this faction have this rule, which amounts to a 6+ save to roll before the model's own save, which can be used even to negate mortal wounds.


  • Savage Big Boss: Multiple weapon options, as usual. Can get a single Granite Choppa with a Bone Shield (which allows him to reroll his failed saves), a pair of Granite Choppas (rerolls failed hit rolls or a Stonecleava (like a Granite Choppa with 3 less attacks, Rend -2, D3 damage and an extra inch of range). Can get the boar. His command ability allows a BONESPLITTERZ unit within 14" to get an extra attack during that turn for each 6 to hit they rolled.
  • Maniak Weirdnob: Like the other Orruk Shamans, gets +1 to casting and dispel if there are at least 20 ORRUK models within 8". His own spell is Fist of Mork, which is like the Foot of Gork found on the Ironjawz Weirdnob Shaman except it deals only D3 mortal wounds. Can get the boar.
  • Wardokk:
  • Wurrgog Prophet:



  • Savage Orruks: Can choose to hold Stone Choppas or Flint Spears (as usual, the difference is that the Choppa haves Rend -1 while the Spear haves range 2"), along with either Crude Shields (reroll failed saves) or Bone Shivs (an extra attack that is kinda weak). Otherwise they can go shooty and take the Feral Bows, along with either a Stone Choppa to keep them useful in melee or Extra Arrows and Gnarled Fists (read: Bone Shivs and +1 to hit rolls when shooting if there are no enemies within 3" and they didn't move during this turn). Whatever they chose, every 10 of them a pair can take the Big Stabba, which is as usual a ludicrous weapon that deals two attacks dealing 3 damage with Rend -1, all while being considered as a single model with 2 wounds. The unit gets to reroll failed hits asa long as there are at least 20 models. Icon Bearer gives +2 Bravery to the unit in melee, while the Skull Basher gives +2 to the charge roll.
  • Savage Orruk Boarboys: It's Savage Orruks on boars. Same options as above, except there are no bows or Big Stabbas, and the Bone Shiv is replaced with the second Choppa (which allows them to reroll every 1 to hit). Stendard Bearer and Music have the exact same abilities as above and the boars can reroll wound rolls in the turn they charged.
  • Savage Boarboys Maniacs:
  • Savage Boarboys:


  • Savage Big Stabbas:
  • Savage Orruk Arowboys:
  • Savage Orruk Morboys:

Normal Battalions

Brutal Rukk

Found in the Bonesplitterz Battletome.

One Savage Big Boss, 2-5 units of Savage Orruks/Savage Boarboys

A simple Battalion that lets the units within re-roll the dice when Running, or automatically move an extra 6" if within 10" of the Big Boss. If you were going to take the units within anyway (and due to Battleline restrictions you likely were) there's very little reason not to invest in it if you can spare the points, since nothing in it is capable of shooting anyway. Also a necessary component of the Icebone Warclan, and leads to truly hilarious results of the naked-orruks-practically-in-your face on the first round variety when combined with the Waaagh-Monger traits.

Kap Rukk

Found in the Bonesplitterz Battletome.

Kunnin' Rukk

Found in the Bonesplitterz Battletome.

Teef Rukk

Found in the Bonesplitterz Battletome.

Snaga Rukk

Found in the Bonesplitterz Battletome.

Warclan Battalions

Savage Warclan

Found in the Bonesplitterz Battletome.

Bonegrinz Warclan

Found in the Bonesplitterz Battletome.

Drukkfoot Warclan

Found in the Bonesplitterz Battletome.

Ashbone Warclan

Found in the Bonesplitterz Battletome.

Army Building

External links