Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Old/Order/Collegiate Arcane

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  • Battlemage on Griffon: In exchange for a great command ability, a great additional weapon and a much better save, this guy here gets... a pretty decent unique spell. Wee.
  • Battlemage: Bog standard Wizard with a staff attack and a bad save. The Empire Wizards have the nice trick of being able to pick their unique spell depending on which school they follow. Most of these are meh or, in the Lore of Death case, just worse versions of Arcane Bolt. The Lore of Beasts, Lore of Shadows and Lore of Life are definitely the best here.
  • Luminark of Hysh with White Battlemage: A big honking Laser Cannon that also gets any order unit around them a save-after-the-save and makes unbinding for Order Wizards easier. Its Light beam at full strength is also terrifyingly powerful and thanks to its really high range, it should never be in any danger. Use this if you like cannons but don't want to be a sitting duck.
  • Celestial Hurricanum with Celestial Battlemage: This one's fun. It adds to the casting rolls of Order Wizards, to the Hit rolls of ALL OF ORDER! and the Hurricanum as well as the Wizard on it can drown the opponent in mortal wounds. In other words, it's a force multiplier with a punch. If you play any form of Order army at all, consider this. Seriously consider this option, you can pull off a huge amount of crazy ass shit with this fucking bad ass weather machine!


  • Luminark of Hysh: All it does is lose the battlemage's staff attack if you didn't take a mage on it.
  • Celestial Hurricanum: Same with LoH above.



Battalion that conists of 1 Battlemage on Griffon, 3-8 regular battlemages on foot, 1 Celestial Hurricanum and 1 Luminark of Hysh. The battalion special rules allow any of it's mages decide not to cast any spells in hero phasa and aid another caster instaed. The caster gets +1 to casting rolls and +6" to the spell's range for every other guy helping him. This allows you to reach enemy units and their wizards while beeing outside of their unbinding range.

The battalion is quite interesting but 200 points for it is a lot. The minimum cost of it is 1340 points (280 for griffon, 320 for hurricanum, 240 for luminark, 300 for 3 battlemages and 200 for the battalion itself).

Army Building

Really, this is another of the (many) ally-to-someone armies in Aos. For most cases, starting off with a box of the empire wizards is most you'll need as 2 come in the box.

Allied Armies

Any order Armies that lack a decent magic presence by themselves (free peoples, dorfs (if you roll that way), etc.) make a good choice to ally with the Collegiate Arcane. Free Peoples: they seem like a pretty obvious choice as they were together pre-faction splitting.

External links

Rules are here