Mantic Games

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Mantic Games
Notable Employees Alessio Cavatore
Notable Games Kings of War, Warpath

Mantic Games is a a (relatively) new games and miniatures publisher. They primarily produce 28mm scale wargames (like Games Workshop), although there are also some spin-off games based on their two main settings, Kings of War (fantasy) and Warpath (sci-fi). Their main shtick is that they're much, much cheaper than Games Workshop.

Mantic Games have got several ex-GW people on their books, quite possibly disgruntled folks who want to shank their former employers in the stomach and twist really hard (and good luck to them!). Kings of War and Warpath heavily, HEAVILY rip right from Warhammer's aesthetic, (Mantic models actually look slightly different if you bother to compare them to GW models because A: they're truescale, B: the Dwarfs have giant heads, and C: if they got too close they'd be sued) almost looking to completely undercut the more expensive Citadel Miniatures. This allows people to play Warhammer with cheap non-GW models, which lets Mantic sell more stuff. Just as planned.

The rules for Kings of War and Warpath are quite basic and free from their website. Some people reckon they're too simplistic and lack the depth of Games Workshop games, others like the fact they're easy to pick up and don't require a Bible-sized rulebook. Either way, there seems to be no shortage of players signing up to the annual Kings of War tournament, though it should be noted that a good chunk of them (including mantic employers) were using GW models in said tournament, hilariously. It can be theorized that Mantic will expand their game once they reach some level of popularity, and like GW in the past reneg on the liberal use of their products. Time will tell...

On top of everything else they had the balls to make a futuristic sports game called DreadBall.

During 2013 Mantic's work on Warpath and Kings of War had slowed, more so on the Warpath front. The big push for Dreadball thanks to Kickstarter has greatly changed the company's internal schedule, and as a result it's an important part of the company's product market.

Eventually they have decided to make a Mars Attack kickstarter which was successfully funded. Later in 2015 Warpath's brand was touched upon once more via DreadBall Xtreme and Deadzone: Infestation. Eventually these successfully funded Kickstarter initiatives lead to an official Warpath kickstarter itself and not surprisingly it was a success as well. Due to these successes Mantic Games has said that there could possibly be an encore Kickstarter at a late date to flesh out the factions who weren't yet ready during the initial Warpath kickstarter.

If GW is the Imperium of Man in its current state than Mantic are the Tau, new & full of optimism.