Mat Ward

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A throughly lovely chap, who is kind to animals and an excellent writer of fluff and rules. Not to be confused with Matthew Ward, who is entirely fictional, and also the devil.

Mat is kind, taller than you expect and quite shy. Hopes to be a proper novelist some day. It makes him a little sad that his fictional namesake has lead to idiots making threats of physical violence to his face and going on and on about him as if exterminated the jews or something.

But then gamers ARE twats.

  • BLAM HERESY* The commissar does not support these Heretical lies! Hath thou not seen the fluff for Space marines or the lovely alliance of necrons and we shan't even mention the sisters! Yes while his rules are okay now we are into 6th ed his fluff is awful he relies heavily on the Deus ex machina and generally crappy endings (although this isn't all his fault GW forces him to write fluff despite the fact they know he is only good at rules)