Middle Earth

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Middle-Earth is the setting where the events of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion take place in (chronologically, Silmarillion -> The Hobbit -> LotR). The geography changes significantly from its creation to the Third Age when the story takes place, though this article will mostly cover how it is during the books.

Not to be confused with New Zealand, though the country has rebranded itself as the real Middle Earth.

General clarification

The known regions of Middle-Earth

Middle-Earth is not the name of The World of the Tolkien's mythos, the term for that would technically be Arda. Middle-Earth refers to the general landmass where the events of the books take place (hilariously enough, another name for Middle-Earth used by the elves was Endor, possibly a subtle reference by George Lucas). At the same time Arda is not an alien planet or alternate universe but rather a lost era of our world with Middle Earth being roughly where Europe was (and yes, that does mean that there are analogous to the Americas, Africa and Asia in Lord of the Rings). This is in its own way quite sad when you think about it since it would mean that after the events of the books where our heroes sail off to Valinor all the cultures of Gondor, Rohan, Dale/Laketown and so forth that our heroes have fought to save in various ways gradually falter and fail totally, leaving only cave men. An major driving element of the mythos is that the magic of the world is gradually winding down. However, the books do say that the line of Finwë (the ancestor of Elrond and Aragorn) will always endure, so their descendants would still be alive today.

Arda used to be a flat world until the later 2nd Age with the destruction of Númenor and "the bending of the roads". Said event also turned a flying sailing ship into Venus.



Located in the northwest, Eriador is generally remote and isolated from most of the goings-on of Middle-Earth. It was once home to the human kingdom of Arnor and the elven kingdom of Eregion, but both collapsed by the time The Hobbit takes place and the Grey Havens was the last remnant of the Elven Kingdom of Lindon. What's left is a mostly depopulated and rustic region. Typically, the only travellers to the region are Dwarves on their way to the Blue Mountains, or Elves going to the Grey Havens.

  • The Shire - Here be Hobbits. Described as being geographically and ecologically similar to England, it is a peaceful rural country divided into the four farthings, with a recently colonized fifth called Buckland. It's capital and largest town is Michel Delving. At the centre is Hobbiton, where the Baggins family is from.
  • Bree - A small settlement surrounded by a few satellite hamlets populated by men and hobbits living together in harmony, and one of the few settled towns in the region.
  • Old Forest - One of two remnants of a primeval forest. Its trees are sentient and full of malice, and will try to direct all trespassers to Old Man Willow. However, Tom Bombadil and his wife also live here, and will guide travellers to safety.
  • Barrow-Downs - Formerly part of Arnor, but all that's left now are tombs. It has since become haunted after the Witch-King of Angmar sent evil spirits to inhabit the dead bodies and created the Barrow-Wights.
  • Rivendell - Imladris in Sindarin. It is a small town hidden in a valley within the Misty Mountains and is populated by elves belonging to the House of Elrond.
  • Amon Sûl - Known by locals as Weathertop. A ruined watchtower where Frodo got stabbed by the Nazgûl.
  • Grey Havens - The Westernmost part of Middle Earth, and the last remnant of the elven kingdom of Lindon. At this harbour, elves leave for the Undying Lands, abandoned after last Elves departed just after 120 of the Fourth Age.
  • Arnor - The other Kingdom of the Dúnedain. Used to encompass pretty much the entirety of Eriador. It fell to ruin centuries before the events of the book due to civil strife and the Witch-King of Angmar fighting a long war against it. Aragorn, due to being the direct descendant of Elendil, is technically the King of Arnor, although he doesn't reign over it until he is crowned king at the end of the trilogy, where he also unifies Arnor and Gondor.
  • Eregion - Destroyed realm just west of Moria that was one of the two remaining High Elven Kingdoms in Middle-Earth (the other being Lindon). The Rings of Power were made here.
  • Forochel - Technically not part of Eriador, Forochel is the northernmost part of Middle-Earth. The foul magic Morgoth used in the first age to build his fortress trapped this harsh land into an eternal winter. The last reigning King of Arnor died here, after a rescue party sent by the Elves of Lindon failed to save him.


The kingdom of the Horse Lords, Rohan is a wide open plain that was gifted to the Rohirrim by Gondor. To the west is the Gap of Rohan where Isengard is located, and where Dunland lies just beyond.

  • Edoras - Capital city of Rohan. Its center is the Golden Hall.
  • Hornburg - Rohan's main fortress, built into the White Mountains. Its keep leads into a cave system into the mountains, and is defended by a long wall.
  • Dunharrow - A refuge in the White Mountains where the Rohirrim mustered for the Battle of Pelennor Fields. The valley behind it leads directly to a haunted region known as the Paths of the Dead.
  • Fangorn Forest - The other remnant of the primeval forest. This one is populated by the Huorns, trees capable of movement, and the Ents, the tree-herders. Huorns are Ents who stood still a bit too long.
  • Isengard - A fortress on Rohan's western border that watches the river Isen (hence the name). In the centre is the tall black tower of Orthanc. Saruman was using it as a base of operations as he plotted his betrayal.
  • Dunland - Just west-northwest of Rohan proper, Dunland was populated by primitive tribesmen, known as Dunlendings or Wildmen, who were often at war with Rohan. They coveted the lands of Rohan, as they were the original native inhabitants of it before the Rohirrim came. Saruman had allied with them in his war against Rohan, but they were granted clemency after Saruman's defeat.


The main human kingdom of the setting; Gondor was once a mighty kingdom that is now failing, having endured centuries of political strife and decay. The last king has long ago disappeared with no heir, leaving it under the rule of the house of Stewards. It has become increasingly militarized to deal with threats from the East, at the expense of its former cultural and intellectual advances. Gondor used to stretch all the way east to the Sea of Rhun and South to Harad, but they have since been beaten back and lost the eastern side of the Anduin river, where Ithilien and Minas Ithil were located.

  • Minas Tirith - Formerly Minas Anor. The current capital of Gondor, this city is built into the White Mountains and is built around seven concentric circles with seven gates. Minas Tirith is extremely well fortified, but that didn't stop the armies of Mordor from nearly taking it in an enormous siege.
  • Osgiliath - The former capital of Gondor. It straddled the Anduin river, but was abandoned due to plague and became a contested region when Mordor conquered Ithilien.
  • Dol Amroth - A principality of Gondor, from where Imrahil and his Swan Knights come from. Formerly an elven Kingdom that existed concurrently with Gondor, but was subsumed by Gondor when the last of its elvish inhabitants sailed West. The princes retain elvish ancestry and customs from Dol Amroth's past.
  • Pelargir - One of the first settlements of Gondor and its biggest port city. Came under attack by Umbar during the War of the Ring.
  • Ithilien - The easternmost province of Gondor, right up against the mountains on Mordor's western edge. Ithilien was abandoned when Sauron returned to Mordor, but the Rangers of Gondor maintained a presence through secret camps to harass any invading armies.
  • Lossarnach - Another principality of Gondor, the description of the land itself and its people make it sound a lot like Scotland.
  • Anórien - Land just northwest of Minas Tirith and directly under its jurisdiction. Also houses a thick forest where a tribe of forest dwelling humans reside that help the Rohirrim to get to Minas Tirith faster during the War of the Ring.

Misty Mountains

A long mountain range that runs North-South. It represents a major obstacle as only a few safe passages exist. Various kingdoms have also been set up here as well.

  • Pass of Caradhras - The route the Fellowship attempted to take, but were waylaid by Wargs and avalanches.
  • Moria - Formerly Khazad-Dûm, the greatest Dwarven city in Middle-Earth. It was the sole source of Mithril, but the city was destroyed when the Dwarves accidentally awoke the Balrog known as Durin's Bane. It has since been taken over by Orcs.
  • Goblin-Town - A Goblin settlement situated on the High Pass. Gollum lived in the deepest part of the cave with the One Ring until he was found by Bilbo.
  • Angmar - A kingdom that was ruled by one of the Nazgûl, and destroyed Arnor. Angmar itself was destroyed when a retaliatory force drove him back.
  • Mount Gundabad - The mountain where the first Dwarves awoke, considered a holy site for their race. Later taken over by Orcs in the second and third ages. The antagonistic Orcs of The Hobbit originated from here.


The large stretch of land that lies East of the Misty Mountains, and North of Rohan. Many realms exist here, though they are frequently exposed to attacks from Rhun.

  • Mirkwood - A massive dark and spooky forest that's become inhospitable. The Northern part is relatively safer and is part of the Woodland Realm, a Sindarin elf kingdom. The southern part is dominated by Dol Guldur, an ancient fortress controlled by Sauron. He hid here before revealing himself and taking control of Mordor.
  • Lothlórien - A mystical forest realm controlled by Galadriel and her husband Celeborn. At its centre is Caras Galadhon, a Sindarin elf city. All of the houses are built upon the unique Mallorn Trees.
  • Erebor - The dwarven kingdom located within the Lonely Mountain. Smaug had driven the dwarves out, but they reclaimed the city after Smaug was killed.
  • Dale & Laketown - Dale was a human kingdom allied with Erebor, until it had been destroyed by Smaug. The survivors fled to the lake and built Laketown, which was also destroyed when Smaug re-emerged. The survivors would go on to rebuild Dale and named Bard the Bowman king for killing Smaug.
  • Amon Hen - Another ancient watchtower, it was here that the fellowship separated and where Boromir was killed by Orcs. The river descends down a waterfall into Gondor proper. Used to mark Gondor's northernmost border, but has long since fallen to ruin. Located near Amon Hen is the Argonath, a FUCKHUEG waterfall flanked by the two giant statues of the first kings of Arnor and Gondor, Isildur and Anárion.
  • Emyn Muil - A foggy and craggy land where Frodo and Sam got lost, and encountered Gollum.
  • Dagorlad - The swamp past Emyn Muil where the Last Alliance fought against Mordor. The fallen soldiers have been somehow preserved in the water.
  • Dol Guldur - Sauron's hideout in the south of Mirkwood and his largest base outside of Mordor. Was governed by one of the Nazgûl after Sauron's return to Barad-Dûr and used by him as his base of operations during the War of the Ring against Lothlórien, Dale and Erebor.


One does not simply walk to Mordor. A wasteland where Sauron built his kingdom, defended by three mountain ranges and a generally inhospitable landscape. It does not meet EPA standards.

  • Udûn - The valley beyond the Black Gate, where Sauron's armies muster. The Black Gate is the only passage where large armies can pass through. Nearby is Barad-dûr, Sauron's main fortress.
  • Gorgoroth - The volcanic plain beneath Mount Doom. Frodo and Sam had to cross this way from Cirith Ungol to reach their goal. Littered with an unholy number of scattered Orc campsites.
  • Nurn - The only inhabitable region of Mordor. Nurn is fertilized by Mt. Doom's volcanic ash and the waters from Nurnen, and is used to grow food for Sauron's armies. It was inhabited by slaves, but Aragorn gifted the region to them after freeing them from the Orcs. Given Sauron's MO it would probably be something to the effect of vast fields scattered with barracks were slaves were kept penned up when they were not working with orcish overseers driving them and sending off supplies to feed the workers and the armies.
  • Minas Morgul - Formerly Minas Ithil, it was a city of Gondor until Mordor conquered Ithilien, and has hence become the Nazgul's stronghold. It is a horrifying place of sorcery. It was razed by Aragorn after the end of the War of the Ring.
  • Cirith Ungol - The only other way into Mordor is up a tall stair across the mountains, and into Shelob's Lair. On the other side is the tower of Cirith Ungol, which is guarded by Orcs. Also a pretty good band.
  • Mount Doom - Also known as Orodruin and Amon Amarth (the latter of which is the name of another pretty awesome band), Mount Doom was where the One Ring was forged by Sauron. Essentially, it is a huge volcano, and is connected to Barad-Dûr via road. Mordor is known as the Land of Shadows primarily because of the eruptions of this mountain.
  • Barad-Dûr - The Dark Tower, and primary fortress of the Dark Lord Sauron. It is the tallest structure in Middle-Earth until its destruction at the end of the War of the Ring. Typically, it is described as being made of black steel and iron.
  • The Black Gate - A massive wall with three Gates (at least in the books; Peter Jacksons interpretation of it was that the entire wall was one massive iron gate) that Gondor built to guard the largest passage into Mordor proper. Fell to ruin during the decline of Gondors power during the middle ages of the Third Age, was retaken by Sauron when he returned to Mordor and is now his biggest fortress apart from Minas Morgul and Barad-Dûr.
  • Durthang - Old Gondorian castle that oversaw another pass into Mordor, similar to Cirith Ungol. Has since fallen into Sauron's hands.


A general name for the East, Rhûn is not covered in much detail. It has many kingdoms and tribes of Wicked Men that have allied themselves with Sauron and worship him as a god. The Easterling armies fought in the War of the Ring, and even put up a tough fight after Mordor had been defeated at Pelennor Fields. Four of the dwarves clans live in Rhûn, though many escaped west after Sauron’s takeover of the East. Even before the War of the Ring, these assholes were always trying to raid and conquer Gondor and Rhovanion. Extra-canonical adaptations cannot seem to make up their mind as to whether Easterlings are Mongol-type nomadic peoples or barbarians. Some of the historic peoples of the east include the Wainriders, the Balchoth, and the Swarthy Men of the first age who followed Ulfang the Black.

  • Cuiviénen: located on the eastern shore of the Sea of Helcar, this was where the first elves awoke and lived before migrating west towards Aman. Due to the extreme old age of this journey, we’re unsure of where exactly it would be located; Christopher Tolkien himself speculated that the seas of Rhûn and Núrnen might be all that’s left of the Sea of Helcar, indicating that the geography of the East changed dramatically since the elves left. Whether any of the Avari (elves who didn’t migrate west) still live here is unknown, though by this point they’d either be living in hiding or exterminated by Sauron’s allies. Whatever few hiders, assuming any hadn't left already, then went to Aman along with all other elves.
  • Hildorien: south of the Red Mountains and Cuiviénen, the homeland of men faced the easternmost sea. Here, Morgoth tricked men into believing that they were made mortal by Ilúvatar as some sort of divine punishment. Those who refused to follow Morgoth became the Edain and were the first to move West, eventually reaching Beleriand. Those who came after became the ancestors of the people of Rhûn and Harad, though some men who were distantly related to the Edain but didn’t enter Beleriand became known as the “Middle Men.”


The realm south of Gondor; Harad is home to various tribesmen know as Southrons living in the deserts and jungles.

  • Harondor - The southernmost province of Gondor, arid but still livable, constantly changed hands between the Wicked Men of the South and Gondor.
  • Near Harad - A big desert that runs along Mordor's southern mountain range and stretches south until it meets the completely unlivable Haradwaith.
  • Haradwaith - An even larger desert that makes up the centre and east of Harad, a completely desolate and arid wasteland.
  • Far Harad - A jungle far, far, far to the South. This was where the Oliphaunts came from. Also apparently of great size and analogous to Africa.
  • Umbar - A bay that had been settled by the Black Númenóreans who built a great port town, and remained enemies of Gondor ever since. Over time the original Númenóreans either died out or interbred with the Southrons. The city became a pirate scourge after traitors who lost the civil war known as the kin-strife in Gondor fled to Umbar with a large portion of Gondor's navy, thus creating the Corsairs of Umbar, who mercilessly raided Gondor for the rest of the third age.
  • Khand - Just East of Harad and South of Mordor. Very little is known about Khand except that it has nomadic horsemen that raided Gondor and is home to Wicked Men known as "Variags".


A former land mass West of Eriador. It was here that the first elven and human kingdoms were built in the First Age, though they had to contend with many invasions by Morgoth and his allies from the East. Eventually things got so bad that one of the inhabitants, a half-elf named Eärendil, sailed all the way to the Undying Lands and petitioned the Valar to intervene. The resulting battle basically broke Beleriand apart and it sank into the sea; the survivors either moved Eastward, or travelled to the new island of Númenor.

  • Gondolin - The biggest and most impressive kingdom of the Noldor Elves. It was hidden deep within the mountains until the city was betrayed by an incestuous elf prick who was jealous that his cousin married a human (No seriously, look it up). The weapons Sting, Orcrist, and Glamdring were forged here.
  • Doriath - The kingdom of the Sindarin elves, ruled by Elu Thingol. The capital, Menegroth, was hidden deep within a large forest and protected by Thingol's demigoddess wife Melian. When Thingol got his hands on a Silmaril, he got the brilliant idea to add it to the most beautiful necklace ever made. The dwarves of Nogrod did the job, asked for the improved necklace as payment, and killed him after he insulted them. Grieving, Melian returned to Aman, and the dwarves of Nogrod sacked the defenceless, leaderless city, avenging the extermination of the petty dwarves and centuries of insults besides. Nogrod failed to recover the necklace, but the sons of Fëanor had little trouble destroying the much-diminished kingdom afterwards.
  • Nargothrond - An underground Noldor elf kingdom fashioned after Doriath, which allowed the Noldor to fend off invasion from Morgoth's forces - until an arrogant prick named Túrin convinced the Noldor to build a bridge across the Narog river to sally out of, thereby allowing the first ever dragon Glaurung to destroy Nargothrond.
  • Angband - Morgoth's fortress to the North. It was described as an impregnable fortress within an inhospitably cold region and guarded by a massive three-peaked mountain. Angband was destroyed along with the rest of Beleriand.
  • Minas Tirith - Not to be confused with Gondor's tower. This one was built during the First Age, as a watchtower to guard the river Sirion for any raids and invasions from Angband. It was later taken over and ruled by Sauron for some time and its name thus changed to Tol-in-Gaurhoth (Isle of Werewolves). It changed hands a couple more times and at one point was brought to ruin by Lúthien.


Normally considered a separate region from Beleriand, to the northwest, it is separated by the Mountains of Shadow. In the northern area of that mountain chain the river Sirion is born, which passes through Beleriand. It was in Hísilómë (Hithlum) that the exiled Noldorin first arrived from Aman, coming both from the sea and through Helcaraxë. Like its neighbouring region, it too sank at the ending years of the First Age.

Regions that are technically not Middle-Earth, but are important to the story


Known to mortals as "The Undying Lands," this is where the Valar live, and where elves go when they cross the sea or if they die and are revived but confined to a specific fortress here. Aman used to be connected to Middle Earth via a dangerous ice bridge known as the Helcaraxë, literally "grinding ice." After Númenor attempted to invade Aman (it's considered a big no-no for Mortals to try to enter) Ilúvatar separated Aman from Middle-Earth and turned the formerly flat Arda into a sphere; elves can still travel there via the "straight road" but cannot return with a singular exception given to Glorfindel who had fallen in battle and went to the resurrected elf-quarantine but was allowed so that he could remain until the last Elves departed Middle Earth and so that he could give out the Witch King cannot be killed by a man prophecy and to escort the wounded Frodo to Rivendell. Only a handful of mortals are known to have ever lived in Aman; the ring-bearers Frodo and Bilbo, and possibly Samwise Gamgee (who sailed after his wife's death and leaving the Red Book to his daughter and son-in-law) and Gimli the Dwarf (who went with Legolas after Aragorn died of old age, presumably along with the last lingering Elves including Glorfindel, at year 120 of the Fourth Age).

  • Valinor - The main kingdom of the Valar. Populated primarily by the Vanyar elves, and was formerly home to the Two Trees of Light.
  • Tirion - A large city built by the Noldor elves in the mountain gap separating Valinor from the sea.
  • Tol Eressëa - An island off the cost of Aman that had been used to ferry the elves across the sea. The Falmari elves settled down here.
  • Halls of Mandos- The aforementioned revived elf quarantine place. Only two people were ever allowed to leave, Luthien when she chose to be human and was granted a resurrection to live with her human love before dying as a human and going to the human afterlife, and Glorfindel on the condition that he return when the last elves left after Aragorn's death early in the Fourth Age.


Middle-earth's Atlantis, the Valar created Númenor as a reward for the Men who fought against Morgoth during the First Age. In time, Númenor became a mighty sea empire that rivalled the Elves. Its first king was Elros Tar-Minyatur, the half-elven son of Eärendil and Elwing. Like his brother Elrond, the Valar had Elros choose whether to live as an Elf or as a Man. Though Elros chose the Gift of Men, he lived for over five hundred years. His descendants would inherit his vitality, though it dwindled as it passed down the generations; his most well-known descendant, Aragorn Elessar, lived for 210 years.

Sauron used that lack of immortality as the wedge to turn Númenor into his pawns against the Valar when its last king invaded Middle-earth and took him prisoner. He convinced Ar-Pharazôn that he could defy the Ban of the Valar, sail into the West, and use his nation's military might to force the Valar to grant immortality to Men. As soon as Ar-Pharazôn set one foot on the soil of Aman, Ilúvatar reshaped the world, removing any physical path to the Undying Lands that the inhabitants of Arda could take to reach it; the upheaval also caused Númenor to fall into the sea, save the highest peak Menelterma.

When Elendil's fleet washed ashore on Middle-earth after Númenor sank, these refugees would go on to found the kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor.

Important Characters

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The second-born of Illuvatar’s children. Humans are split across many tribes and nations throughout Middle Earth. Unlike the immortal elves, who are tied to the world and reincarnate in Aman if they die, the souls of men leave the world altogether to parts unknown by all save Illuvatar himself.

Edain of the First Age and Outlaws

The Edain were the first three tribes to arrive in Beleriand and make contact with the elves. The Edain and their descendants were staunch allies of the elves and the forces of good, despite taking terrible losses during the first age.

  • Beren Erchamion (the Renowned in Sindarin) - member of House of Beor and the protagonist of "Beren and Luthien" story. Is notable for stealing a gem from the crown of Evil Satan guy and marrying an Elven woman (for the first time in Legendarium).
  • Hurin Thalion:
  • Turin Turambar (Master of Doom) - member of House of Hador, known to be THE Kullervo expy way before Elric.
  • Tuor Eladar (the Blessed) - cousin of Turin and a great human hero during the war with Morgoth, notable for saving the last survivors of Gondolin. Also married an elf and is the grandfather of Elrond.
  • The Gaurwaith: The Gaurwaith were a band of outlaws who Turin came to be in control of. They died in the battle at Amon Rudh after Mim's betrayal (see Mim's section for the cause and details). Androg, the one indirectly responsible for the betrayal through an accidental murder, sacrificed himself to save Turin, Beleg and his own son Andvir. After Beleg was accidentally killed by Turin and Turin's suicide, Andvir was the last survivor. He related the portions of Turin's tale relevant to him to the poet Dirhaval, whose account of Turin's life make the primary source of the story of Hurin's family.
Followers of Melkor in the First Age
  • Ulfang the Black


The Edain were rewarded by the Valar after the first age with their own island nation and extended lifespan. The Numenorian empire grew powerful, establishing many settlements across Middle Earth during the Second Age. However, Numenor was destroyed following a split between its people, as explained below.

  • Pre-Schism Edain
  • The King's Men
  • The Faithful

Gondorians, Arnorians and Black Numenoreans

Gondor and Arnor were kingdoms established by the Faithful after the fall of Numenor. Though Arnor to the North fell to Angmar, Gondor lasted through the entire Third Age and well into the fourth.

  • Isildur - second and last High King of both Gondor and Arnor. Finally defeated Sauron in the War of Last Alliance, but became a victim of One Ring's power and tragically died in an Orc ambush, leaving the Ring without a host for a while.
  • Denethor II - Ruling Steward of Gondor at the beginning of the books. He originally was a great and capable ruler whose sanity was damaged by the Palantir use, as instead of helping in espionage against Sauron it showed the death of everyone and triumph of evil. By the time of War of the Ring he is almost insane and highly incompetent.
  • Black Numenoreans and Corsairs of Umbar

Men of Middle Earth

Men not related to the Numenoreans also play significant roles in the world.

  • Rohan
  • Men of the East
  • Men of the South


Elves are the first of Illuvatar’s children (meaning they were created by him alone, without any help from the Valar). They are descended from three main tribes of people, listed below; the Teleri tribe was so large that it separated into several different groups, depending on how far they migrated from the elves original homeland.


The first and smallest elvish tribe; they never left The Undying lands to return to Middle Earth, so we know the least about them.

  • Ingwë: The Leader of the Vanyar, went to Aman during the great Elven Migration, stayed in Valinor and thusly became utterly irrellevant for the Worlds Story, even before the great Migration fully ended.
  • Ingwïon
  • Indis


The second tribe of elves. They are great craftsmen and seekers of knowledge. Because if this, they were the only tribe that Morgoth was able to manipulate during his time on Aman, causing half of the Noldor to rebel against the Valar and live in Middle Earth in exile.

  • Finwë Ñoldóran (Finu): The original leader of the Noldor and their first High King. Generally a relaxed dude with the questionable fame of being the first being to be killed in the undying Lands, iced by the Big Bad himself, Melkor.
  • Curufinwë Fëanáro (Fëanor): Finwë's most incredible son and second High King. Unparalleled craftsman, he created the Silmaril, possibly the Palantiri and outstanding weapons as well. After Melkor stole the Silmaril, he unfortunately swore vengance, which doomed all Noldor who went back with him to Middle-earth. Died in one of the earliest battles the Elves had to fight, though it took seven Balrogs to beat him down. He also renamed Melkor to Morgoth.
  • Ñolofinwë Aracáno (Fingolfin): Third High King of the Noldor and one that didn't quite as fast. Followed his half-brother Feanor to Middle-earth and founded one of the Noldorkingdoms there. After another battle with Morgoth's forces, he went to the Dark Lords massive Fortress by himself, taunting him, dueling him for hours on end and wounding the Bad Guy seven times before finally falling. What a Chad.
  • Arafinwë Ingoldo (Finarfin): The other half-brother of Feanor, and the one that's less important. He set out with his brothers, but turned around and went back to Valinor, at which point he becomes about as unimportant as Ingwe.
  • Nelyafinwë Maitimo (Maedhros)
  • Kanafinwë Makalaurë (Maglor)
  • Telperinquar Kurufinwion (Celebrimbor)
  • Findekáno Ñolofinwion (Fingon)
  • Turukáno Ñolofinwion (Turgon): The One who got to build Gondolin, where all the cool swords Orcrist, Glamdring and Sting are from. Had very strict views on immigration and even stricter ones on emmigration. Died with his wonderful city.
  • Artafindë Ingoldo (Finrod): Eldest son of Finarfin, king of Nargothrond and one of the big elven cave-dwellers. Helped a Human in his love-quest, which ended up being his demise.
  • Artaresto Angarátowion (Orodreth)
  • Artanis Nerwen (Galadriel)
  • Artanáro Artarestowion (Gil-galad) Cirdans best friend, last High King of the Noldor, and the guy who got his face burned by Sauron.


The third and largest tribe of elves. After the great migration to Aman, the Teleri mostly refers to the members of the tribe that reached Aman.

  • Olwë
  • Eärwen


Members of the Teleri who reached Beleriand but stayed behind to wait for their kind Elu Thingol, who had gone missing. Unlike the rest of the elves who stayed behind, the Sindar were far more advanced and powerful, because Elu had reached Aman before and taught them what he learned. As a result, Sindarin is the primary elvish dialect in Middle Earth.

  • Elu Thingol (Elwë Singollo)
  • Lúthien Tinúviel: Part of a power couple with Beren.
  • Círdan Ciryatan (The Shipwright)
  • Mablung
  • Beleg Cúthalion: Beleg shared in the accursed fate of Turin, unwittingly causing the betrayal of Mim due to the memories of the Petty-dwarves being hunted like animals. Beleg died at Turin's hand when he tried to wake Turin up and was struck down by the panicked Turin.
  • Eöl
  • Celeborn
  • Thranduil
  • Legolas


Teleri elves who diverted at the Misty Mountains during the migration to Aman. The Nandor became the Silvan elves, aka Wood Elves, who came under the rule of their Sindar kin.

  • Haldir
  • Nimrodel


The Dwarves are sometimes referred to as the “Adopted children of Illuvatar;” their forms were created by Aule the Smith in his desire to have beings that he could teach his craft to, but because he didn’t possess the Secret Fire, he could not give them true life or free will. Illuvatar, though disappointed by Aule acting out of turn, took pity on Aule’s creation and breathed life into them. However, he also put them to sleep since the elves were pre-ordained to be the first-born children.

Dwarves of the First Age


The Petty-Dwarves were a sub-species of Dwarf who were cast out by the other Clans for wicked behavior. They were hunted down like animals in their exile home by Elves who weren't aware that other sentient species could exist. When the Elves made contact with other Dwarves, they stopped and left them in peace. By the late 400s of the First Age only three remained, a father and his two sons.

  • Mim's Family: Mim was the last petty-dwarf alongside his sons Ibun and Khim, who presumably wouldn't be allowed to marry other dwarves because of the exile, leaving them without potential spouses. Their mothers death sealed their fate. The three lived together in their fathers home in a hill/small mountain, Amon Rudh and were left alone until, by misfortune, Turin's gang of anti-Morgoth resistance outlaws happened upon Ibun and Khim and one of them, Androg, killed Khim with a bow during the panic. Turin repented of his followers mistake and offered their service to Mim, who accepted and assited Turin with resisting Morgoth for a year. Unfortunately, Beleg's arrival pissed Mim off, understandably so as a genocide victim meeting a warrior of the people who slaughtered all his kin, and arranged to betray the outlaws with an Orc warband, on the condition that they spare Turin and Ibun and also leave Beleg for Mim to kill. Androg, mortally injured, scared Mim off from the wounded Beleg, then sacrificed himself to repent of his accidental murder and to save Turin, Beleg and his son Andvir. Ibun either died in the batle, or of some other cause before his father. Mim then took Nauglamir in the ruins of Nargothrond, and held home and hearth there until 502 of the First Age, whereupon he was killed by Hurin, who saw him as partially responsible for his sons accursed life. Mim's dying curse on the treasure doomed Doriath and King Thingol and caused the Second Kinslaying. Mim's death rendered the Petty-Dwarves extinct.

Dwarves of the Second Age

Dwarves of the Third and Fourth Ages

Dwarves apparently peacefully went extinct after reclaiming all lost homes and holds, with the possible exception of Gimli who was allowed into the Undying Lands and may have been given elven life alongside his friend Legolas.


Hobbits appear to be a sub-species of human. Their origins are left deliberately vague since they were always meant to be an unremarkable people who did not take part in the great tales of the world, instead preferring to keep to themselves and living simple, peaceful lives.

Valar, Maiar, and anything in between

See Ainur.


Other Creatures