Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Order/Fyreslayers
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Grand Alliance Order
Fyreslayers |
Please note: Fyreslayers 2.0 had been released. Please feel free to add depth to the article!'
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Want an army that is visibly different from your standard issue Dorfs and still much closer to their Old Norse origins? Well, these might be the army for you, mixing the best elements of forge-crazy, greedy and insane berserker-rage.
Why play Fyreslayers?
- Half-naked dwarfs.
- New battletome mean a new piece of terrain and 3
endless spellsmagmic invocations. - Many charismatic heroes to use.
- Even being half-naked dwarfs, this is one of the most tankiest army in the game.
- Have many abilities to improve save.
- Your Bravery Scores is pretty decent for a non death/chaos army.
- Prayers, so no denying from your opponent.
- Hearthguard Berzerkers.
- Half-naked red dwarfs.
- Expensive army.
- Half-naked red dwarfs are cool, but you might be tired of it after painting the same colors for 60-80 models.
- We have a lot of heroes, but only 3 units, which mean it can be complicated to use different strategies.
- No magic (but we have tools to defend ourselves against it).
- Heroes dependent army, be careful with heavy shooting/magic list that will try to snipe them.
General tips on using half-naked raging dorfs
- Because they only wear a loincloth, some people think Fireslayers are kamikaze glass cannons, like the Slayers of old. That's not the case at all: in fact they wear armor, only it's in the shape of flesh-embedded runes of divine gold. The "core" units, Hearthguard Berzerkers
and Vulkite Berzerkers, have innate saves-after-the-save, that also work against mortal wounds. With some Battlesmiters to improve your saves, most of your army should have a 4+ Save, and then the save-after-the-save. This means Fireslayers can be, in fact, arguably the best all-around protected army of the game: against things without Rend you have a combined protection equivalent to a 3+ or even 2+ Save, things with Rend are less effective against you than if you had a normal Save (a save-after-the-save actually becomes BETTER if your normal Save is diminished by Rend, minimizing its impact), and you also have protection against Mortal Wounds. All of this mitigates Fireslayer's works weaknesses (slowness, lack of magic and long-ranged units) and makes much more bearable those first turns of receiving shot after shot until you reach the enemy. Kill or maim your opponent's most dangerous ranged units/war machines with the Runesmiter + Auric Hearthguard combo in the first turn, and you're set!- now all troops have 2 wounds for more hidden endurence.
- Always remember every one of your Dorfs has a ranged attack, the throwing axe gimmick. It's weak and short-ranged, so it seems bad at first, but because you can shoot into combat, it makes your melee units even more awesome: the opposing unit will receive both the melee attacks of the first rank of your units and the throwing axes from EACH member of the unit!
- With the new book, the army can be a top-tier Army(Hearthguard Berzerkers), but we are really hero dependent and we do not have lots of tools to counter magic (1 artefact and 1 prayer), so a heavy shooting/magic army can snipe our heroes and then wipe out our weakened troops (Hearthguard Berzerkers without the 4+ FnP for example...), be aware of that.
The Fyreslayers Battletome has all the Warscrolls
- This should be supplemented with the Fyreslayers Errata and Designers' Commentary from the FAQs.
Battations and Allegiance Abilities are in the General's handbook 2018.Matched play points are in the General's handbook 2018.- Everything is now in the new battletome.
- Alternatively up to date warscolls can be found in the WH AoS app. Warscrolls on the GW webstore match those in the Battletome.
As with all factions you'll want:
- The core rules are either downloadable or in the Core Book.
- Games taking place in a Realm need the Realm of Battle rules from the Core Book.
- In you want to take advantage of realm specific artefacts you'll need the Artefacts Of The Realms section from the Malign Sorcery book.
- Matched play battleplans are split across the Core Book and General's handbook 2018.
- All books should be supplemented with any updates from the FAQs.
- Bael-Grimnir and Vostarg Warband Battalion’s are in the White Dwarf June 2019 Issue under Celestial Tome.
Allegiance Abilities
Ur-Gold Runes
At the beginning of your hero phase, you choose one of these bonuses and roll a D6. On a 1-5, you get the basic version, on a 6 you also get the enhanced version. Each can only be used once per battle and lasts until the start of your next hero phase.
- Rune of Fury: Basic: Reroll hit rolls of 1 for your Fyreslayers. Enhanced: Add 1 to the Attack characteristics of your Fyreslayers melee weapons. Pretty useful when locked in combat, although the Rune of Awakened Steel is probably better. However, if you have already used it, or if you are locked in combat against armies that ignore rend, this rune is the way to go.
- Rune of Searing Heat: Basic: If you roll an unmodified 6 to wound, your weapons get +1 Damage. Enhanced: Roll a dice for each unit within 3 inches of a friendly Fyreslayers unit, on a 2+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. Not as good as neither the Rune of Fury nor the Rune of Awakened Steel. However, if you have already spend those two runes, this one can do the trick if you are still locked in combat. The enhanced effect it useful if you have a lot of units, but do not capitalize on its effect, as it is not that likely to happen.
- Rune of Awakened Steel: Basic: Increase the Rend of your Fyreslayers units Melee weapons by -1. Enhanced: Increase it by another -1. The best rune, use it the turn where you have the most units in combat.
- Rune of Fiery Determination: Basic: Add 1 to the bravery of all your units. Enhanced: All your Fyreslayers units are immune to Battleshock. Useful if you know that you are going to lose a lot of Dorfs, or against armies that profit on Battleshock tests, such as Nighthaunt.
- Rune of Relentless Zeal: Basic: Add 2 to the Movement of your Fyreslayer units. Enhanced: Add 2 to their charge rolls too. AkA your first turn rune. Weaker than before, but still useful enough to give your Fyreslayers an oh-so-needed burst of movement.
- Rune of Farsight: Basic: Add 1 to hit rolls for Throwing Axes. Enhanced: Add 1 to wound rolls for Throwing Axes too. Taking into account how painfully terrible Trowing Axes are, this rune will not do much to solve it. Easily the worst rune out of the 6. If you get the enhanced version you may be able to deal some damage, but do not rely on it.
Command Traits
2 tables, one for Father and Son, one for Master and Smiter. You can't pick any of these if you choose a Lodge since they already include a command trait for your general.
- Inheritance of Grimnir: RUNEFATHERS and RUNESONS only.
- Fury of the Fyreslayers: Friendly Fyreslayer units wholly within 18 add 1 to charge rolls. Useful for making your army get into combat more easily.
- Exemplar of the Ancestors: Friendly Fyreslayer units wholly within 12 of the general don't take Battleshock tests. Especially useful against armies that capitalize on Battleshock tests, such as Nighthaunt, or if you plan to run a horde-like army with a lot of minis.
- Spirit of Grimnir: If the general is on the battlefield, the enhanced effect occurs on a roll of 5+ instead of a 6. Most likely the best one, you have a much better chance of getting the bonus effect and it is more likely to occur more than once per game.
- Blood of the Berserker: Once per battle, in the combat phase, the general can pile in and attack a second time immediately after attacking. Good on a buffed up Auric Runefather on Magmadroth or Grimwrath Berzerker, but the "once per battle" part limits it slightly.
- Iron Will of the Guardian: Add one to the save rolls for attacks that target this general. Incredibly useful for a General in Magmadroth. Combine with the Coal-hearth Ancient trait, and you will have a naught un-killable general.
- Destroyer of Foes: Add 1 to damage characteristic of General’s melee weapons. Good for something on a Magmadroth, but there probably are better options.
- Magmic Empowerments: RUNEMASTERS and RUNESMITHERS only.
- Fyremantle: Subtract 1 from hit rolls from enemy units while they are 3 inches from the general. A pretty good one: ranged attacks that take place at 3 inches of your general will also have -1 to hit, and attacks that do not target your general will also have a -1 to hit. One of the best one, especially brutal on an Auric Runesmiter on Magmadroth.
- Oathslayer: Add 1 to the bravery characteristic of Duardin units while wholly within 18 inches. Not bad depending on your army composition, but there are probably better options.
- Ash-Beard: The General knows 2 prayers from the table instead of 1. Useful for giving your Priests more options, but it may be slightly limited due to the fact that each Priest can only cast one prayer per turn.
- Fyresteel Weaponsmith: Add 1 to the Generals weapons' rend characteristic. Pretty useless for Priests on foot, since you do not want your support units in melee.
More relevant for an Auric Runesmiter on Magmadroth, as the beast will have all its attacks improved.Scratch the last part, most if not all Command Traits and Artefacts do not affect mounts. - Master Priest: Once per battle, if the general is on the battlefield, you can activate an Ur Gold rune that has already been used. Difficult to evaluate: in certain situations, this Command Trait could singlehandedly win you the match (activating the Rune of Awakened Steel twice per game is extremely good, let alone getting the enhanced effect at least once), but other times, it might not be that relevant. Still, worst considering.
Fyreslayer Artefacts:
- Heirlooms of the Lodge. RUNEFATHER and RUNESON only.
- Magnetized Runes: Add 2 to charge rolls for the bearer. Good for ensuring that your Heroes get in the thick of combat, but there probably are more efficient ones.
- Draught of Magmalt Ale: Once per battle, the bearer can double the attacks of all the melee weapons they are armed with. Combine with Blood of the Berserker and you will have a combat phase that your enemies will never forget. However, thread carefully, as it can only be used once.
- Drakeslayer: Once per battle, the bearer can use this instead of their fyresteel throwing axe. If you do, pick a monster in 8 inches and roll a dice, on a 6 the monster suffers 3d6 wounds. No, just no. Way too unreliable for a once per battle trick.
- Obsidian Glowhelm: Roll a dice at the start of each Hero phase, on a 4+ you gain a command point. Rather good due to the fact that it activates at both Hero phases, which means that, on average, you will receive an additional Command Point per round.
- Shimmering Blade: Pick one weapon and add 1 to its rend characteristic. And if the unmodified hit roll is a 6, add 1 to the damage of that attack. Not bad, but there may be better options.
- Axe of Grimnir: Re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by the bearer. Put it on your Auric something on Magmadroth and enjoy the melee carnage.
- Artifacts of Wrath and Doom. GRIMWRATH BERZERKERS and DOOMSEEKERS only.
- Beastslayer: Pick one weapon, when targeting a Monster 1 hit roll counts as 2. Make your horde-slayers into Monster-slayers. Powerful depending on your enemy's army composition.
- Bracers of Ember-iron: Add 1 to save rolls. Nice and simple. With a little bit of preparation (Battlesmith, Prayer of Ash, etc.) you can give your Berzerker a neat 2+ save.
- Rune of Blazing Fury: Once per battle, at the start of the combat phase, you can re-roll hit and wounds for the bearer. Very good for a once per game trick, and specially useful for Grimwrath Berzerkers and Doomseekers, as they will, most likely, attack twice per combat phase.
- Artefacts of the Forge-Temple. RUNEMASTER and RUNESMITER only.
- Salamander Cloak: Negate a wound or mortal wound on a 5+. Make your support heroes harder to kill, thus increasing the bonuses that they will provide throughout the match. Pretty good.
- Ash-cloud Rune: Unbind 2 spells a turn. If you think you are facing wizards, you will need this since you have nothing that can unbind spells without an artifact.
- Volatile Braizer: You can summon 2 Magmic Invocations a turn. Make your summoning more efficient! Combines nicely with a Battleforge.
- Ancestor Helm: If an enemy fails a battleshock test within 12 inches of the bearer, add d3 to how many models flee. Meh. Depending of your opponent's army, it can be very hard to pull off. There are better options.
- Emberstone Rune: Add 1 to the invocation rolls made for the bearer. Probably even better than the Volatile Braizer, ensuring that you will have a HUGE change of having, at least, a Magmic Invocation per Turn.
- Droth-helm: Re-roll hit rolls for the claws and horns attack for friendly Magmadroths within 6 inches of the bearer. Good for an Auric Runesmiter on Magmadroth in a Magmadroth-centered list.
- Icons of Grimnir. BATTLESMITHS only.
- Icon of the Ancestors: The Icon of Grimnir and None Shall Defile the Icon rules increase their range to 18 inches. Amazing. Pick it when you do not face non-magic centered armies.
- Icon of Grimnir's Condemnation: The bearer can unbind 1 spell a turn. Also, if the bearer unbinds a spell, roll a dice. On a 2+ the caster suffers 1 mortal wound. The mortal wounds are nice, but it pales in comparison to the Nulsidian Icon.
- The Nulsidian Icon: Each time a friendly Fyreslayers unit wholly within 12 inches of the bearer is effected by a spell or endless spell, you can roll a dice. On a 4+ ignore the effects. Superior to the Icon of Grimnir's Condemnation ability as it is not limited by once a turn, and a 4+ is a huge percentage.
Magmadroth Traits
MAGMADROTHS only. Only one of your magmadroths can take one of these. For every battalion, you can assign one of these traits to another magmadroth.
- Cinder-crest Youngblood: When you use this model’s Lashing Tail ability, subtract 1 from the dice roll that determines if the target unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. If this model made a charge move in the same turn, subtract 2 from the dice roll instead. Good for aggressive Magmadroths that like to be in the thick of battle.
- Flame-scale Youngblood: After this model has made a charge move, pick 1 enemy unit within 1" of this model and roll a number of dice equal to the charge roll for that charge move. For each 6, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound. Quite inconsistent, and even the best outcome (12 inches charge) is not that devastating (on average, 2 mortal wounds). There are better options.
- Fire-claw Adult: If the unmodified wound roll for an attack made with this mount’s melee weapons is 6, that attack has a Rend characteristic of -3. Useful against tankier armies.
- Lava-tongue Adult: When you use this model’s Roaring Fyrestream ability, subtract 1 from the dice roll that determines if the target unit suffers mortal wounds. If this model is wholly within your territory or within 6" of an objective, subtract 2 from the dice roll instead. A pretty defensive one. Worth considering if you know that you will have to defend some of your territories.
- Coal-heart Ancient: Worsen the Rend characteristic of melee weapons that target this model by 1, to a minimum of 0. The best one. Keeping your Magmadroth alive for longer is the best way of increasing its damage output.
- Ash-horn Ancient: You can re-roll save rolls of 1 for attacks that target this model and friendly MAGMADROTHS within 6" of this model. A must pick if you plan on including several Magmadroths. If not, pass.
Each PRIEST in a Fyreslayer list can pick one of those. Each prayer can only be chanted once per turn.
- Molten Infusion: 3+ to be answered, pick a magmic invocation within 12" of the priest, do not make a temperamental nature roll for that invocation. Not bad, but you are sacrificing some useful prayers.
- Searing Heat: 3+ to be answered, pick an enemy unit within 18" of the priest, it gets -1 to hit until your next hero phase. If you have multiple Priests, pick it. If you have only one Priest, there are better options.
- Prayer of Ash: 4+ to be answered, a friendly unit wholly within 18' of the priest gets +1 save until your next hero phase. By far our best prayer, always try to put the priest within 18" of the forge to have it on 3+. Note that this doesn't require the FYRESLAYERS keyword so you can apply it to an allied unit.
- Ember Storm: 3+ to be answered, a friendly unit of Vulkite Berzerkers or Hearthguard Berzerkers wholly within 18" of this priest can run and charge. More mobility is always good, but once again, there are better options. If you have multiple Priests and an infantry-centered list, pick it. If not, picking Prayer of Ash first would probably be a good idea.
- Prayer of Grimnir's Fury: 3+ to be answered, a friendly hero not mounted on a magmadroth within 12" of this priest and 3" of an enemy unit can pile in and attack with all its melee weapons. Weirdly this does not specify Fyreslayer hero despite the magmadroth stipulation. Have fun with allies (Gotrek, a Celestant-Prime, etc) or your Grimwrath Berzerker.
- Gilded Claws: 3+ to be answered, pick a friendly magmadroth within 12" of this priest. You can reroll wound rolls for attacks made with that unit's claws and horns until the start of your next hero phase. Very strong for Madmadroth-centered lists and/or Lofnir lodge lists.
Magmic Invocations
Just like Khorne's legions, these take the place of faction-specific Endless Spells, cast by Fyreslayer Priests instead of wizards. Also like the Endless Judgments of Khorne, these have a random chance of vanishing each turn at the end of each Round.
- Zharrgon Flame-Spitter (3+): You summon a setpiece that acts as anti-horde artillery. During the Shooting Phase, one Priest within 6" can fire at a unit 24" away and roll 12d6, dealing Mortal Wounds on 6's. The reason this is anti-horde? If the unit carries over 10 models, the rolls all get +1, while a unit with over 20 models adds +2 to the rolls. If you smell anything, that's probably all the charred flesh you just cooked from that mob of goblins.
- Runic Fyrewall (3+): You get a small piece of cover that can block line of sight with an added benefit of letting Fyreslayers wholly within 12" re-roll save rolls of 1. Magmadroths can also run over these walls without issue. Walls are always good at also controlling the movements of the opponent, making it harder for them to run on foot to objectives.
- Molten Infernoth (3+): You can bring another monster to your side. It has a rather meh movement of 2d6", but it rolls 12d6 for every unit within 3" after it moves, scoring mortal wounds on a 6. Fyreslayers are not only immune to this blast, but are also encouraged to follow it by adding +1 to Bravery for any unit entirely within 18".
While we only have four lodges, each is quite good in their own way and offer alot of tactical variety in their own right. While most dorf players will likely jump straight to Vostarg for its increased mobility, all the others definitely have their strengths; if at all possible, you should know what sort of game you're going to be playing before you choose a lodge as their abilities will strongly impact your playstyle.
- Ability: +1 Charge Rolls, In movement phase in first battle round Run 6”
- Command Ability: Start of combat phase +1 to hit rolls of Vostarg Hero and friendly VKB and HGB wholly within 12” (once per phase)
- Command Trait: Wholly within 12” can run and charge in same turn.
- Artifact of Power: improve rend by 1 and on unmodified 6 plus one dmg to one melee weapon
- Clearly the best Lodge we have, reducing the greatest weakness of the army. The only question is to choose between this Lodge and the really good traits/artefacts we can pick without a Lodge.
- Ability: 2 additional heroes get an artifact
- Command Ability: In Combat phase when a Greyfyrd hero is picked to fight, other non magmadroth heroes that are within 3” can fight immediately afterwards before your opponent gets to pick a unit to fight. Any model that attacks this way cant attack again without some other ability of spell letting them attack more than once.
- Command Trait: +1 attack to melee weapons when 5+ enemy models within 3” of general
- Artifact of Power: +2 wounds
- Herohammer Lodge! With one Battalion, 4 guys can have an artifact (one being the Lodge specific).
- Ability: Hermdar units wholly within 12” of objective do not take battle shock test
- Command Ability: start of combat phase pick one friendly VKB or HGB unit wholly within 12” of Hermdar hero, the unit fights at start of the combat phase before other players
- Command Trait: -1 wound rolls for attack against general and units wholly within 12”
- Artifact of Power: pick a weapon, re-roll wound rolls that target enemy heroes if unmodified hit is 6 then 1 MW in addition to normal dmg
- Tanky Objective Campers: The Lodge.
- Ability: All MAGMADROTHS get a trait, you can include 1 more Behemoth in your pitched-battle army if they are all MAGMADROTHS.
- Command Ability: choose enemy unit within 12” of friendly Lofnir Priest until end of phase +1 hit and +1 wound for attacks made by friendly magmapikes (unit only picked once per phase)
- Command Trait: +1 charge rolls for magmadroth within 12” of general
- Artifact of Power: roll dice every time allocate a wound or MW on 6+ it’s negated
- Do you like Magmadroths? Of course you do, thats why you choose this Lodge! the best way to keep your Magmadroths alive is to take more of them.
- Auric Runefather on Magmadroth: (280 pts) This count also as Behemoth.The big lizard with the big boss on top. The Runefather himself is already a beast in combat with his damage 3-axe that can break enemy weapons in order to permanently lower their Hit rolls and on top of that you get the Magmadroth. After the new Battletome, the fiery lizards have had a HUGE improvement: 14 Wounds (2 more than before) at a 4+ save, high movement, a strong melee profile (even stronger than before, thanks to an all-new Blazing Maw attack and an improved Latchkey Grandaxe attack), and an outrageous amount of Mortal Wounds. It can breathe fire which causes mortal wounds, swipe with its tail which causes mortal wounds and it can bleed fire on enemies (the Volcanic Blood ability has also seen a huge improvement) which, you guessed it, causes mortal wounds. Bear in mind that your enemy will try to take it down, fast. His Command Ability is don't take Battleshock tests wholly within 18". Overall, a strong general that can do a little bit of everything, and that is a beast of combat against both hordes and heroes.
- Auric Runesmiter on Magmadroth: Priest. (260 pts) This count also as Behemoth. The Runesmiter on foot is a support hero, and his counterpart in Magmadroth is one as well. If you use them together, the Magmadroth becomes a sort of walking altar from which the Runesmiter can cast his blessings. His default one (take into account that, thanks to the new Battletome, you have a brand new list of prayers to choose from) lets a friendly Fyreslayer unit wholly within 12 of this model (18 if you chose the Forge Key instead of his other weapon) re-roll To Wound rolls at a 3+, and once per game, he can give friendly Fyreslayers units wholly within 12 of himself +1 to their save rolls until the start of your next hero phase.
- Putting an Auric Runesmiter in a Magmadroth used to be a waste of points, as they lost their Magmic Tunneling ability and they were not good enough to put solely into melee (remember, support hero); However, thanks to the tremendous improvements that Magmadroths have had, combined with a new set of prayers to choose from, the Auric Runesmiter on Magmadroth is now a perfectly viable option for most armies, specially at high-points matches: it is more durable than before, it hits harder, and it can give both offensive and defensive bonuses to your troops. Losing the Magmic Tunnelling ability might be a tough blow, but you also gain a LOT of things in return.
- Auric Runeson on Magmadroth: (240 pts) This count also as Behemoth. An alternative stat-line for a Magmadroth rider. His Ancestral War-axe pales in comparison to the Runefather's weapon. However, his Wyrmslayer Javelin offers a stronger matchup against monsters, both in range and in melee, in contrast with his mount which is better geared towards hordes. His Command Ability allows a charging Magmadroth to do 1d6 mortal on a 2+ wounds to one unit after the charge has been completed. Also, their old ability to focus their rage on an enemy unit has been replaced by a new one which allows them to re-roll failed hit rolls if there are any other Auric Runesons without 6” of this model.
- There are several ways of evaluating this unit: on the one hand, one of his abilities requires you to include more Auric Runesons in your army, as well as having them pretty close from one another (which forces you to either have them both on foot, or on a Magmadroth). This might mess with your army composition, and you may miss on other units or battalions. It is also slightly weaker than the Auric Runefather at melee (albeit stronger at range), which makes you wonder why would you want to send a ranged, high-priority unit charging towards enemy forces.
- On the other had, it is a 240 points, 14 wounds, 4+ save, 12” movement unit that damages enemies in melee when they are hurt and can deal an insane amount of mortal Wounds. Their profile (or should we say, the Magmadroth's profile) is comparable to a Bloodthirster's, if not outright superior. In high-point matches, pick the Lofnir lodge, 3 Auric Runesons on Magmadroth, put them all nice and close, and send them charging against the enemy. Enjoy the bloodbath.
- Auric Runefather: (100 pts) Aside from not having a Magmadroth, the Auric Runefather exchanges his utility-minded Command Ability for a more offensive one that allows friendly Fyreslayer units wholly within 12” to add 1 to their charge rolls until the end of the charge phase. He is far from good at ranged combat, as Fyresteel Throwing Axes are way worse than before the new Battletome, but his melee profile is tremendous (3”, 3 attacks, 3+, 3+, -1 rend, 3 damage. Wow) and he can break enemy Heroes' weapons permanentlyat the end of the combat phase. Overall the Auric Runefather is a pretty good melee unit, and specially proficient at dealing with enemy heroes, but his lack of any kind of proper ranged attack, combined with his limited mobility might make it difficult to get the best of him. Still, a good Hero for 100 points.
- Auric Runesmiter: Priest. (120 pts) This guy is probably better on foot, as he has a really mean special rule that basically allows him and another Fyreslayer unit to deep strike at least 9" away from the enemy, which is unfortunately slightly too far to use your Fyresteel Throwing Axes that turn. All he sacrifices for this awesome trick is the whole "once per game he can give friendly Fyreslayer units wholly within 12” +1 to their save rolls" thing (as well as the FREAKING Magmadroth). Other than that, it is the same model: you still have access to Prayers, and you have to choose between a Runic Iron (another melee profile) or a Forge Key (his Runic Empowerment ability now activates at 18”). The Auric Runesmiter is not a strong melee combatant, but it does not matter: you want him behind your troops, either teleporting them, buffing them, or summoning Magmic Invocations.
- If you think Fyreslayers are too weak and limited because they don't have any Wizards, artillery, long-range shooters and whatnot, just take a Auric Runesmiter and twenty Auric Hearthguard. The first turn, emerge from a tunnel 18" to that unit you think is unfair, then shoot 40 blasts of lava at it, and watch how it melts. Now, which is the unfair army? Remember to position well both the Guard and the Runesmiter: if your opponent can't kill all of the Guard in his turn, then in yours you can give them re-roll to Wound with the Runesmiter (or any other prayer of your choosing), and watch them maim something again! Vulkite Berzerkers also work well with the Auric Runesmiter, because with their musician they add 1 to charge rolls, which is still good. Riskier than just using Auric Hearthguard, yes, but they are cheaper and much less squishy in great numbers.
- invocations now also lets your Auric Runemaster drop a lava dragon on the enemy likey when they are the most bunched up.
- Another bit of fun: the Magmic tunnelling ability just says Fyreslayers, so if you want, you can deepstrike a Magmadroth. while it might not be the best option, it can certainly be fun and act as a distraction carnifex. plus, the look on your opponent's face when a magmadroth shows up on their side of the board is hilarious.
- Auric Runeson: (100 pts) As it says on the tin, it's a Runeson without the Magmadroth. This also means that you really should not give this version the Javelin, because he doesn't have the Magmadroth's melee to fall back to. May be worth taking a pair and bubblewrapping them with Hearthguard Berserkers - the Runesons will get to re-roll To Hits rolls from being within 6" of each other, the Hearthguard will get a 4+ ignore wounds which you opponent will need to remove both of your runesons to get rid of, and the Hearthguard are excellent targets for the Runeson's command ability, which has been updated to give a friendly Fyreslayers unit wholly within 12" +1 to wound. So more general choppiness for everyone in both shooting and combat.
- it is difficult to find a place for Auric Runesons on foot, as they require certain point investment in order to function properly. If you have 100 points to spare and you would like to include a Fyreslayer Hero, it probably is a better idea to include a Grimwrath Berzerker or an Auric Runefather; However, it high-point lists, a pair of Auric Runesons could function as a melee/support unit, charging into combat alongside a hard-hitting and/or durable friendly unit and buffing their attacks, just like the previous example showed.
- Grimwrath Berzerker: (100 pts) This guy wants to be right in the middle of your opponent's army. With 6 wounds, a 4+ save, and a 6+ to ignore wounds and mortal wounds (improved to a 5+ if there are enemy units within 3” of this model), the Berzerker won't yield easily. He hits like a truck, and he can potentially pile in and attack a second time in each combat phase on a 2+. Finally, to top it all off, when he's killed, he can immediately pile in and attack again. For 100 points, you can let loose one of these maniacs across enemy lines, and watch the Berzerker cut through infantry as if they were made of butter. However, he is rather slow, so you might have to spend several turns trying to get him into combat.
- Take note that both the Grimwrath and the Doomseeker are NOT Leaders so you can take them without worrying of running out of Leader slots.
- Auric Runemaster: Priest. (120 pts) Talk about a glow up. The Auric Runemaster went from being the laughing stock of the Fyreslayer army, to a viable option worth considering in a myriad of lists. First of all, his ability that gave a benefit yo your opponent has been reworked. Now, during your hero phase, the Runemaster has a chance to find Ur-Gold on any nearby enemy unit, granting a re-roll of 1s to Wound rolls against the unit for the rest of the battle, and also a re-roll of 1s to Hit rolls if you are lucky. It is quite feasible to get at least one re-roll per match (and this ability no longer benefits your opponent). Secondly, he can learn one prayer from the brand new list of blessings, and he still conserves his old terrain-related ability, which hurts people hugging it, and turns it into Deadly scenery for a turn (although the range has been reduced from 20” to 18”, and it only happens on a 3+). it is quite useful given GW is encouraging people to stand around their pieces. Finally, he also has one brand new melee weapon profile which, even though it is not something to brag about, it certainly is way better that before (2 melee weapon profiles are better than 1), making it more viable at melee combat, should the need arise.
- Due to the fact that the Auric Runemaster is tougher (more wound and better save) than an Auric Runesmiter, he could be considered as the backline Priest of the army: the Runemaster is meant to be relatively close to both your units and the enemy troops in order to make use of his Ur-Gold ability, as well as to jump to combat if required (his melee profile is slightly better than the Auric Runesmiter's).
- If the Runemaster is your general, you get Battleline Auric Hearthguard, which combined with the Auric Runesmiter, can bring nasty ranged surprise to your opponents.
- Battlesmith: Totem. (140 pts) Must have in any list. In terms of killyness, the Battlesmith is not your best unit (although he can still pack some punch in melee combat), but that's okay because he's a support Hero and support he does. Now he gives to all units wholly within 12" +1 save, which is awesome. With the inherent save-after-the-save that some of your units get, you'll actually be one of the best-protected armies of the game! Other Standard Bearers have to be immobile for their ability to work, but the Battlesmith only makes you unable to retreat, a very minor drawback. When he dies, all Fyreslayers wholly within 12" can decide not to move away and protect his banner, meaning they have to stand still but get to reroll all To Hit and To Wound rolls for melee attacks.
- Doomseeker: (100 pts) Basically, he's an alternative to Grimwrath Berzerkers, and at a glance, it seems that the Doomseeker is the inferior of the two: they have the same saves, but the Doomseeker has one less wound, one less bravery, Rend -1 instead of Rend -2, and lack of any form of FNP... Ouch. His gimmick is that he gets stronger the more he gets damaged, and he has two more total attacks, which makes him quite effective at killing weak foes. His Battle Fury, Oathbound, never fails, but only works on one enemy. Overall, way less tankier that the Berzerker, but when wounded, his damage potential is higher. With the new Grand Fyrd, pick up him and a Grimwrath Berzerker, and just go to town. If he's not in melee killing things and getting wounded, he's worthless. So, what's the verdict? if you only have space for one of them in your army, pick the Berzerker. If you can take two, toss him in.
- Take note that both the Grimwrath and the Doomseeker are NOT Leaders so you can take them without worrying of running out of Leader slots.
- Fjul-Grimnir: (200 pts) The leader of the Chosen Axes from Shadespire. Required to be taken together and thus should be considered together. On his own, he's basically a Runefather with no throwing axes (same weapon, same abilities). Unlike the Runefather, if he's within 3 of his Chosen Axes, he has 5+ FNP save. Unfortunately, his Chosen Axes are ludicrously easy to delete and will thus almost never be worth the points to take them and Fjul over just a normal Runefather and some more Vulkite's. Pass.
- Bael-Grimnir on Flamespitter: (300 Pts) This count also as Behemoth. New named character from the June 2019 issue of White Dwarf, which uses the Auric Runefather on Magmadroth model. Must be VOSTARG Lodge. Statwise the only difference between this and the vanilla Runefather is an additional melee attack with the Grandaxe, but going on he can break enemy weapons on a 5+ rather than on a 6, can negate wounds (mortal or not) on a 6 roll and the Magmadroth's Fyrestream gets a +6" range if it didn't move that turn. His command ability takes a friendly VOSTARG HERO within 12" and makes it istantly pileup and attack on a 4+ roll (can't be used twice on the same Hero in the same turn)
All the troops, independently from their equipment can take throwing axes. Which you should always do since it gives you additional attacks at range without paying more for the unit!!!
- Vulkite Berzerkers: (140 pts, min 10, max 30) Your standard Battleline unit. After their update they now have got two wounds and now have an ability that allows them to, once per battle, pile in and attack after being slain in the combat phase. this is huge. if you're gonna be charged by a really powerfull enemy unit, crack this to still get the full attacks of your Berzerkers. In addtion, you can charge a powerful unit, fight, and then then the models your enemies kill can fight again. This has to be activated at the begining of the combat phase so don't forget it. In addition they now hit on 3's for all their weapons (except their Fyreseeel Throwing Axes, lol) so overall they arguably lost some durability, as they lost their Save-after-the-Save (though arguable, as they have two wounds now), but gained a large increase in damage output. One in five models can have a Horn of Grimnir which adds 1 to charge rolls. Would be especially nice when combined with Runeson on Magmadroth's command ability to roll 3 dice and pick the best two. They come with several different load outs for the whole unit:
- Bladed Slingshield and Handaxe or War-pick: the axes and picks are pretty similar, with the axes wounding better and the picks having Rend -1. The shields, on the other hand, grant you better saves in melee when they have not charged AND can cause mortal wounds on a charge, which is unreliable, but potentially powerful. Stats wise handaxes are better against 5+ and equal against 4+, but don't forget we have a prayer that give rerolls to wounds rolls, which makes the War-picks far superior, so good choice in a big buffed unit.
- Two Handaxes: Unlike most units with these options, Vulkite Berzerkers with two weapons get to reroll all failed To Hit rolls, not just 1s, so these make your Dorfs much killier outright.
- If you're planning on a minimum unit of Vulkites, take the shields to have a better chance at surviving combat. Also, don't forget that they have a suicide ability but it is only once per game. So you better be sure you use it wisely and not to waste it on combats you know you'll win.
- Other philosophy is Shields for 20+ man units to tank objectives while 10 man units have dual axes for better damage output.
- Overall, the Vulkite Berzerkers fulfill the role that they have to: even though they are a little bit expensive at 160 points (as they have a watered down version of the No Respite ability of the Khornate Blood Warriors, and there is no point discount for having a lot of them), their superior damage output (rending attacks and mortal wounds on the charge) and overall army synergies (several ways of improving both their damage and survivability) put them exactly where they should be.
- Auric Hearthguard: These are probably the best unit in the Fyreslayer list. The normal Dorfs have Irondrakes, who are almost universally acknowledged as one of the most powerful ranged units in the game. Auric Hearthguard are about as killy with their great big Magmapikes, which make them halfway decent in melee and utter murder at range, with 2 shots each at 4+/3+/-1/1, Keep in mind now that most ranged units lose efficacy if they move or enemies are too close. Auric Hearthguard doesn't. They can charge right in and finish the job if their shots only almost killed something. And in addition, they can use their shots to trap enemy monsters in magma, halving their movement and lowering their Hit rolls.
- Totally disagree, with their 4+ to hit they are one of the last unit that do not hit on 3+ in the army, for the same price you can have Hearthguard Berzerkers that have a 4+ FnP, hit on 3+ and have flat 2 damage. They are a good support (especially against monsters where they gain a nasty +1 damage) and they can protect heroes (intercept wounds on 4+) but they will struggle to hit enemy heroes with the -1 to hit from Look Out Sire!, you have no way of making them battlelines (Wrong, Runemaster as General), they do not benefit from some of our runes that affect only melee weapons and they will die fast in close combat.
- Hearthguard Berzerkers: (120 pts, min 5, 400 pts, max 20) Per the new Battletome, Hearthguard Berzerkers may have arguably seen the biggest improvement out of the whole book. Hearthguard have a nifty ability to ignore wounds and mortals wounds on 6's, and this is increased to 4's when they are within 10" of another Fyreslayer hero. In addition, Hearthguard come with two wounds and two attacks base on all their weapons along with 2" reach. Their Berzerker Broadaxe has better Rend and damage than the Flamestrike Poleaxe, but the Poleaxe has the potential to deal 2 Mortal Wounds on top of normal damage on 6's to hit. Poleaxes are better against 2+/3+ saves and marginally worse against 4+, where Broadaxes start overtaking them. Overall, a very powerfull unit that surpasses Vulktite Berzerkers, while maybe lacking some of the reliability of Vulkites thanks to their better armour save in combat and ability to attack after perishing. The Hearthguard Berzerkers are there to smash through any enemy lines and tank enemy attacks with their extra save after the save. Always remember to keep a hero nearby at all times as they lose a lot of their surviability without it.
- Don't forget we have easy way to give 3+ save (Battlemith + prayer), and even 2+ with the Runesmiter. Now take a unit of 20 (they have the horde reduction cost, unlike Vulkites...); with a 3+ (or 2+ for 1 turn) save and a 4+ FnP, they will not die easily, and they will hit like a truck in return: 2 attacks each 3+/3+/-1 2d, with a range of 2", they can fight on 2 ranks... this is borderline nasty (without even including our runes, you know like rerolls hit roles of 1 or add -1 to Rend...). And you can even give them rerolls all failed wounds rolls, and making them attack twice in the combat phase with a Battalion (if anything survives the first wave to begin with).Vulkite and Auric are good, but Hearthguard Berzerkers are really, really, good. And oh, we can make them battlelines with a Runefather as general.
- Chosen Axes: The Fyreslayer Shadespire Warband. Required to be taken with Fjul-Grimnir. For 40 points you get 3 Duardin, 1 with 2 4+, 3+ Rend-, 2 Damage Attack (rerolling to hits), 1 with 2 4+, 3+, Rend - 1 damage attack (also rerolling to hits) and 1 with 2, 4+, 3+, Rend -1, 1 Damage attacks. They also never take battleshock and get +1 to wound when within 3 of Fjul-Grimnir. Unfortunately, they only have a 5+ save and a 6+ FNP, and for only 3 wounds, that's not a lot. Given that they cost the same as 1/3rd of a unit of Vulkite Berzerkers, it's hard to justify taking them, and thus hard to justify Fjul-Grimnir.
- At the very least, they make good kitbashing material, and if you can get your hands on a second set, you got yourself a new unit of Hearthguard Berzerkers.
- Magmic Battleforge: As is the case with AoS, each army must now have a free piece of terrain with benefits exclusive to their faction, so what do the naked berserker-dorfs get? For starters, a Priest within 6" of it can invoke its powers and either let any Fyreslayers Priest within 18" add +1 to their prayers or spend the forge's power to let all Fyreslayers on the field re-roll any 1s on their save rolls in exchange for it being useless afterward.I̶n̶ ̶t̶r̶u̶t̶h̶,̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶m̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶k̶e̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶k̶i̶p̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶u̶n̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶p̶l̶a̶n̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶g̶o̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶v̶y̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶R̶u̶n̶e̶p̶r̶i̶e̶s̶t̶s̶,̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶g̶i̶v̶e̶s̶ ̶n̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶n̶e̶f̶i̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶s̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶a̶r̶m̶y̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶s̶i̶d̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶a̶ ̶s̶i̶n̶g̶l̶e̶-̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶i̶t̶e̶m̶ . it's free and gives benefits. the only reason to not take it is if you don't have the model.
Hajkarl's Sons of Fortune (Start Collecting)
An Auric Runefather on Magmadroth, an Auric Runesmiter, an Auric Runeson and a unit of Vulkite Berzerkers.
Move the units of the battalion 4" closer to a selected enemy during the hero phase. Only units starting more than 3" away from the target can move. All units must end their move closer to the target.
Lords of the Lodge
Found in the Fyreslayers Battletome Min cost: 480 An Auric Runefather or an Auric Runefather on Magmadroth, an Auric Runemaster, a Battlesmith and a unit of Hearthguard Berzerkers.
The Hearthguard Berzerkers in the Battalion can pile in and attack twice in each combat phase as long as they're wholly within 12" of any Hero from the Battalion. Absolute murder, this is the best Warscroll battalion we have. Hearthguard berzerkers are our best unit as it is, and letting them fight twice is just ungodly, especially if you're taking a large unit (if you're gonna take 20 of em, might as well use the points you save on the Lords of the Lodge). the bonus command point and artifact are just icing on the cake.
Warrior Kinband
Found in the Fyreslayers Battletome. Min cost: 580 An Auric Runeson or an Auric Runeson on Magmadroth and 3 units of Vulkite Berzerkers.
The Vulkite Berzerkers in this Battalion use their Berserk Fury a second time if they are wholly within 12" of this Battalion's Auric Runeson when they do so.
Forge Brethren
Found in the Fyreslayers Battletome. Min cost: 480 An Auric Runesmiter or an Auric Runesmiter on Magmadroth and 3 units of Auric Hearthguard.
At the start of the enemy hero phase, you can pick 1 friendly unit wholly within 18" of any units of AURIC HEARTHGUARD from this battalion. If you do so, add 1 to save rolls for attacks that target that unit until the start of your next hero phase.
Much more powerful than you would think. Working in the ennemy hero phase mean that even if your opponent have the first turn, you already have this buff active. If your opponent have a double turn, you can active this TWICE, making a single unit extremely hard to kill or two units more resilient. There isn't a lot of abilities working like this, make it count !
Grand Fyrd
Found in the Fyreslayers Battletome. Min cost:2250 A Lords of the Lodge battalion, 2 Warrior Kinband battalions, and a Forge Brethren battalion. Doomseeker and Grimwrath optional
When you roll to activate an Ur-Gold rune, it has the enhanced effect on a 5+, not just a six.
Arngard's Berzerker Fyrd
A Grimwrath Berzerker, a Battlesmith, and 3 units of Vulkite Berzerkers. From The Realmgate Wars - Balance of Power, narrative or open play only.
Lords of Vostarg
Found in the June 2019 issue of White Dwarf. Min cost:680 Bael-Grimnir on Flamespitter, 1 VOSTARG Auric Runemaster, 1 VOSTARG Battlesmith and a unit of VOSTARG Hearthguard Berzerkers.
Once per battle round, a HERO from this battalion can use a command ability for free.
Vostarg Warrior Kinband
Found in the June 2019 issue of White Dwarf. Min cost:580 A VOSTARG Auric Runeson and 3 units of Vulkite Berzerkers.
All the Vulkite Berzerkers from the battalion get an extra attack when WHOLLY within 12" from the Runeson.
Vostarg Forge Brethren
Found in the June 2019 issue of White Dwarf. Min cost:480 An Auric Runesmiter (Dhurgan) and 3 units of Auric Hearthguard.
If there is at least a unit of Auric Hearthguards within 12" from Dhurgan when he uses the Magmic Prayer of Runic Empowerment, the ability goes on a 2+.
The Grand Fyrd of Furios Peak
Found in the June 2019 issue of White Dwarf. Min cost: 2420 Max cost: 2520 A Lords of Vostarg Battalion, 2 Vostarg Warrior Kinband Battalions, a Vostarg Forge Brethren Batallion, a Grimwrath Berzerker (Arngard) and 0-1 Doomseekers.
Every unit gets +1 to hit rolls in melee, and can also reroll every 1 to hit in melee when against CHAOS units.
Army Building
1000 pt.
At 1000 pt. you can deploy almost all the battalions at minimum size and you have room for a lot of customization. Consider that not all of them respect the minimum requirement for a Pitched Battle so you have to left some room for your Battleline units.
Alternatively you have a really low minimum core tax of 240 pt. with 2 Battleline units and a Runemaster/Runeson.
If you're not thinking of using a Runemaster or a Runefather as general, you're stuck with Vulkite Berserkers as Battleline unit, and you want units of at least 20 Dorfs to gain some bonus. This means 640pt. plus your mandatory leader which should be a Runeson. After that you have 280pt. for customization and a tough choice to make. You can either add a third smaller unit of 15 Vulkite Berserkers and play with the Warrior Kinband battalion, you can add a unit of 10 elites and another Runeson/Runemaster or add a unit of five elites, add 5 Vulkite Berserkers and a major 100pt. leader.
In this sense a nice 1000pt. list could be: a Runeson as General with 2x20 Vulkite Berserkers equipped at will, 5 Auric Hearthguards with a Grimwrath Berserker for bonus and a Runemaster to spice things up. If you're passionate for Behemoth a variation of the same concept is a Runeson on Magmadroth as General with 2x20 Vulkite Berserkers equipped at will and the Runemaster.
2000 pt.
At 2000 pt. a single battalion is not enough and you can start considering to double your choices.
Alternatively you have a really low minimum core tax of 320 pt. with 3 Battleline units and a Runemaster/Runeson.
2500 pt.
Grand Fyrd level. With the bonus given by the Dour and Fearless rule you should really consider this. Also, you have 680pt. more for customization.
Alternatively you have a really low minimum core tax of 400 pt. with 4 Battleline units and a Runemaster/Runeson.
All of these numbers are very outdated, I will come back and update them soon. Meanwhile feel free to buy a Start Collecting kit or two.
Allied Armies
- Dispossessed: Average guns and decent armor at a slightly lower price.
- Ironweld Arsenal: The big guns. Helstorm Rocket Batteries, Dorf arties, and the Steam Tank are excellent picks.
- Kharadron Overlords: Steampowered guns. Offers flying ironclad ships and Thunderers with thick armor.
- Stormcast Eternals: Offers a wide variety of powerful units alongside your already powerful units including wizards and cavalry.
Mercenary Companies
Ignoring the inception of mercenaries hiring other mercenaries, there are a few options.
- Blacksmoke Battery: Unless you want the hit bonus for your cannons just take them as regular allies.
- Greyfyrd: I mean you can do it, but why?
- Grugg Brothers:
- Gutstuffers:
- Nimyard’s Rough-Riders:
- Order of the Blood-Drenched Rose:
- Rampagers:
- Skroug’s Menagerie:
- Sons of the Lichemaster:
- Tenebrous Court:
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