My Little Pony

My Little Pony (MLP for short) is a toy and cartoon series created by Hasbro with a long and tortured history. Currently the meme of the moment, so rabid fa/tg/uys insist we have a sodding article about something that's intended for little girls. Which tells you everything you'd ever want to know about fa/tg/uys. Even /tg/ has not been immune to this, with the show inspiring works of concentrated hilarity and fail such as Don't Rest Your Hooves, Ponyfinder, and joking setups with the cast of the new series playing D&D and Warhammer 40,000. It seems like almost no community can resist the combination of d'aaaaw and humor.
Wait, Seriously?

he pony-show has inspired many, both on /tg/ and off of it because many fa/tg/uys are little girls.
Posting anything MLP-related will invariably produce biblical-level shitstorms on /tg/, as holdout haters of the series bitch and troll whilst a giant slice of of /tg/ rushes to defend the original posting. It's one of the few rare things outside of he who must never be mentioned to inspire this kind of rage and righteous indignation on /tg/. To the credit of the show's producers, they know that chan-goers are a sizable chunk of their audience, and make occasional (usually subtle) shout-outs. Several memes, including Chocolate Rain have already been referenced in episodes.
Yes, it's a show for little girls, but the bulk of the audience enjoys the show too much to care. Yes, things in it make no sense, such as the fact that they have somehow constructed a village without actually possessing hands or opposable thumbs - but the audience will put up with it, because it still makes more sense than Matt Ward's fluff and is hilarious to boot. Yes, it's childish and silly, but the audience doesn't give a shit.
Characters and Such
They aren't any /tg/ inspired ponies worth talking about. Give it time.
Of Course, Mods are a Thing
With fragile egos in hand, the mods on /tg/ do, as ever, decide what is and is not considered traditional gaming. As a result, depending on who might be online at the moment, MLP is liable to result in a ban even if the ponies are discussed in the context of gaming. It really comes down to the fact that just about anything can be traditional gaming in the right hands, since interactive story-telling is older than genital warts and can easily be applied to anything, but anything that's this much of a troll magnet is always at risk of exterminatus.
Even /tg/ has not been immune.
Nor Paizo. Ponyfinder is your new RPG.
In the grim darkness of the far future, there are only ponies.
Ridiculous amount of ponies, that is.
Venerate the God-Empress of Ponykind or else.
and Celestia as the DMPC
This as Hesperax ? Dark Eldar would find that sick... yet strangely erotic.
See Also
- Ponyfinder - the Pathfinder splatbook for MLP races and classes
- Don't Rest Your Hooves - the horror of Saturday-morning cartoons
- Ponibooru - Oh god, 81,000 images and growing
- ClopClop - (nsfw) there is no god. We are damned.