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Alignment Neutral Good (Formerly LN and CN)
Divine Rank Greater Goddess
Pantheon Faerun
Portfolio Magic (all of it)
Domains Good, Illusion, Knowledge, Magic, Rune, Spell
Home Plane Dweomerheart (Elysium or Mechanus)
Worshippers Any spellcaster
Favoured Weapon Shuriken

Mystra is the goddess of magic in the Forgotten Realms, probably the most powerful of the pantheon, when you don't include Ao in the list.

Mystra is probably the most wekl covered of the FR deities, because she undergoes an extensive rewrite with every edition in order to explain in-universe how and why the rules get changed.


Mystryl (1e)

Mystra (2e)

Midnight / Mystra (3e & 5e)

Mystra Resurrected (4e)

Worshippers & Servants

Spellfire Wielders

Chosen of Mystra

The Magister

Militant Orders

