Necromunda is a skirmish-level wargame based on the second edition of Warhammer 40,000. It is currently in its second edition.
Games Workshop currently supports the game through its Specialist Games program. No, it doesn't - SG is a scam to keep Jervis out of the studio. All of the rules and expansions are available for free online here [1].
Similar to 40k but the men move slower (4" not 6"), probably due to bad air/bad ground or something because almost everything had a base movement of 4" in 2nd Edition. And shooting is a lot harder to pull off :( Apart from that combat can become a bit sily (you get to hit beaten enemies in CC the number you beat their attack score by... can be 5) but it's a very fun ol' game.
Army Generation
Gangs (Armies) are bought with a set amount of starting cash, along with all weapons and other equipment. The gang grows, levels up, and gains superior equipment between battles, adding a roleplaying element. Lasting injuries can cripple characters, and a few lucky territory rolls can grossly overpower a gang. Basically, fun.
To start off you need to pick a house to build your gang from. The big six are as follows.
- Orlock- Bikers, except they don't have bikes and they're miners. The Jack-of-All-Trades
- Escher- Crazy man haters with a cyber-punk style of dress. Agile melee gang
- Goliath- Roid Raging skinheads. The slow, not very good melee gang
- Van Saar- The hell is up with their Eldar-esque suits? Techy-Shooty gang; they excel in trying to spam the inventor skill and wrecking face.
- Delaque- Sneaky Molemen/Matrix hybrids. The sneaky, shooty gang.
- Cawdor- Holier-Than-Thou extremists. Think Jake Busey from Contact.
Their all functionally the same actually since their skill tables mean very little in practice and nobody uses the house buying table things. There are rules out there that let you make your own house with whichever skill sets and buying tables you want! That makes the six houses extra useless! If this is all too vanilla for you there are a bunch of supplements and stuff for you to find. Some of the extra gangs include:
- Scavvies- Shittily armed and diseased, they use zombies and lizard hybrids to help with the fighting. They favour melee and can make a pretty badass horde
- Pit Slaves- Escaped cyborgs armed with industrial digging equipment. Slow, not so good melee gang but they have this scissors weaponandit's like soo totallybroken it like killsyouone hit omg!!
- Ratskins- The native American archetype. They are sneaky, use shitty, shitty guns and are pretty good in melee. They are immune to the crazy shit that happens in the underhive, such as poison gas and the ground collapsing
- Redemptionist- Cawdor on crack. A horde style gang; believes heavily that you can kill it with fire.
- Spyrers- Super 1337 and best armed gang. They are the spoiled rich kids from the hive bored out of their skulls. The gang is tiny, usually consisting of 3-8 models. It's stupid when the other guy pins your entire gang with overwatch which makes then tricky to use. Fun as hell to play, though. Also, once per campaign, you can take the Matriarch and Patriarch (both in one game if you feel like royally fucking someone's day). If you do this, the game is essentially Slender with miniatures.
- Enforcers- The riot cops of the underhive; not too effective at what they do. They are a shooting gang that lags really far behind in the late game due to them not being allowed to buy new stuff or take more than 5 guys to a fight (unless you're royally boned, of course).
The Hive World of Necromunda: originally restricted to Hive Primus but with the current expansions, also includes the Ash Wastes (the shithole desert immediately outside Hive Primus. Infested with motorcycles, pointy homosexuals and homebrew Orks.)
Necromunda on /tg/
Rarely brought up, generally on a tangent to 2nd edition 40k.
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