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A tactics page dedicated to Necromunda. This page will cover all three editions, yes there are three editions (or two and a half technically.) If you don't know what Necromunda is read about it here
General Tactics
- Food, remember before you go on a shopping spree you have to pay a general upkeep fee for each member of your gang. Yes they can fight starving but that won't do you any good.
- Two weapons are always better than one. Be sure to take at least one melee weapon and one ranged weapon.
- NOTE: First/1.5 Edition has every model have a Knife for free.
First Edition
- Lasguns! Lasguns! - In Necromunda, a big part of it is the credits, everything costs credits. Like points in 40k, but you can gain and loose credits from match to match. Another huge factor is Ammo Rolls. Every time you shoot, and roll a six, or if you use Sustained Fire and roll a "Jam," then you have to make an ammo roll. If you fail the roll, the gun is useless for the rest of the match! Some guns you have to make an ammo roll for every single shot. Every gun has a different ammo roll, ie 3+, 4+, etc. So a good tactic is to use guns that have low ammo rolls. So having a gun that has a low ammo roll is ideal. But you say, "Wait a gun with a low ammo roll must be hard to find or be extremely expensive!" Sadly this is not the case. Las-weaponry are cheap and only have an ammo roll of 2+. So you can literally trick your entire gang right from the start with Laspistols an Lasguns and never fail your ammo rolls. Talking from experience here, it works and you will piss everyone off. This especially works well if your gang is Delaque.
- Hurl Opponent - A Strength skill that allows you to make a melee attack that throws an enemy model D6 inches in any direction. Gravity does not apply here, so knocking someone off of a ledge or walkway or anywhere that is more than six inches off of the ground will guarantee damage. However, the rules state that the damage is only half of the distance rolled not the distance covered. Goliath gangs are good at this since they all have Strength as a skill.
- One-In-A-Million-Weapon - If you choose to buy a rare weapon from the merchant and you get the right roll, you get one of these. It is always a gun and it NEVER, has to make an ammo roll. When you get one of these guns, you roll to see what kind of gun it is. No matter what category you get, you can choose ANY gun from said category. So a Bolt pistol, which has an ammo roll of 6+ ,now dosen't need one.
- Bionics - Unlike Mordheim, loosing a limb isn't a bad thing. If you model gets a bionic replacement it will improve their stat-line. Bionic Leg? You can now kick in melee. Bionic Arm? +1 strength. Bionic Eye? immunity to flash-bangs and light changes.
Second Edition - Underhive
A Goliath's primary strength is, literally his strength. And his toughness. They hit harder than any other house gang, and are harder to hurt than anyone else. Their biggest weakness is getting close enough to make it matter. Advances in movement will count for more than further advances in strength or toughness. Similarly, tactics cards that get them to combat are more important than tactics that will improve them in combat - they are badass enough already. A Goliath with his fists will often outfight any other ganger with a weapon. Goliaths aren't actually bad at shooting, so it will probably help to have at least some dudes providing covering fire, but their starting weaponry is mostly pretty short range, and for something like a combat shotgun, you might be better off just charging at that stage anyway. A heavy stubber or two might help lay down some support, but do you really want to hold champions back from combat?
Eschers are far more manouvreable than Goliaths, the other starter gang, but also have better range. An Escher can stand off close combat gangs and use her high movement to get good angles for shooting with her cheap lasgun. And at five points per lasgun, you might as well have lasguns on most of your gangers. Against gangs that are good at combat, they should not get drawn into a brawl, but another advantage of their high movement is that they can take an opportunity to charge multiple gangers into any isolated opposition. And don't forget, when you make a charge move, you may make a free fight action - you don't have to. That enables you to charge with someone who is weak in combat (even a juve, perhaps), decline to attack, avoid reaction attacks and then, in the same activation, charge moments later with someone better, who then gets the combat bonuses.