Nilbogs are a species of Goblinoid from Dungeons & Dragons who first appeared in the pages of White Dwarf #6 for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition, from which they made it to the Fiend Folio. Nilbogs are strange "backwards goblins", said to be infected by some mysterious temporal ailment, or perhaps to hail from some otherwise undiscovered plane; as a result, they take damage from healing spells and are healed by attacks.
Nilbogs were, frankly, kind of annoying and fell into obscurity from there. Necromancer Games brought them back for 3e in the splatbook "The Tome of Horrors".
It wouldn't be until 5th edition, in the splatbook "Volo's Guide to Monsters", that nilbogs would return. Here, they are presented as avatars for the spirit of the last surviving member of the lost goblin pantheon, a shard of a trickster deity that possesses goblin hosts and uses them as tools to punish others for repressing its people... especially the hobgoblins.