Noise Marines
Possibly the most derp of all of the grimderp things to come out of GW, the Noise Marines are Chaos Marines sworn to Slaanesh.
Yeah, so Slaanesh is the god of excessive pleasure: lots of sex, lots of drugs, lots of weird sex, lots of pain, lots of weird sex that's painful, lots of weird sex while on drugs that's painful, you get the picture.
So, when it comes to making up Slaanesh's flavor of Space Marines, what does GW come up with?
They can hear really well.
Yup. That's it. Well, kinda, they also use sonic-based weapons. I blame it on hair metal.
On the Table Top
Fuck if I know, let someone who plays Chaos Marines tell you. I'm sure one will be around shortly to write this up. They're super dependable and all.