Paragon Path
Paragon Paths were a game mechanic introduced into the fourth edition of Dungeons & Dragons, replacing the concept of Prestige classes used in the previous edition. Whereas PrCs were optional sub-classes that you could take to make your character more powerful, Paragon Paths are effectively mandatory. You take a Paragon path at level 11, and it bolsters you from there to level 20 -- its next tier equivalent is the Epic Destiny.
Paragon Paths follow pretty standard motifs; they give two abilities at level 11, one passive and one triggered by spending an action point, and gain a third passive ability at level 16. They also gain an Encounter power at level 11, a Utility power at level 12, and a Daily power at level 20. There are exceptions, of course, but it's fairly standardized, easy-to-follow stuff.
Paragon Paths are generally sorted by class, but there are also a bevvy of racial paragon paths, and a few that are more open in membership.
Class-based Paragon Paths
Hammer of Judgment
Unveiled Visage
Zealous Assassin
Bear Warrior
Fearbringer Thane
Frenzied Berserker
Student of the Seven
Summer Rhymer
Voice of Thunder
War Chanter
Angelic Avenger
You get to take on the aspect of angels, making you a much more deadly fighter. Angelic Action gives you a damage bonus when you spend an action point; Astral Vibrance lets you select Lightning, Radiance or Thunder at level 11 and deal that kind of damage to any bloodied enemy who gets too close; Weapon Training gives you free proficiency with a Heavy Blade type weapon; and Blood & Radiance means that any enemy that bloodies you is made easier to hit until the next turn. For powers, you get Astral Wave (a blast of damage based on your Astral Vibrance), Angelic Presence (scare the shit out of enemies for the rest of the encounter or until you get bloodied) and Angel Ascendant (smack someone for quintuple your normal weapon damage and gain the ability to fly for the rest of the fight).
Divine Oracle
Because of your divine connections, you're a prophet in the literal sense, making you capable of telling the future. In crunch, this means you can't be surprised (nor can any allies close by), you get to roll twice for your initiative, you get an extra move action when you burn an action point, and you get to roll twice when attacking against Will. For powers, you get Prophecy of Doom (bestow a free critical hit on a nearby target), Good Omens (you and any ally within 10 squares gets +5 to all D20 rolls for the next turn, but at the cost of being unable to inflict critical hits), and Hammer of Fate (big attack vs. Will, but if you miss, then you get to turn back time to before you used the power, at the cost of not being able to use this power again until the next encounter).
Radiant Servant
This is what you want if you're trying to play the Laser Cleric. You want to burn shit up with your beams of holy light, you take this fucker right here. Better chance of scoring critical hits with radiant powers, fry an enemy with ongoing radiant damage when you burn an action point, and undead & demons have a harder time shaking off your nasty mojo. For powers, you can disintegrate everybody around you with Solar Wrath, make a zone of holy light that heals your friends and fries undead & demons with Healing Sun, or shoot an enemy with a laser so strong that it then explodes into more lasers with Radiant Brilliance.
The blunt instrument of the PHB Cleric paths, this is for Clerics who know what they want; to get up in somebody's face, crushing skulls and ripping off balls and generally kicking ass, like a fighter, but this guy's doing it FOR THE LAWD. You deal more damage after using an action point, you can call for a reroll of a missed melee/close attack once per encounter, you get +1 to AC when wearing heavy armor, and you get a pseudo-marking ability that lets you stand in as a Defender. For powers, you get Battle Cry (smack a foe and let you & your buddies use a healing surge), Battle Favor (1/day you can regain HP as per two healing surges or recover a spent daily power by landing a critical hit) and Battle Pyres (zap all the fuckers around you, and then keep on zapping them with super-lasers until they shake off the divine target lock).
Blood Moon Stalker
Guardian of the Living Gate
Keeper of the Hidden Flame
Sky Hunter
Iron Vanguard
You specialise in taking a beating and being the last man standing. Heal hitpoints when you drop a foe, spend an action point for boosted defense or to take an action before falling unconcious at zero HP, and damage anyone you knock prone or push back. Naturally, its powers revolve around smashing enemies back with the weight of your body.
Your basic samurai-inspired weapon master, with features revolving around getting suped-up benefits from a single specialty weapon of yours. You can strike for double damage with a Masterstroke, decrease incoming damage with Ultimate Parry, or zip across the battlefield hacking down up to three foes at once with Weaponsoul Dance.
Pit Fighter
Specializing in surviving no matter the odds, a Pit Fighter is a blunt and brutal opponent. For features, you get increased AC bonus, super-charge your damage when you burn an action point, and a general boost to damage. For powers, you get All Bets Are Off (hit the same target twice in a row), Deadly Payback (gain a temporary bonus to attack and damage against the last person to damage you), and Lion of Battle (quadruple damage and, if you drop your target, you can potentially spook all enemies nearby).
Your basic Swashbuckler type paragon path. Quick, agile, and an expert with light or heavy blades. You get a bonus to AC and Reflex when you spend an action point, you can use the Containing Strike and Reaping Strike powers when you charge, and a critical hit with a light/heavy blade restores a depleted fighter encounter power. Precision Cut lets you strike for triple damage, Fantastic Flourish lets you mark a nearby enemy after you strike one, and Crescendo Sword lets you strike all the enemies next to you; hitting even one restores a depleted daily power, whilst missing still gives you back an encounter power.
Angelic Aspect
Flame of Hope
Hammer of Vengeance
Astral Weapon
You swear yourself totally to your god, becoming their avatar of wrath and vengeance upon the battlefield. Astral Judgment makes your mark more effective by penalizing defenses, Astral Rejuvenation Action lets you burn an action point to restore a paladin encounter power, and Courage From On High gives you a +2 bonus to saving throws against fear. For powers, you get Carving A Path Of Light (double damage melee strike, enemies adjacent to you give combat advantage for a turn), Pray For More (you can reroll the damage of one of your attacks once per encounter), and Astral Whirlwind (slash every enemy around you for double damage and penalized defenses, 50% chance you don't expend the power if you succeed in killing someone with it).
Champion of Order
Attempting to emphasize the Lawful Good tradition of paladins without, you know, being a lawful stupid twat, your Champion's Action means you inflict a penalty on enemy defenses if you spend an action point, In Defense of Order lets you get opportunity attacks against marked targets that don't attack you and also means you do +2D6 radiant damage against demons and elementals, and Champion's Hammer lets you ignore the resistances of demons and elementals. For powers, you get Certain Justice (smack a target and, if it was marked, you make them weak and dazed until the mark is removed), None Shall Pass (once per day, you can mark 2 enemies with Divine Challenge until the encounter ends) and Rule of Order (quadruple damage, push and weaken the target on a hit, normal damage and weaken on a miss, +2 to attack roll and +2D10 radiant damage if target has dealt a critical hit to you or an ally during this encounter).
Dabbling in the Leader role, the Hospitaler is a paladin who develops a knack for healing. Hospitaler's Blessing means that marked enemies actually heal your allies if they try to attack them, Hospitaler's Action means that you heal allies close by whenever you burn an action point, and Hospitaler's Care boosts the health restored by your Lay On Hands ability. For powers, you get Warding Blow (attack a marked enemy for double damage and let your allies make a saving throw), Healing Font (once per day, bolster yourself for the encounter so that you can freely heal an ally whenever you hit an enemy), and Life-Giving Smite (strike a foe for quadruple your weapon's damage in radiant damage, then let an ally spend a healing surge).
Trying to live up to the "knight who crusades for justice" part of the paladin theme, the Justicar gets Just Action (weaken adjacent enemies when you spend an action point), Just Spirit (adjacent allies get a free saving throw reroll each turn), and Just Shelter (adjacent allies are immune to fear, immune to charm, and get +1 to saving throws). For attacks, they can use Just Radiance (sear all marked enemies in a close burst for radiant damage and lock them into attacking you), Strike Me Instead (you can force an enemy's attack to miss a nearby ally, at the cost of being hit by it yourself, once per day) and Challenge The Unjust (huge burst of radiant damage and temporarily marking).
Battlefield Archer
The natural tie-in for archery style rangers, this paragon path is all about enhancing your ability to deal death from afar. Your Archer's Action feature lets you spend an action point to reroll a ranged attack's attack roll or damage roll, Battlefield Experience feature lets you mark multiple creatures as a quarry (and get an attack roll bonus against your quarry), and your Battle Surge feature means that taking an extra action or Arc her's Action gives you +5 AC against opportunity attacks. For powers, you get Combined Fire (freely shoot a target that an ally just attacked for triple damage), Archer's Glory (gain a bonus action point once per encounter by shooting an enemy dead) and Quarry's Bane (get to make a triple-damage on hit, knock prone if miss attack against all marked enemies in range).
Beast Stalker
Another archery style exclusive path, these rangers specialize in killing beasts and magical beasts. Beast Stalker's Action means you get a +4 bonus to attack rolls vs. quarry when you spend an action point, Chosen Prey lets you select either Beast or Magical Beasts and get +2 damage to all attacks against them, and Action Shift means that after you spend an action point, you get to shift across the battlefield as a minor action for the rest of the encounter. For powers, you get Pinpointing Arrow (a double-damage ranged attack that ignores cover, concealment, total concealment and invisibility), Hunter's Grace (you can use the result of a Stealth check instead of an Initiative roll once per day) and Beast Stalker's Target (quadruple damage and mark the target).
Restricted to two-weapon style rangers, this paragon path is kind of a muddle about what it's supposed to be, with the fluff talking about how it's a scout, but not really supporting that in crunch.For features, you get Battlehoned (+2 healing surges), Pathfinder's Action (gain an extra move action when you burn an action point), and Cruel Recovery (gain temporary hit points when you hit a marked enemy). For powers, you get Wrong Step (punish an adjacent enemy for moving/shifting with an attack that damages + immobilizes), Act Together (gain a temporary action point if an ally burns one), and Slasher's Mark (you can spend a healing surge and then chop down two enemies, marking them both).
Restricted to two-weapon style rangers, this paragon path is simple and elegant: chop shit to pieces. Enjoy. Stormwarden requires you have a melee weapon and be capable of making an opportunity attack, but if you are, then you can automatically cut an adjacent enemy. Stormstep Action lets you teleport a short distance after you spend an action point. Twin-Blade Storm is basically the same as Stormwarden, but lets you zap two adjacent enemies for lightning damage instead. For powers, you get Clearing the Ground (close burst of damage and push all enemies), Throw Caution To The Wind (once per encounter, enter a stance that trades -2 Defences for +2 to attack rolls) and Cold Steel Hurricane (shift, deal two attacks to all enemies in a close burst, regain a spent second wind).
Cat Burglar
This is your basic acrobatics-focused rogue, excelling at moving and dodging hits. Naturally, it specializes in light blades, so focus on wielding them. For features, you get Acrobatic Action (gain a bonus move action after you burn an action point), Body Control (you can reduce the distance you are moved when you get targeted by a push, pull or slide by -1 square) and Athletic Master (when you make an Athletics check, roll twice and keep the result you prefer). For powers, you got Cat Burglar's Gambit (shift to a target, strike for triple damage, then shift to any square adjacent to target), Instant Escape (once per encounter, automatically end immobilized, restrained or slowed effect and then shift 2 squares) and Redirected Death (if an enemy hits you, but there's another enemy in its reach, make that attack hit the second enemy instead and shift 1 square).
In case you didn't figure it out, this path is all about being the best rogue you can be with the humble stabbing implement. So if you're not wielding a dagger, you're not much good at this path. Daggermaster's Action lets you spend an action point to reroll a dagger's damage roll, Dagger Precision lets you crit with daggers on an 18+, and Dagger Advantage means a dagger critical hit gives you combat advantage against the mook you stabbed for a turn. For powers, you get Critical Opportunity (stab the same mook you just scored a critical hit against a second time, this time dealing triple damage), Meditation of the Blade (once per day, make your dagger's damage die increase by +1 size - so from D4 to D6, D6 to D8, etc) and Deep Dagger Wound (quadruple damage and ongoing 10 (20 on a crit) damage on a hit, double damage on a miss).
Master Infiltrator
Specializing in sneaking around, rogues on this path gain the benefits of Infiltrator's Action (free move action after spending an action point), Skillful Infiltrator (+2 to all Acrobatics, Athletics and Stealth checks) and Invisible Infiltrator (invisibility for a turn after killing or critical hitting a target of equal or higher level). For powers, they get Distracting Wound (target an enemy granting combat advantage for double damage and to extend that advantage to all allies for a turn), Impossible To Catch (become invisible for a turn once per encounter) and Painful Puncture (triple damage and ongoing 10 damage). Both of its attacks only work for a crossbow, light blade or sling, since these are fairly "stealthy" weapons.
Shadow Assassin
This paragon path is all about killing people quickly and efficiently, as only a rogue can. Like the Master Infiltrator, its path attack powers only work for a wielder using a crossbow, light blade or sling. For features, it grants Shadow Assassin's Action (gain +4 to attack rolls after spending an action point), Shadow Assassin's Riposte (inflict damage on an adjacent enemy that misses an attack against you) and Bloody Evisceration (increase Sneak Attack damage by +1d6 when attacking a Bloodied target). For powers, you got Killer's Eye (a double-damage attack that increases to triple damage if the target hasn't made any actions this encounter yet), Bad Idea, Friend (once per day, if an adjacent foe makes a melee attack against you, increase all defenses against that attack by +10, and double the damage of Shadow Assassin's Riposte) and Final Blow (target a Bloodied enemy for quintuple damage and shift towards it).
Disciple of the World Serpent
Ghost Panther
Great Bear Shaman
Spirit Tempest
Arcane Wellspring
Demonskin Adept
Dragonsoul Heir
Wild Mage
The core's Star Pact exclusive path, the Doomsayer is a creepy SOB with a focus on ill-fortune and evil fate. For features, it grants Doomsayer's Action (all enemies cursed by you take damage when you spend an action point), Doomsayer's Proclamation (enemies within 10 squares roll twice and take the lower result when making saving throws vs. fear effects) and Doomsayer's Oath (+2 to attack rolls with Fear spells when Bloodied). On the powers scale, it gives you Fates Entwined (psychic damage, and until your next turn ends, target takes damage when you get hurt), Accursed Shroud (once per day you can curse a target and force them to reroll successful attacks), and Long Fall Into Darkness (psychic damage and stun + knock prone on a hit, or daze on a miss).
The core's Fey Pact exclusive path, the Feytouched apparently represents a warlock driven delightfully mad by exposure to the fey and capable of sharing their madness with others. For features, it grants Feytouched Action (+4 to attack rolls after spending an action point), Slashing Wake (damage adjacent enemies when you teleport) and Patron's Favor (replaces Misty Step feature; roll a D6 when you drop a cursed enemy and randomly gain Misty Step, a free saving throw, a long-range teleport, +2 Speed for the next turn, or do D8s with Warlock's Curse for the next turn). Powers consist of Will of the Feywild (psychic damage, teleport the target, target makes a melee attack against a second target of your choice, target is dazed), Twilight Teleport (once per day, when a cursed creature dies, you can teleport yourself or another creature within a huge distance to the spot it occupied) and Whispers of the Fey (burst of maddening whispers; all enemies either melee attack their nearest ally or take psychic damage if that's impossible, then get dazed).
The core's Infernal Pact exclusive path, the Doomsayer is a necromancer-leaning path, as it's all about capturing and exploiting your enemies' souls. For features, you get Infernal Action (action point-fuelled bonus attacks do ongoing 5 fire damage), Collect Life Spark (when a cursed creature dies, you steal a spark of life, and can expend it as a minor action to gain a bonus determined by the original creature's type) and Sustain Life Spark (regain hit points as per a healing surge if you end a battle with more collected Life Sparks than healing surges). For powers, you get Soul Scorch (projectile of fire + necrotic damage and you can spend a life spark of the same creature type to boost the damage), Life Spark Summons (once per day, revive a collected life spark as a zombie/ghost like controllable minion), and Soultheft (blast 1-3 creatures for necrotic damage and collect the life spark of any that you kill with this attack).
Bloodwrath Guardian
Horned Champion
Storm Sentinel
Verdant Lord
Battle Captain
Specializing in inspiring his party to get the best out of them, the Battle Captain path makes your warlord better at bolstering their allies with its features, whilst still capable of cracking skulls with its powers. Burn an action point to give all allies within sight + hearing range boosted attack rolls (Battle Action), you and your allies have a bonus to attack rolls on the first turn of combat (Cry Havoc), and your Inspiring Word power boosts attack rolls and speed when you use it (Battle Inspiration). For powers, you can either knock a group of enemies flying with Force Retreat, restore an ally's spent encounter power with Bolt of Genius, or smack the skulls of every enemy next to you with Cunning Flurry.
Combat Veteran
An experienced warrior who inspires through his talents at surviving whatever his enemies may throw at him, and the knowledge he can provide to those willing to listen. Shift an ally by burning an action point (Combat Veteran's Action), +1 healing surge and heal more when you spend one (Tough as Nails), and grant an ally a saving throw in addition to health when you use Inspiring Word (Battle Healer). You can daze a foe and knock them towards your ally with Skirmish Ploy, give all your allies combat advantage against an attacker who misses you with Miss Me Once, and smack an enemy whilst giving an ally an extra action point with Superior Tactics.
Knight Commander
Specializing in leading from the front, the Knight Commander is all about leading the charge and getting up close and personal, requiring that you have proficiency with Heavy Armor to take it. Adjacent allies get an attack roll boost (Honor and Glory), burn an action point to give higher defenses to all your allies (Knight Commander's Action), and increase the damage your allies do when making opportunity attacks whilst close to you (Press of Arms). You can use Slash and Press to hit a foe for triple damage and then knock all foes adjacent to you back, use Break Their Nerve to mark an enemy, or Control the Field to hit a foe and inflict marking + ongoing damage on all enemies close by.
Sword Marshal
Focused on carving through the ranks of enemies, this path requires proficiency with the Heavy Blade category of weapons, and all of its powers and features key off of your using one. If you get a damage boost against targets you initially missed (Disciplined Blade), you can spend an action point to regain a spent encounter power (Sword Marshal's Action), and scoring a critical hit grants you and your allies combat advantage against the enemy you hit (Skewer the Weak). For powers, you can strike at two foes with Blade Flurry, use Sword Marshal's Boon to share in a power that normally only affects allies, and by using Diamond Blade of Victory, you gain bonus damage based on how many allies you have nearby.
Battle Mage
The closest that early 4e wizard had to the old Evoker specialization, a Battle Mage focuses on blowing shit up. For features, you get Arcane Riposte (you can hit a foe with an opportunity attack that deals cold, fire, force or lightning damage) and Battle Mage Action (huge bonus to attack rolls when you burn an action point) at level 11, and Battle Edge (the first time you get bloodied, you can use an At-Will power as an immediate reaction) at level 16. For powers, you get Forceful Retort (burst of damage that knocks your enemies back and to the ground), Arcane Rejuvenation (heal yourself the first time you get dropped to zero HP) and Closing Spell (blast a sizable area for cold, fire, lightning or thunder damage; vanilla damage is 3D10, but it increases to 8D10 if this is the last daily spell you can cast).
Blood Mage
By tapping into the power of their own blood, a blood mage becomes a source of pain for their enemies. Your level 11 featuers are Blood Action (an action point-fuelled attack does ongoing damage) and Bolstering Blood (take up to 2D10 damage whilst using a spell to inflict that much extra psychic damage on the spell's targets), whilstl at level 16 you get Burning Blood (inflict psychic damage and ongoing fire damage on any enemies within 10 squares when you use your second wind). Blood Pulse is an encounter power that splatters a burst across a distant area, causing damage and making the victims take more damage as they move. Soul Burn is a daily utility power that lets you spend a healing surge to restore a spent encounter power. Destructive Salutation is an extremely powerful ranged burst of psychic and ongoing psychic damage.
Spellstorm Mage
Trying to channel the power of raw magic, a Spellstorm Mage gets extra damage to its attacks after using an action point (Extra Damage Action), can make a Wisdom check once per day to recover a random encounter or daily spell with its Storm Spell feature, and the first time they get bloodied, they unleash their Storm Fury and zap all their enemies for lightning damage. Storm Cage is a spell that blasts an area with thunder & lightning before forming a temporary cage that electrocutes anyone who tries to escape. Sudden Storm is a sustainable utility power that lets the wizard conjure up a violent storm to create difficult terrain, and Malestrom of Chaos is a huge burst of force damage and enemy teleportation.
Wizard of the Spiral Tower
An attempt to do a gish class in PHB1, this would later be surpassed by the Swordmage class. For features, you get to use a Longsword as an implement of your choice (Corellon's Implement), Spiral Tower Action lets you burn an action point to regain a spent encounter power, and Radiant Censure makes enemies take radiant damage if they try and attack your Will. For spells, you get the One Sword (strike with your sword for double damage, and on a successful secondary attack you daze them and don't expend the spell), Shape the Dream (nullify an attack vs. Will once per day) and Corellon's Blade (strike all close-by enemies for triple sword damage and teleport them out of your way for a turn).
Racial Paragon Paths
Restricted to changelings, boosts the changeling's natural talent for shapeshifting and makes even their abilities take on a new form. The entire path centers around hijacking abilities from allies, from trained skills to even powers, all at the cost of an extended rest.
Ancestral Incarnate
Restricted to devas, this path focuses on tapping into and enhancing the deva's connection to its many past incarnations. You can regain an encounter power whenever you spend an AP, a benefit when doing rituals, and each of your powers use your past lives as resources/minions.
Dark Star
Restricted to devas who want to redeem themselves for a past lifetime of evil. Several abilities benefit off using the deva racial power, with some abilities granting necrotic damage.
Heavenly Deceiver
Restricted to devas who want to travel the less honorable path. All the powers focus on making illusions while you move about to confuse the enemy further.
Adamant Instructor
Restricted to Dragonborn in any divine class, this grants them some support and leader-like abilities. The breath weapon deals partial thunder damage, and pushes the target. The powers similarly either boost allies or inflict a condition on the enemy.
Scion of Arkhosia
Restricted to dragonborn, this power taps into their draconic might, making them increasingly dragon-like. Its Versatile Breath feature lets a dragonborn do two kinds of damage with its breath weapon, with both of its attack powers likewise augmenting the versatility of said weapon (Dragon's Wrath allowing it to spit a fireball-like ranged burst of breath weapon once per encounter, Clinging Breath allowing its breath weapon to do ongoing damage once per day) and with its action point feature, Draconic Overburst, causing all adjacent foes to take breath weapon damage when a dragonborn uses an action point to make an extra attack. Meanwhile, the Blood of Io feature gives a dragonborn an Overland Flight speed of 12, building on from its Dragon Wings (at-will short-ranged flight) utility power.
Argentum Alliance
Restricted dragonborn, this signifies the player as an agent of a powerful silver dragon. This path does focus on more defender stuff. AP usage for attacks now mark enemies, the breath weapon deals partial cold damage, and powers either immobilize an enemy or keep the heat off an ally.
Fear Walker
Restricted to dragonborn who have the Dragonfear ability. As expected, all the abilities focus on using the Fear keyword, either by damage or by making the enemy unable to face the Fear Walker.
Glee Born
Restricted to dragonborn of arcane classes and an uncharacteristically cheery demeanor. The path does nothing for the breath weapon, but it does involve hopping around and messing with anything it comes across with all sorts of penalties.
Inner Dragon
Restricted to dragonborn fighters who want to merge all the bloodied boons of dragonborn with the tankiness of fighters. An AP can use the breath weapon, one power hurts whoever hurt the Inner Dragon, and one power even drops them to Bloodied immediately to gain THP and all the frenzy.
Restricted to drow that find themselves in Lolth's service. This grants a bonus and an AP recharge for either Lolthtouched racial power, and powers that open up adversaries to even worse punishment.
Dread Fang
Restricted to drow rogues, it's pretty recommended that the rogue specialize in light blades and crossbows (Proficiencies granted to all drow). The abilities boost Sneak attack, while the powers all seem to require multi-attacking. At the very least, they have a utility power that gives AC vs. opportunity attacks.
=Drow Wanderer
Restricted to drow (DUH) who are trained in Dungeoneering. This path focuses more on survival and gaining advantages over the opposition, though without any real ties to any class. At lest there's a +2 to Initiative and a power that uses Cloud of Darkness as a weapon.
Dwarven Defender
Restricted to dwarf fighters, building upon the theme of the stalwart protector. Every feature is meant to limit how far allies move, while the attacks knock around enemies.
Earthheart Defender
Restricted to dwarf fighters and paladins, granting the dwarf the strength and durability of stone. Several abilities and powers all key off being bloodied to gain offensive and defensive boons, so keeping to the front can maximize their usefulness.
Firstborn of Moradin
Restricted to dwarves, this path builds on the legendary durability and determination of their kind. All their abilities are made to ensure that they take whatever the worst is and keep on fighting.
Azure Guard
Restricted to elves or eladrin who worship Corellon to fight off the enemies of all pointy ears. There's a blend of arcane and divine present, and a lot of the powers focus on teleporting. Thankfully, you also gain a boost to Initiative as part of the shindig.
Blade Banshee
Restricted to eladrin rangers, though this path prefers those who dual-wield. All the powers require use of a longsword and another weapon (though only one of them really has a chance of using those weapons), with all the features granting more damage whenever you use both weapons.
Blade of Cendriane
Restricted to eladrin rangers, serving as the last members of a lost kingdom. Though this path has less preference for what style is used, one power requires use dual wielding. This path instead focuses on teleportation, with each power either teleporting the ranger or his enemies, while spending an AP grants a teleport of its own.
Bralani Wintersoul
Restricted to eladrin with a wintry mix. Everything this path does has cold damage and other penalties to enemies. Even standing near the Wintersoul can be dangerous as enemies get slower when nearby. Combine with Frost cheese for maximum evil.
Shiere Knight
Restricted to eladrin, this path increases their inherent fae powers, and commonly signifies nobility amongst their kind.
Darkening Blade
Restricted to those with the Dusk Elf Stealth feat, (thus meaning you need either an elf, half-elf, or possibly even a revenant elf) now with some extra tricks to use all underhandedly and sneakily. The powers grant either invisibility or concealment, and one ability grants insubstantial when running or charging.
Twilight Guardian
Restricted to elves, this path strengthens an elf's connection to the wilderness, building into their lore as mysterious and magical defenders of the woods.
Concordant Leader
Restricted to genasi warlords, this path focuses on the elemental chaos prevalent in the genasi. The Leader now has an additional elemental manifestation and can focus on messing with the elemental resistances of others. An ally can even benefit from a manifestation and power for a battle in order to bolster a certain type of damage.
Desert's Voice
Restricted to genasi, though this path grants a new manifestation like the Concordant Leader, this one grants only a limited choice of powers and actually grants a boost based on which one you chose. The Voice also gains proficiency with Totems, which a lot of their powers use, so enjoy some good ol' AOE.
Element Unchained
Restricted to genasi who want to avoid being locked down anywhere. Each power and several abilities all focus on either teleporting, vanishing from the field, or removing effects that would hamper movement. The only real elemental abilities are level 11 attack and the ability to make all encounter and daily attacks inflict the damage type the Element resists.
Elemental Tempest
Restricted to genasi with the Extra Manifestation feat (so they can choose one of two types of damage to resist). Well, now they can resist both damage types and use either racial power, while spending an AP can turn them into yet another type. The powers granted by this path also grant a specific damage type based on the present manifestation.
Enemy of the Abyss
Restricted to genasi with corrupted manifestations (so caustic, cinder, plague, and voidsouls) who seek revenge on the abyss that corrupted them. This path gives a little bit of everything with each ability, and can hurt demons even harder by ignoring resistances.
Fey Beguiler
Restricted to gnomes, this path builds on their natural talents for illusion and misdirection, combined with their intelligence, for a truly sneaky and deceptive being. They gain a few tricks from the Rogue and Wizard, one ability allows them to vanish, and the other recharges their racial power, so all they need is to be annoying more than threatening...though that would certainly help too.
Gnome Nightcloak
Restricted to [[gnome] paladins trained in stealth (weird combo). This path strikes a curious balance between being sneaky like a gnome is wont to do with the defensive power a paladin offers. What results is the ability to teleport around to strike enemies or make allies invisible.
Goliath Juggernaut
Restricted to goliaths who have a massive hankering for chaos. These brutes gain extra HP and defenses while also learning how to knock enemies down for the count.
Goliath Thug
Restricted to goliaths who want to be more sturdy. They are prone to gaining resistances and finding ways to make enemies scared to take the Thug on. Rogues might find good uses from these abilities.
Restricted to goliaths, this path strengthens their connection to the earth, making them more like living stone.
Half-Elf Emissary
Restricted to half-elf bards, this path works a lot with making an advantage out of every situation. Their group diplomacy trait gains a ramp up, healing gets a boost, and an AP can grant allies a bonus to all defenses as well a bonus use of the dilettante ability.
Half-Elf Polymath
Restricted to half-elves who make a lot of use from their dilettante ability. This path is but an extension of that, with new skills, a free at-will from any class, and a daily that hijacks at-wills from other allies.
Bloodfury Savage
Restricted to half-orcs, this path allows them to truly master and hone the savage fury and bloodlust they inherit from their orcish progenitors. This translates to resist all while using the racial power and powers that all intend to ramp up the pain train. Honestly, a Barbarian can feel right at home with this path.
Halfling Bounder
Restricted to halfling fighters. This path makes use of the halfling's mobility by giving ways to shift around and sticking to enemies when they least want it.
Halfling Quickblade
Restricted to halfling rogues who focus on the alpha strike. Between a Charisma boost to Initiative, a bonus to First Strike, and a power that hits two enemies, the Quickblade's goal is to soften things up early and then make themselves as annoying as possible after turn 1.
Halfling Scoundrel
Restricted to halflings, this path enhances a halfling's ability to charm, swindle and sneak their way out of danger. Their abilities can give boosts to skill checks and attacks that distract the enemy from bigger threats.
Adroit Explorer
Restricted to humans, this path focuses on promoting a human's natural traits; ambition, courage, and sheer bloody-minded determination. They gain extra perks, the chance to use a single encounter power twice (or use a whole new encounter power), the prequel to Heroic Effort, and to top it all off, two Action Points whenever you take a long rest.
Beastblooded Minotaur
Restricted to minotaurs, this path has some insidious influences by Baphomet. It grants some big oomph in combat between some bonuses on the charge, a free attack when bloodied, and an eventual boost in speed and reach, but with no downsides for being bigger.
Blooded Champion
Restricted to minotaurs who want to go all-in with the horns. Spending an AP for a Second Wind can recharge the usage of Goring Charge, while spending it for an attack while blooded grants THP. The powers granted all focus on keeping in the enemy's face, while the capstone feature pretty much makes killing them harder as they'll only fall unconscious ad 0 or less HP when they fail a death save.
Champion of the Labyrinth
Restricted to minotaurs who want something less all-offense and want to follow the Greek myth of the minotaur more closely. The features all have little to do with pure combat, while the powers have ways to cut off a fleeing enemy.
Avenging Haunt
Restricted to revenants, this path focuses on the unnatural durability being undead grants. Anyone who hits them takes damage, reducing them to dying makes them slightly stronger, and even that will eventually fail to stop them. The other big draw this path gives is the ability to turn insubstantial, which is always spookily awesome.
Restricted to shadar-kai, this path can be better summarized as "Rattling: The PP". No, seriously, all the features and powers either have the Rattling keyword or give benefits to those that do have it. The neatest part of this path is the level 12 utility, which rolls Intimidate vs. Will to grant Combat Advantage to the Doomspeaker, and the power's regained when a crit is scored.
Restricted to shardminds, this path brings about a special sort of unity formed by assembling thousands of splinters of willpower into a grander being. Crystalminds gain new skills, a possible spare use of Shard Swarm, and some powers that allow the chance to strike at unexpected angles. They can even make body doubles, which is awesome.
Restricted to shardminds who have pieces of the Living Gate inside them. This path is very defender-themed, as it does everything it can to make being nearby the Living Gate irritating. The worst of it is their capstone power, where they can make enemies literally vanish - until they make a save.
Bloodfury Hunter
Restricted to shifter rangers with no preference to variant or class features with a predilection towards the savage. The path grants some tricks to use while using the shifting power. The issue is that one power can take HP to deal bonus damage, while another grants Combat Advantage to all enemies while gaining Wis to all damage until the Hunter is unbloodied.
Restricted to shifters, this path focuses on tapping into their primordial ancestry, allowing them increased powers of shapeshifting.
Broken Mirror
Restricted to tieflings with the mantle of misfortune feat (an encounter power that makes enemies miss more often and get slid around for failing) and going the next step with a newfound non-demonic power. This path grants a bonus use of the feat in question, while granting either more bad luck juju or knocking the enemy on their ass.
Hell's Keeper
Restricted to tieflings of any divine class who want to lock up all the bad things in hell. A big focus of their abilities is locking up enemies with either difficult terrain or the restrained condition. Their worst power is their capstone, which banishes the enemy to hell for torment (until they save) and even if they miss, the enemy can't teleport and is immobilized.
Hellborn Shadow
Restricted to tiefling rangers with the Hunter's Quarry feature and a preference for dual-wielding. The powers grant concealment and the features focus on the quarry, so the main plan is to target a key adversary and make sure they die as soon as they can.
Infernal Eye
Restricted to tieflings of any psionic class who went all Nietzsche by staring into the abyss of hell. This path is interesting between the ability to take back a power that misses even one enemy, several skills falling under one key stat, and some boosts for allies.
Turathi Highborn
Restricted to tieflings, this path allows them to tap both the arrogant determination of Bael Turath and their infernal taint for greater power.
Other Paragon Paths
Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Classes | ||
Player's Handbook 1 | Cleric • Fighter • Paladin • Ranger • Rogue • Warlock • Warlord • Wizard | |
Player's Handbook 2 | Avenger • Barbarian • Bard • Druid • Invoker • Shaman • Sorcerer • Warden | |
Player's Handbook 3 | Ardent • Battlemind • Monk • Psion • Runepriest • Seeker | |
Heroes of X | Blackguard* • Binder* • Cavalier* • Elementalist* • Hexblade* • Hunter* • Mage* • Knight* • Protector* • Scout* • Sentinel* • Skald* • Slayer* • Sha'ir* • Thief* • Vampire* • Warpriest* • Witch* | |
Settings Book | Artificer • Bladesinger* • Swordmage | |
Dragon Magazine | Assassin | |
Others | Paragon Path • Epic Destiny | |
*·: Non-AEDU variant classes |