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One of the planes in the Multiverse of Magic: The Gathering. It is typified by an oily, bio-mechanical aesthetic that would give H. R. Giger nightmares.

Old Phyrexia

Phyrexia was originally created by a Planeswalker of unknown name and origin; all that was known about him is that he preferred to take the form of a dragon. And before you ask, no he was not Nicol Bolas. The plane was found by a Planeswalker called Dyfed after the death of its creator. She shared her discovery with the then-leader of the Thran Empire: a man named Yawgmoth.

This went as well as you expected.

Shattering a powerstone and using their power to create a permanent portal between Dominaria and Phyrexia, Phyrexia was to be a paradise, a hospital for those infected by phtisis and the world where Yawgmoth would rule as a god. His plan both did and Not as Planned did not work: he and his followers were locked away when Rebbec, one of the last Thran not under Yawgmoth's command, rejoined the soulstones that powered the portal and jailed the Ineffable in his plane.

New Phyrexia

Unfortunately for the Multiverse, Phyrexia's obliteration was not complete. A drop of oil found itself in the heart of the golem Karn, himself at the heart of the plane of Mirrodin. This oil multiplied and infected the plane, slowly "compleating" it into a new Phyrexia. The people of Mirrodin found themselves at war for the future of their plane.

Without Yawgmoth, five generals (the Praetors) rose to the top of New Phyrexia, each descended from one of the five colors of magic. They are:

  • Elesh Norn (White), Grand Cenobite of the Machine Orthodoxy and /tg/'s waifu.
  • Jin-Gitaxias (Blue), Core Augur of the Progress Engine.
  • Sheoldred (Black), Whispering One, leader of the Seven Steel Thanes, and also /tg/'s waifu.
  • Urabrask the Hidden (Red), praetor of the Quiet Furnace, secret ally (or at least not-enemy) of the Mirrans living in his territory.
  • Vorinclex (Green), Voice of Hunger, praetor of the Vicious Swarm.

To make a long story short, they won. The only surviving Mirrans are either off-plane, compleated, or hiding in the Furnace.