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For our purposes Prehistory refers to the history of the Earth from it's accretion to the emergence of Humanity.

Hadean Eon

4.54-4 billion years ago.

The Newly formed Earth was a hellscape of volcanoes, lava flows and toxic gases. Another planet called Theia crashed into the earth, with the ejecta kicked up by the impact forming our Moon.

Archaen Eon

  • 4 to 2.5 billion years ago

Things calm down and cool off, with vulcanism slowly declining. The soup of toxic volcanic gasses give rise to massive rainstorms which fill up the oceans. From this churning chemical soup heated by geothermal vents emerge organic chemicals, some of which form into complex structures and some of which begin to replicate. Eventually giving rise to the earliest life-forms, simple single celled creatures floating about in the ocean.

Proterozoic Period

  • 2.5 billion to 540 million years ago

At this point, some single cell develops a capacity to use sunlight to make sugar from carbon dioxide and water. This gives them an edge over those cells which just float around for whatever bit of odd chemical energy they can scrounge up and they fill the seas with these Cyanobacteria. They change the atmosphere, filling it with oxygen and eventually cause a massive ice age. This was a set back, but life slowly continued to refine itself in this period.

Ediarcaran Period

  • 638 to 540 million years ago

Earth gradually gets more hospitable to life and basic multicellular life begins to emerge bit by bit.

Phanerozoic Eon

The Period in Earth's History in which life really takes off and (unless you are really into micro-organisms) gets interesting.

Cambrian Period

  • 540 to 485 million years ago

There's an explosion in diversity in multicellular life in the seas. Large numbers of invertibrates and the ancestors of every major branch of the tree of life emerge along with a bunch of others which would eventually fade away or be wiped out. A lot of really strange body plans like Anomalocaris and Opabinia get tried out. Hell, one Cambrian critter was named Hallucigenia because paleontologists could literally not make heads or tails of it.

Ordovician Period

  • 485 to 444 million years ago

Still a lot of weird critters swimming about in the seas, but the biggest thing at this time were Sea-Bugs. Arthropoids were doing very well at that time, most notably Eurypterids. Imagine a 2.5 meter long giant sea scorpion. There were also (among other things) a lot of early molluscs such as Orthocones and some rather derpy primitive fish. Fumbling tadpole shaped things with fleshy tails, a lot of boney armor and jawless mouths.

Ends with the Late Ordovician Extinction Event. The first of five such mass extinctions.

Silurian Period

  • 444 to 420 million years ago

The first plants begin to show up on land in swamps and gradually begin to turn muddy swamps and eventually dry deserts green.

Devonian Period

  • 420 to 360 million years ago

Carboniferous Period

  • 360 to 299 million years ago

Permian Period

  • 299 to 252 million years ago

Triassic Period

  • 252 to 201 million years ago

Jurassic Period

  • 201 to 145 million yeas ago

Cretaceous Period

  • 145 to 66 million years ago

Cenozoic Period

  • 66 million years ago to know

The Appeal of Prehistory

In short, it's quite amazing what life-forms that we've discovered in the geological record. Dinosaurs may be the most famous, but they are just the tip of the iceberg. In the last few decades our understanding of this time period has exploded and we've developed a remarkably complete picture of the history of life on earth. From the strange early animals of the Ediacaran and Cambrian to monster sea creatures to early tetrapods, swift land crocodiles and huge hairy beasts there is an amazing diversity of creatures to be inspired by.

Similarly, having an understanding of life's history from simple replicators to Us is a useful asset in crafting the biology of your own world. The relationships between predators and prey, mass extinctions leading to a sudden contraction of biodiversity to be repopulated elsewhere and the pressures which lead simple tree shrews to develop big brains, dexterous hands, walk the earth and eventually tame it is a good tool if you want to design an alien race or biosphere which is both exotic and believable.

Another source of inspiration is that of speculative evolution. Imagine if the Asteroid that wiped out the Dinosaurs never happened, What would the Earth look like today? A wilder speculation would be about lost civilizations of Dinosaurs and similar in earth's geological past.

Stone Age inspired Games, Factions and Settings

Historical Time Periods
Deep Time: Prehistory
Premodern: Stone Age - Bronze Age - Classical Period - Dark Age - High Middle Ages - Renaissance
Modern: Age of Enlightenment - Industrial Revolution - The World Wars - The Cold War - Post-Cold War